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What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka

***** Kubernetes Certification Training: https://www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification ***** u200b <br>This Edureka tutorial on "What is Kubernetes" will give you an introduction to one of the most popular Devops tool in the market - Kubernetes, and its importance in today's IT processes. This tutorial is ideal for beginners who want to get started with Kubernetes & DevOps. The following topics are covered in this training session: <br><br>1. Need for Kubernetes <br>2. What is Kubernetes and What it's not <br>3. How does Kubernetes work? <br>4. Use-Case: Kubernetes @ Pokemon Go <br>5. Hands-on: Deployment with Kubernetes <br><br>u200bDevOps Tutorial Blog Series: https://goo.gl/P0zAfF

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What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka

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  1. Agenda ? KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  2. Topics For Today’s DevOps Training 1 Need for Kubernetes 2 What exactly it is & what its not? 3 How does Kubernetes work? 4 Use-Case: Kubernetes @ Pokemon Go 5 Hands-on: Deployment with Kubernetes KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  3. Containers Are Good… Both Linux Containers & Docker Containers isolate the application from the host. FASTER, RELIABLE, EFFICIENT, LIGHT-WEIGHT & SCALABLE. KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  4. Damn! Container Problems… Both Linux Containers & Docker Containers isolate the application from the host. But…..Not easily Scalable… FASTER, RELIABLE, EFFICIENT, LIGHT-WEIGHT & SCALABLE. KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  5. Damn! Container Problems… Both Linux Containers & Docker Containers isolate the application from the host. But…..Not easily Scalable… FASTER, RELIABLE, EFFICIENT, LIGHT-WEIGHT & SCALABLE. KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  6. Damn! Container Problems… Both Linux Containers & Docker Containers isolate the application from the host. But…..Not easily Scalable… FASTER, RELIABLE, EFFICIENT, LIGHT-WEIGHT & SCALABLE. KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  7. Damn! Container Problems… Both Linux Containers & Docker Containers isolate the application from the host. But…..Not easily Scalable… FASTER, RELIABLE, EFFICIENT, LIGHT-WEIGHT & SCALABLE. KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  8. Problems With Scaling Up The Containers Containers could not communicate with each other 1 It was not Scalable because… Containers had to be deployed appropriately 2 Containers had to be managed carefully 3 Auto scaling was not possible 4 Distributing traffic was still challenging 5 KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  9. How Does Software Development Take Place? So, What Is Needed? KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  10. A Container Management Tool !!! Kubernetes is an open-source Container Management tool which automates container deployment, container (de)scaling & container load balancing. Benefit: Works brilliantly with all cloud vendors: Public, Hybrid & On-Premises. More About Kubernetes • Written on Golang, it has a huge community because it was first developed by Google & later donated to CNCF • Can group ‘n’ no of containers into one logical unit for managing & deploying them easily Reference: https://kubernetes.io/ KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  11. Features Of Kubernetes 1 3 Automatic Binpacking Storage Orchestration 2 Service Discovery & Load Balancing 4 6 Self Healing Batch Execution 5 Secret & Configuration Management 7 8 Automatic Rollbacks & Rollouts Horizontal Scaling KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  12. How Does Software Development Take Place? Uncovering Few Myths About KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  13. Kubernetes ‘IS NOT’ To be compared vs. Docker For containerizing apps For applications with simple architecture KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  14. Kubernetes ‘ACTUALLY IS’ Best soln. for scaling up Containers Robust & Reliable A Container Orchestration platform Backed by huge Community KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  15. How Does Software Development Take Place? Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm ?? Kubernetes vs. Docker ?? KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  16. Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm FEATURES Kubernetes Docker Swarm Installation & Cluster configuration Complicated & time consuming Easy & fast GUI GUI available GUI not available Scaling up is slow compared to Swarm; but guarantees stronger cluster state Load balancing requires manual service configuration Process scheduling to maintain services while updating Scaling up is faster than K8S; but cluster strength not as robust Scalability Load Balancing Provides built in load balancing technique Progressive updates and service health monitoring throughout the update Updates & Rollbacks Data Volumes Only shared with containers in same Pod Can be shared with any other container Only 3rdparty logging & monitoring tools Logging & Monitoring Inbuilt logging & monitoring tools KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  17. Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm Mindshare Reference: https://platform9.com/blog/kubernetes-docker-swarm-compared/ KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  18. How Does Software Development Take Place? Pokemon Go Using Kubernetes KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  19. Kubernetes @ Pokemon GO Pokemon Go is an augmented reality game developed by Niantic for Android & iOS devices. “We believe that people are healthier when they go outside and have a reason to be connected to others.” - Edward Wu, Director of Software Engineering, Niantic Labs KEY STATS:- • 500+ million downloads, 20+ million daily active users • Initially launched only in NA, Australia & New Zealand • Inspired users to walk over 5.4 billion miles in a year • Surpassed engineering expectations by 50 times KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  20. Backend Architecture Of Pokemon Go Container Cloud Dataflow KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  21. MapReduce & Cloud DataFlow For Scaling-Up x5 Cloud Dataflow KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  22. Easy Scaling Of Containers Using Kubernetes x5 Cloud Dataflow KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  23. Easy Scaling Of Containers Using Kubernetes CHALLENGE • Biggest challenge for most applications is horizontal scaling • But for Pokemon Go, vertical scaling was also a major challenge, because of real-time activity in gaming environment from millions of users world-wide • Niantic were prepared for traffic disasters of upto x5 times x50 KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  24. Easy Scaling Of Containers Using Kubernetes CHALLENGE • Biggest challenge for most applications is horizontal scaling • But for Pokemon Go, vertical scaling was also a major challenge, because of real-time activity in gaming environment from millions of users world-wide • Niantic were prepared for traffic disasters of upto x5 times x50 SOLUTION • Thanks to Kubernetes, Niantic were able to handle x50 times traffic KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  25. How Does Software Development Take Place? Architecture Of KUBERNETES KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  26. Kubernetes Architecture Image Registry Node 1 UI Node 2 Kubernetes API Master Node 3 CLI Node 4 KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  27. Working Of Kubernetes →Master controls the cluster; and the nodes in it →Nodes host the containers inside them; Containers are inside separate PODS →PODS are logical collection of containers which need to interact with each other for an Application Kubernetes Master → Replication Controller is Master’s resource to ensure that requested no. of pods are running on nodes always → Service is an object on Master that provides load balancing across a replicated group of PODS KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  28. Image Registry UI Kubernetes API Master CLI KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

  29. How Does Software Development Take Place? Hands-On KUBERNETES KUBERNETES CERTIFICATION TRAINING www.edureka.co/kubernetes-certification

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