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Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) FUTURE OF ICT & THE SERVICES SECTOR & ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE KAMPALA INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PARK (KIBP). Kafu Hall, Serena Conference Center 6 th Nov. 2006 By Ignatius Kakembo-Ntambi CEO, Latest Technology International Limited Tel: 041-267 974/ 0772-436 561
Uganda Investment Authority (UIA)FUTURE OF ICT & THE SERVICES SECTOR & ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE KAMPALA INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PARK (KIBP) Kafu Hall, Serena Conference Center 6th Nov. 2006 By Ignatius Kakembo-Ntambi CEO, Latest Technology International Limited Tel: 041-267 974/ 0772-436 561 Email: kakembon@yahoo.com/ikntambi@lti.co.ug
Background • The KIBP - An intelligent government intervention into business processes in the selected 6 business clusters. • Objective: To identify the infrastructural needs of the ICT & Services sector & other support needed from government for the sector to emerge. • The challenge: What are the most appropriate government interventions (non-financial!) to enable the identified 6 sectors emerge? • Members: Invited to debate and identify enablers to satisfy the demands of the businesses to facilitate their emergence.
Introduction • ICT is an industry in its own right and an enabler of other sectors of the economy. • Uganda is Land-locked, not e-locked. • Today’s digital watch has more processing power than all the computers of the 1950’s put together!!!
ICT Policy (2004) • Government recognises the important role played by ICT & is commitment to champion the development & use of ICT in Uganda • Vision – National development driven by efficient utility of ICT • Goal – Achieve quantifiable impact throughout Uganda within 10 years • Objectives – 14 Policy objectives
ICT Master Plan for e-governance (by Mega-Tech – Aug’06, funded by US Trade & Dev Agency) 1. Foundation - Establish Foundation (2006-07) • Establish NICTS as Program Management Office for ICT • Establish Agency Counterparts • Define and approve target architecture • Establish coordinated budgeting and capital planning processes
(Cont.)2. Adoption - Drive Adoption and Utilization (2008-09) • Transition to target architecture • Implement/Maintain Common Solutions • Promote and cultivate technical staff
(Cont.)3. Transformation - Realize Government Wide Transformation (2010-2011) • Extend network (MPLS) • Expand ICT solutions • Pursue Additional Collaboration Areas identified in National ICT Strategy What is on the Ground?
What is on the ground? • There was an attempt thru the World Bank sponsored Infrastructure Agenda Project to estimate the no. of PCs in use in Uganda in 2002. • Could be 50K or more today!!(?). There is need to establish the current level of computerisation in the country. • E-government study established those in govt in 2005 at approx 17K! • Private sector esp. Financial, leisure & insurance have computerised many of their operations!
COMMUNICATIONS SECTOR COMPARATIVE FIGURES FOR THE PERIOD DECEMBER 1996 TO JUNE 2006 (UCC Website, comperative figures for PCs not available)
Who are the major players in the ICT Sector in Uganda? • Government for Policy, Legal & Regulatory Frame works, manpower, etc • National Regulators (UCC, NPA, NITA, BC, IMC) • UIA for Investment and ICT Strategic Intervention Programs • UNCST
Public and Private Education Institutions. for skills development • National Telecom Operators for backbone infrastructure and Connectivity. (uganda telecom, MTN, Celtel, etc) • VSAT International Data Gateway Operators • PSP & ISPs
Public Internet Access Providers (Cyber cafes) • FM Radio Stations • Private Television Stations • Private Radio Communications users
Courier Services Providers • National Postal Services Operators • Networked Society • Computer Systems Suppliers (hardware & software vendors)
Regulatory Framework & Investment Climate Issues • Zero taxes incl. VAT on import of some ICT equipment • Tax exemption needs to be extended to all ICT equipment • What more?
Industrial Clustering: The Theory • No coy captures all the economic benefits of its innovation process; • “Spillovers” can be captured by other coys; • Geographical proximity of coys increases the potential of capture; and • A supportive local infrastructure nurtures the process.
ICT & Services Sector Cluster is Knowledge-Based • Could be: • region(Silicon Valley, USA) • technopole(Ottawa, Canada) • industrial research park(Hsinchu, Taiwan) • business & industrial promotion (India et al) • Common features:proximity and linkages among the players.
