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Symptoms of corneal conditions and Best Possible Treatment at mumbaieyecare

Symptoms of corneal conditions<br>Minor injuries of cornea heal by itself while major injuries may result in scarring and impaired vision

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Symptoms of corneal conditions and Best Possible Treatment at mumbaieyecare

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  1. Symptomsofcornealconditionsand BestPossibleTreatmentat mumbaieyecare Symptomsofcorneal conditions Minorinjuries of corneahealbyitselfwhilemajorinjuries mayresultinscarringandimpairedvision Intense pain. Blurredvision. Double vision Tearing. Redness. Extreme sensitivitytolight.       Cornealconditions 1,.Injuries/Trauma Eye allergies Keratitis. Ocularherpes Herpeszoster(shingles) Dryeye. NutritionalDeficiencieslikeVitaminA Cornealdystrophies–Keratoconus,Map-dot-fingerprint dystrophy,Fuch's dystrophy Common diseasesthat canaffect the cornea —Abnormal growths,autoimmune diseases,Stevens-Johnson syndrome, iridocornealendothelialsyndrome andpterygium.          Treatment

  2. Simplecornealconditionscan be treatedwithantibioticor anti-inflammatoryeye dropsorpills.Ifyou have advancedcorneal disease,youmay needanadvancedtreatment. Laser treatment –InCornealdystrophies, doctorscanusea typeoflaser treatment calledphototherapeutickeratectomy(PTK) toreshape thecornea,remove scar tissue,andmakevisionclearer. Cornealtransplantsurgery–Incase corneaisdamagedand cannotbe repaired, doctorscanremovethe damagedpart and replaceit withhealthycornealtissue from a donor. Artificialcornea-Asanalternativetocornealtransplant, doctorscanreplace a damagedcornea withanartificialcornea, calledakeratoprosthesis (KPro).     Toschedule anappointmentwith ourexperts for CorneaSurgeryIn Ghatkopar,Mumbai,please call usat+91 8451045935,+91- 8451045934or visitour clinicat Address.

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