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Since 1994, Electronic Shooters Protection (ESP) has been providing shooters with state-of-the-art electronic hearing protection. Each set of ESP are custom fit to your ears for all day comfort and proper protection.<br>
Advanced Technology Offers Great Options To Help Protect Individuals’ Hearing All experienced hunters and shooters know the discomfort they often suffer because of loud gun and pistol fire near them, even right at their own ears. This discomfort may be minimal and only from time to time; however, for most – even after very few exposures – it can lead to serious problems. That is why the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, and various other organizations, carry out research all the time to study the effect of loud noise on hearing ability, and why they make sure their findings are published for the public to take cognizance of the fact that in many cases hearing problems and hearing loss can be avoided. For the hunter and shooter at the range, specifically, this is good news, as they are informed of the best ways to make sure they do not expose their ears to unnecessarily high levels of noise – even while they are shooting rifles, guns and pistols, The initiatives of the NIH (National Institutes of Health, of which the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, i.e. the NICHD forms part) as well as a few forward-thinking manufacturers of good hearing protection aids and devices have made sure a greater awareness among shooters have been created. And, of course, such initiatives, and the recorded experiences of shooters, have led to the products being manufactured and sold to the public to help[p combat and prevent hearing loss and similar problems. Previously hunters and shooters were offered ear plugs made of, for example, foam and other materials to help block out sound. Of course this helps a lot, and after use, you simply discard them and buy another. The next generation was a much-improved ear muff, which you place over the head to cover the ears while shooting; after use you simply remove the muff. These days, however, the market offers some great technologically advanced alternatives that are placed inside the ear and offer sound-circuit features. They are specifically designed for the profile of the individual shooter they are meant for. This means the user has ear molds made, according to which these devices are then manufactured. In states such as, for example, Colorado, a service such as ESP America is renowned for the quality and options they offer their buyers of hearing protection aids. Of course there are other such
services too, also in other states where hunting and shooting are pastimes that thousands of Americans partake of. A closer look at these aids that support protection for hunters’ and shooters’ ears, reveals that they are custom made to fit the ears and the contours of the ears of those individuals for which they are made. They are advanced in the sense that the technology offers protection, but also features that still allow sound through, such as sounds from the vicinity, such as the voice of an instructor at the shooting range, or the sounds made by buck moving through the bush nearby. These devices are designed and manufactured to allow the user to adjust features such as, say, sound. Digital sound is offered as the perfect solution to the hunter’s and the shooter’s problems of having to contend with possible hearing loss as a result of their being exposed to unnaturally high dB when they hunt and shoot. Depending on the company one buys from, there are different options to make sure the customer’s hearing needs are considered in terms of which the hearing devices are custom programmed to suit their specific needs and profile. This is indeed good news for a growing number of shooters and hunters that have become only too aware of the dangers of being exposed to the effects of loud noise on their ears. About Us Electronic Shooters Protection (ESP) has been in business for more than 20 years and provides the best in terms of electronic protection for ears. Products are custom made to fit the individual’s ears so as to allow maximum protection while still hearing sound. You hear all natural sounds in the area and you can actually enjoy normal conversation, but our products will protect you from the harmful effects of loud and damaging sounds such as gunfire. Our digital products are state of the art and among the best available on the market. For more information about ESP and our top range of products, please get in touch by visiting http://espamerica.com/