Operational Units within the ICT & Services Sector Cluster • Technology Transfer • Business Development & Market Enabling • Incubation Center • IT Center for Industry • Research & Development • Specialised Programs set up with technology & business partners like centers of excellence for computer security, database technology competency center, software standards, etc • Technical & business infrastructure including office space
Overall Activities of the ICT & Services Sector Cluster at the KIBP • Data Entry, Call Centre & Software process improvement • Market enabling: visits, networking functions, missions • Business match-making • Funding coordination (thru venture capital investor, angel investors, banks, etc.) • Business and legal information service • Back Office operations & Software start-up incubation
To nurture technology ideas into commercial successes • To provide workspace & supportive environments to ICT entrepreneurs at startup & during early stages of their businesses • To enlist support from successful business people to act as mentors, judges, instructors, etc to new start-ups.
Formal training (technical and non-technical) • Seminars/ conferences/ workshops • Exhibition/trade events • Excellence/competency centers operation • Technology community events
Support of Specific Local Strengths and Assets • Technological strengths (universities, government research institutions and major firms); • Local market strengths (e.g. government procurement, banking); & • Social, cultural and entertainment infrastructure are important assets because skilled people are ‘Foot-Loose’ and migrate to areas with good quality of life.
Components of a successful ICT & Services Cluster • 1. ICT Champions are Important that have Entrepreneurial Drive • Central to firms and cluster development; • Individuals whether they are growing firms or in supporting organizations and • Where it is weak clusters stagnate.
Components of a successful ICT & Services Cluster (Cont) • 2. Funding – Need Various Sources of Financing • Full spectrum of funding instruments is needed; • Angel and venture capital and government funds at the start-up phase; and • Debt/equity instruments for the growth where $1 of working capital is needed to support $1 of sales.
Components of a successful ICT & Services Cluster (Cont) • 3. Information Networks which can be: • Informalwhere the focus is on the transfer of tacit knowledge • Formal(e.g. ICT Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Govt institutions) • Where such structures are weak clustering suffers
Components of a successful ICT & Services Cluster (Cont) • 4. Educational & Research Institutions • Necessary to provide skilled people and technological expertise; • But, not sufficient for success unless there are strong linkages to industry (e.g. Silicon Valley); and • Where linkages are weak clustering stagnates
Components of a successful ICT & Services Cluster (Cont) • 5. Staying Power • It can take 10 (+) years for a cluster to reach maturity; • Growth can be supported through sustained government support; and • Growth can also be accelerated by attracting investment by multinational companies.
Vision of the KIBP for the ICT & services sector To put in place a sustainable 1st rate facility that supports entrepreneurs to create world class ICT services as well as make ICT an enabler for the other sectors in the Ugandan economy.
What KIBP can bring to the ICT & Services Sector: • Provide a facility for ICT business incubation for export-oriented ICT firms in Uganda for data entry, call centres, and software development. • Improve quality standards of local ICT companies to international levels-through software process improvement frameworks. • Promote transfer of relevant technologies for the software industry - directed at professionals and management levels.
Promote capability building for mature companies and incubation of new start-up ICT entrepreneurs. • Promote new market opportunities for local software businesses at domestic and international levels, including business match-making, collaboration, finding new market channels & funding sources. • Promote use of IT, especially through use of appropriate software, in all sectors of the economy to increase productivity and competitiveness
Facilities required for the ICT & Services Sector in KIBP • Intelligent Building with High Speed Broadband Internet connectivity • Continuous Power supply on 24x7 basis (solar, wind) • Fully enabled Incubation & marketing functionality • Design KIBP as an intelligent facility with Broadband Internet availability ‘everywhere’ • Provide meeting rooms/ conference facilities, entertainment, sports, etc
Conclusion • Success of ICT & services cluster is based on private sector’s (both entrepreneurs and vendors) continuing support of its operations • The KIBP will provide the initial experiences for the govt in getting directly involved with hitech niche areas of the ICT industry. It will provide a very good basis for evaluation to measure the performance of its many roles. • This will enable further focusing of ICT services not only for export services but also in addressing the needs of local businesses, industries & agriculture especially the 6 key clusters present in KIBP.
Conclusion (cont.) • On successful implementation of KIBP, there will be opportunities for duplication of a similar effort in other parts of Uganda for the different sectors. • The ICT Cluster will get software and other service providers involved deeper and enable faster growth and competitiveness of other business sectors in Uganda. • Will enable the government to understand the business needs of the sector and be able to come up with appropriate responses in a timely fashion.
Finally Thank you & good Brainstorming!