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f you are an IT professional and you are trying to improve your career opportunities, then you should consider clearing the Certified Professional Contract Manager CPCM exam. With the help of the NCMA CPCM Exam Dumps PDF provided by Exams4success, you can easily pass the exam on your first attempt. We are offering the best NCMA CPCM questions that you can use to prepare for the real exam. We highly recommend you go through all of the NCMA CPCM exam dumps in pdf format so you can easily get the best results. If you are going through our NCMA CPCM exam dumps preparation material thoroughly

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  1. NCMA CPCM Questions & Answers Certified Professional Contract Manager (Demo Version - Limited Content)

  2. Questjons & Answers PDF Page 2 Questjon: 1 The solicitatjon specifjcatjons and statement of work contain: A. Administratjve requirements B. Technical requirements C. Company policy D. Pricing contracts Answer: B Questjon: 2 The range between the extremes of an optjmistjc and pessimistjc predictjon about future costs is called range of: A. Possible costs B. Final costs C. Scope costs D. Limit costs Answer: A Questjon: 3 The risk avoiding buyer wants to minimize the risk of agreeing to a higher price than necessary to cover the buyer’s costs plus a reasonable profjt. A. True B. False Answer: B Questjon: 4 Who avoid the risk of agreeing to the price that may not cover its actual performance costs or allow a reasonable profjt? A. Risk avoiding buyer B. Business professional C. Risk avoiding seller D. Technical personnel https://www.exams4success.com

  3. Questjons & Answers PDF Page 3 Answer: C Questjon: 5 ____________ occur when the work has not changed, but it costs more than antjcipated. A. Cost Growth B. Unpredictable cost C. Extra cost D. Cost overruns Answer: D Questjon: 6 The pricing arrangements fall into which of the following categories: A. Fixed-price B. cost-reimbursement C. Time-and-material contracts D. All of the above Answer: D Questjon: 7 A pre-contract agreement that merely communicates any agreed-to terms and conditjons that will apply when an order is placed by the buyer is known as: A. Macro agreement B. Universal agreement C. Fixed agreement D. Approved agreement Answer: B Questjon: 8 What clause can provide for price increases based on the seller’s costs but not on the seller’s decision to increase the prices of its products and services? A. Economic price adjustment B. Variable-price adjustment C. Prices & Taxes adjustment D. Appropriate price adjustment https://www.exams4success.com

  4. Questjons & Answers PDF Page 4 Answer: A Questjon: 9 Governments commonly use what type of contracts when contractjng with universitjes and non- profjt organizatjons for research projects? A. Writuen contracts B. Variable contracts C. Cost reimbursement contracts D. Cost sharing contracts Answer: C Questjon: 10 The cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost contract provides for the seller to receive reimbursement for its actual cost and a profjt component, called __________, equal to some predetermined percentage of its actual costs. A. fee B. statement C. penalty D. None of the above Answer: A Questjon: 11 Which of the following has the fundamental purpose to motjvate desired performance in one or more specifjc areas? A. Contract incentjve B. Contract pricing C. Objectjve incentjve D. Contract penaltjes Answer: A Questjon: 12 Those incentjves that use predetermined formula-based methods to calculate the amount of incentjve, either positjve or negatjve, in one or more designated areas are called: A. Objectjvely-based and evaluated B. Subjectjvely-based and evaluated https://www.exams4success.com

  5. Questjons & Answers PDF Page 5 C. Early-based and evaluated D. Final-based and evaluated Answer: A Questjon: 13 Which of the following shows the designated performance area in the objectjvely-based and evaluated incentjves? A. Cost performance B. Schedule or delivery performance C. Quality performance D. All of the above Answer: D Questjon: 14 Those incentjves that use individual judgment, opinions, and informed impressions as the basis for determining the amount of incentjve, either positjve or negatjve, in one or more designated areas are called: A. Objectjvely-based and evaluated B. Subjectjvely-based and evaluated C. Early-based and evaluated D. Final-based and evaluated Answer: B Questjon: 15 Which of the following shows the designated performance area in the subjectjvely-based and evaluated incentjves? A. Award fees B. Other special incentjves C. Both A & B D. Neither A nor B Answer: C https://www.exams4success.com

  6. Thank you for trying Our CPCM Exam Dumps PDF Demo Try CPCM practice question If you want to try CPCM Exam Practice Test Questions So go to below link and try it! https://www.exams4success.com/cpcm/practice-questions

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