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The Magic of Vata Yoga

Learn about the magic of Vata Yoga through the mind refreshing asanas. Make lifestyle changes and induce positivity is in your daily life. Read more https://divyaayushcare.com/the-magic-of-vata-yoga/

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The Magic of Vata Yoga

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  1. The Magic of Vata Yoga Vata governs all movement processes at very small and large levels, like blinking to muscle movements. Vata is responsible for circulation, respiration, and the nervous system. It is shaped by space and air. If Vata dosha is balanced, then the two other doshas are too. Vata is the foundation of our sense of well-being which is why pacifying Vata dosha is very important. If the Vata is imbalanced, these are the signs: Dryness of skin, hair, and lips  Dehydration, weight loss, constipation, gas, and bloating  Restlessness, dizziness, feeling ungrounded  Poor circulation, muscle spasms, asthma, pain, and aches  Excessive movements like anxiety, agitation, muscle twitching, and palpitations 

  2. How to Balance Vata Dosha: Stay Warm and Calm: When you are relaxed, you feel cheerful and well. The heat helps take away excess Vata. Nourish Yourself: Consuming sweet, sour, and salty flavored food will help balance Vata. Yoga and Meditation: Meditation along with massages, steam, and heat treatments can help in balancing the Vata Dosha. Practicing yoga helps balance Vata faster than any other way known. Vata yoga helps establish the qualities of warmness and firmness and the feeling of well-being in the body. Asanas for Vata yoga are calming in nature and bring a sense of balance to the body. It improves feelings like anxiety issues, constipation, and body pains. The Vata asanas yoga also strengthens the lower back to help improve Vata There are Vata yoga asanas that help bring equilibrium to Vata: Uttanasana: Stand with feet in shoulder width apart positions, reach up with both hands clasped, and slowly bend down and try to touch the ground. You should be careful while performing this asana to ensure that you do not strain your back.  Paschimottanasana: This asana is the seated version of Uttanasana and is performed if the back is sore.  Balasana:Child’s pose helps in constricting the pelvic region. You need to sit with knees bent under the bum and reach up and bend forward slowly. Place your head in a relaxed manner on the ground. Bum should not raise from touching the heels. Supta Virasana: You need to bend your knees under you and then move them outward placing your bum on the ground, then slowly bend back and place your back flat on the floor. This helps strengthen the lower abdomen and lower back. Dhanurasana: The bow pose is a popular Vata yoga asana and gives a lot of relief to the back if performed regularly. You need to lie on your stomach with your hand on the sides. Lift your legs and shoulder. Grasp your ankles and pull upward gently. The body should rest on the pelvic area. Hold the pose for a few counts.    Continue Reading……. --------------------------------------------------------- Visit us at:

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