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Things to Remember when you are Scared of Being Alone

We all are scared of one thing or other. It is quite common to be scared of being alone. There could be many reasons for it. Despite the reasons, remember that you are not alone in this. Always open up to someone about your feelings. If feelings are bottled up for a long, they can damage your mental well-being. If you are scared of being alone, then you should reach out for professional help. You can get in touch with the team at FeelHeard for receiving professional help. To know more visit: https://feel-heard.co.uk/loneliness-and-isolation-what-causes-them-and-how-can-they-be-prevented/

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Things to Remember when you are Scared of Being Alone

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  1. Things to Remember when you are Scared of Being Alone Accept what there is and let go of what was in the past while keeping in faith for the future; well, it might not seem easy, but it can truly help you find the relief you need for a racing mind. Sometimes, no matter what you try, it all seems to be not worth it, and we end up with the fear of being misunderstood and scared of being alone. So, what to do? How to escape this endless loop of horror that can be seen just by us and none other? You might wish someone else to see it too and wonder to feel better, but can you? It becomes difficult, but when you start to see things differently

  2. and follow the path of self-exploration, courage, and patience, it can be possible to reach at least the other half of the statement. To do so, there are certain things that you start to follow in life, like the ones discussed below. Give a read, and hopefully, the statement, “I feel misunderstood and alone”, can change to “I feel better, content, and confident”. ● ·We are all in it together It is important to understand that even the happiest and the most positive person in your life have a time when they feel alone and like nothing is okay. However, they have their ways to get out of it and shine bright again. Just because they do not show this doesn’t mean they do not have a dark side, but they make efforts, and so should all. So, the next time you are scared of being alone, talk to someone; as you know, none haven’t been through this phase before. We are all in it together. ● ·Lowlights are dismissed, Highlights are Topped Yes, checking on social media websites, we might feel what an awesome life people have and what glamour they enjoy but guess what, these are just the highlights. No one shares lowlights. Life is not all sunshine, but it has a mix of nightshade too. Remember this, and next time, you will feel better. ● ·It is okay to be where you are right now- Don’t feel Scared of Being Alone

  3. Sometimes we think we must make big progress, move forward and look into the ray of light but guess what? We all need that pausing. This pause is when we start to feel alone and lost but guess this is the time we can use to figure out things and re-evaluate what we thought we wished to have. It would be a great help to let ourselves rest within the knowledge that time is normal and natural rather than constantly poking ourselves to move forward and make progress. ● Change comes with Mess Sometimes we do not feel better until we have a little or a big meltdown. Know that change or shifting to something different means that we have to let go of certain things and allow them to melt away, and this sure will be messy, and at times, you might end up feeling, “I feel misunderstood and alone.” Now, this is when you need to understand that you are not expected to be someone everyone else expects you to be. It is okay to question and find your true self instead of giving in to what expect of you. Take the time, take that space, and allow the freedom to come in. It will help in choosing thoughts and your actions too. It will be messy, and you will have meltdowns, but it will help you to let go of things you do not need and focus on what you want. ● Beginnings sometimes feel like ends We do not notice many things when we start something new, like a relationship, a school year, or a summer break. We do not recognize the end before the beginning, and that ending comes with a lot of sadness and fear of being misunderstood or a feeling of loneliness. However, eventually,

  4. such feelings transformed right, and the ending presented a way to the newer beginnings. ● Feelings Heal Us The emotion that arises when having a fear of being misunderstood, alone, or lost is what we need to properly heal us. It helps to guide us in moving forward while we let go of the expectations and allow ourselves to heal the misunderstandings. Now, without the sadness, one can never spot it, so it is only after rain and darkness that the sunlight finally kicks in again. Connect with FeelHeard to get Needed Help FeelHeard is a safe space where you need urgent attention or help. Working like an institution for many, the purely listening services of FeelHeard offer the needed emotional support for anyone who feels isolated or lonely. The best is that you get to talk to the same person when you connect, allowing you not to explain repeatedly the reasons for your “I feel misunderstood and alone” feelings. By all means, of building relationships, every professional at FeelHeard will make sure to offer the best. If needed, you can join “The Society for Deep Thinkers” to get information on societal issues and human nature issues. It will also allow like-minded to come along. So, the choice is yours. Come join us to be a part of a larger community and have a feeling of belonging.

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