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Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite

The actual purpose of this course is to equip you some necessary information and knowledge about electronic circuits. The Basic Electronics Diploma is meant for individuals to learn all the aspects of basic electronics, including both analogue and digital. Initially, you will uncover the analogue part that comprises diode circuits, BJT amplifiers, and Op Amp circuits.<br>See More: https://bit.ly/2K5vKSM

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Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite

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  1. 7/30/2019 Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite HOME / COURSE / PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT / BASIC ELECTRONICS DIPLOMA Basic Electronics Diploma   ( 9 REVIEWS ) 801 STUDENTS The actual purpose of this course is to equip you some necessary information and knowledge about electronic circuits. The is … TAKE THIS COURSE FREE  1 YEAR https://edukite.org/course/basic-electronics-diploma/ 1/12

  2. 7/30/2019 Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite  LEVEL 2 - CERTIFICATE  COURSE BADGE  COURSE CERTIFICATE 75 NUMBER OF UNITS 0 NUMBER OF QUIZZES  1 DAY, 8 HOURS     HOME CURRICULUM REVIEWS The actual purpose of this course is to equip you some necessary information and knowledge about electronic circuits. The Basic Electronics Diploma is meant for individuals to learn all the aspects of basic electronics, including both analogue and digital. Initially, you will uncover the analogue part that comprises diode circuits, BJT ampli?ers, and Op Amp circuits. On the other hand, the digital part covers combinatorial and sequential circuits. There’s plenty in this course to take advantage of, so enrol now and get availed from it. Assessment This course does not involve any written exams. Students need to answer 5 assignment questions to complete the course, the answers will be in the form of written work in pdf or word. Students can write the answers in their own time. Each answer needs to be 200 words (1 Page). Once the answers are submitted, the tutor will check and assess the work. Certification Edukite courses are free to study. To successfully complete a course you must submit all the assignment of the course as part of the assessment. Upon successful completion of a course, you can choose to make your achievement formal by obtaining your Certi?cate at a cost of £49. Having an Of?cial Edukite Certi?cation is a great way to celebrate and share your success. You can: Add the certi?cate to your CV or resume and brighten up your career Show it to prove your success     Course Credit: NPTEL https://edukite.org/course/basic-electronics-diploma/ 2/12

  3. 7/30/2019 Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite COURSE CURRICULUM   555 timer 00:32:00   A BRIEF HISTORY OF ELECTRONICS 00:31:00   Analog to Digital Conversion 00:06:00   BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR-1 00:23:00   BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR-2 00:35:00   BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR-3 00:32:00   BJT AMPLIFIER-1 00:21:00   BJT AMPLIFIER-4 00:26:00   BJT AMPLIFIER-5 00:23:00   BJT AMPLIFIER-7 00:26:00   BODE PLOTS-2 00:30:00   BODE PLOTS-3 00:27:00   Boolean Algebra 00:28:00   Combinational circuits-1 00:30:00   Combinational circuits-2 00:28:00   Combinational circuits-3 00:28:00   Counters-1 00:29:00 https://edukite.org/course/basic-electronics-diploma/ 3/12

  4. 7/30/2019 Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite   Counters-2 00:28:00   D ?ip-?op 00:26:00   DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIER 00:27:00   DIODE CIRCUITS-1 00:28:00   DIODE CIRCUITS-3 00:26:00   DIODE CIRCUITS-4 00:28:00   DIODE CIRCUITS-5 00:29:00   DIODE RECTIFIERS-2 00:23:00   DIODE RECTIFIERS-3 00:27:00   INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER-1 00:26:00   INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER-2 00:26:00   Introduction to digital circuits 00:28:00   Introduction to sequential circuits 00:26:00   JK- ?ip ?op 00:26:00   Karnaugh maps 00:33:00   Latch and ?ip-?op 00:25:00   OP-AMP CIRCUITS-1 00:31:00   OP-AMP CIRCUITS-2 00:27:00 https://edukite.org/course/basic-electronics-diploma/ 4/12

  5. 7/30/2019 Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite   OP-AMP CIRCUITS-3 00:27:00   Op-amp ?lters 00:35:00   OP-AMP NONIDEALITIES-1 00:24:00   OP-AMP NONIDEALITIES-2 00:28:00   Phasors 1 00:25:00   PHASORS-2 00:27:00   Precision recti?ers-2 00:26:00   Precision recti?ers-3 00:27:00   Prof M B Patil Introduction video 00:03:00   RC/RL CIRCUITS IN TIME DOMAIN-1 00:28:00   RC/RL CIRCUITS IN TIME DOMAIN-2 00:23:00   RC/RL CIRCUITS IN TIME DOMAIN-3 00:29:00   RC/RL CIRCUITS IN TIME DOMAIN-4 00:26:00   RC/RL CIRCUITS IN TIME DOMAIN-5 00:31:00   Schmitt triggers 00:28:00   Schmitt Triggers-3 00:29:00   Shift registers 00:27:00   Simulation of a synchronous counter 00:26:00 https://edukite.org/course/basic-electronics-diploma/ 5/12

  6. 7/30/2019 Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite   Simulation of op-amp ?lters 00:26:00   SIMULATION OF RC CIRCUIT 00:25:00   Simulation of triangle -to-sine converter 00:26:00   Sinusoidal oscillators 1 00:30:00   Sinusoidal Oscillators-2 00:25:00   Week1-Lecture 2 00:33:00   Week1-Lecture 3 00:30:00   Week1-Lecture 4 00:26:00   Week3-Lecture 14 00:26:00   Week3-Lecture 18 00:29:00   Week4-Lecture 19 00:27:00   Week5-Lecture 26 00:31:00   Week5-Lecture 27 00:29:00   Week5-Lecture 30 00:29:00   Week6-Lecture 32 00:24:00   Week7-Lecture 41 00:35:00   Week8-Lecture 46 00:24:00   Week9-Lecture 51 00:31:00 https://edukite.org/course/basic-electronics-diploma/ 6/12

  7. 7/30/2019 Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite   Week12-Lecture 70 00:26:00   Week12-Lecture 71 00:26:00 Assessment   Submit Your Assignment 00:00:00   Certi?cation 00:00:00 COURSE REVIEWS 4.7   9 ratings 0 5 STARS 0 4 STARS 0 3 STARS 0 2 STARS 0 1 STARS NO REVIEWS FOUND FOR THIS COURSE. https://edukite.org/course/basic-electronics-diploma/ 7/12

  8. 7/30/2019 Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite RELATED COURSES Steam and Gas Power Systems FREE 1441   https://edukite.org/course/basic-electronics-diploma/ 8/12

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  10. 7/30/2019 Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite Digital Elevation Models and Applications FREE 1255   801 STUDENTS ENROLLED https://edukite.org/course/basic-electronics-diploma/ 10/12

  11. 7/30/2019 Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite BEST RECOMMEND COURSES 1909: The People’s Budget   ( 9 REVIEWS ) 1253 STUDENTS 21st Century Marketing   ( 6 REVIEWS ) 720 STUDENTS 70-697 – Con?guring Windows Devices   ( 7 REVIEWS ) 1334 STUDENTS SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Get top tips & guidance from our in-house study abroad experts Your Email Submit USEFUL LINKS About Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Contact INQUIRY https://edukite.org/course/basic-electronics-diploma/ 11/12

  12. 7/30/2019 Basic Electronics Diploma - Edukite  3 Lower Thames Street,London,EC4R 6HE.  020 3934 9675  info@edukite.org COPYRIGHT © BY EDUKITE     https://edukite.org/course/basic-electronics-diploma/ 12/12

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