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living room rugs

With a wide variety of area rugs Springfield offers its precious customers. Area rugs for sale can add warmth and coziness to any place in their homes

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living room rugs

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  1. Amazing Ideas for Redecorating your Home for summers Summer is the perfect excuse to give you home décor a refreshing facelift. Seasonal décor is always so much fun and exciting but the summer season decor has to be my favorite. Summers means that you’ll be going out as much as you stay inside, which means you’ll have to spruce up a lot of spaces in the home. Decorating your home according to a season doesn’t mean that you have to change up the entire elements of the decor, just little tweaks here and there, some significant items that clearly tells its summers outside are enough. Also you don’t need to spend a fortune on your summer décor, the little things like living room rugs, wall art décor, decorative pillows, flowers and curtains can make a huge difference. The key of redecorating your home according to the summers is balancing between creativity and functionality. Whatever element you choose to showcase the summer season in your home should not look forced or out of place. It should gel in with the existing items effortlessly and elevate the whole look of the décor. Your focus, when aiming for a summer spruce up should be on light and airy fabrics, bold and vibrant colors, flamboyant and ostentatious prints and should either give out a feel of a beach-inspired décor, a countryside cottage or a coastal hut. Small elements like wool rugs, decorative pillows, candles, decoration pieces and painting will help you create the look, so let's look at some of these amazing ideas down below. 1. Let’s Start the Party from Outside Summers means soaking up on the sun, embracing the light breezes and getting refreshed with Mother Nature. Summer is the only season out of the four, which gives the best time to enjoy the outdoors. We love when the party moves outside so make sure your outdoor area is ready to welcome guests with full summer spirit. If you have a dining area outside, give it a little revamping by placing a fresh, vibrant color table cloth with match napkins. Place a beautiful flower vase as a centerpiece. If you have a longing set then throw in some decorative pillows and add wool rugs to create the perfect summer ambiance. 2. Swap Patterns and Textures with Florals for the Win Nothing can introduce summers better than florals in bright and vibrant colors. So if you want to play safe without going berserk or bonkers you should definitely throw in some florals. Florals can be added in a multitude of décor elements around the home which will just be perfect as it will reinforce the summer theme but just so timidly. Florals have paved their way in wallpapers, decorative pillows, living room rugs, shower curtains, paintings and even in diner plates and crockery. They are the best way to add color and naughtiness to the décor without going overboard or repugnant. 3. Add the Right Lighting

  2. Highlighting the right areas with the right lighting is the one of the most important things for the home décor. When the lighting fixtures are spotted on the key décor elements they rise and shine, making the overall décor all amazing. In summers, let there be light, air and cool breezes flowing freely inside the home and at night, accentuate the indoor and the outdoors with beautiful starry light or fairy lights. There are so many places you can put them to create a cozy summer night. Put them around the mantel, hang them from the ceiling, and wrap them around jars, trees or décor pieces to evoke hygge in summers. 4. Introduce Summer Scents If you have a really tight budget or you feel that your home doesn’t really need much change but just a little flavor of summer season then the best way is to introduce summery scents to the mix. You can opt for scented candles, essential oils, scented oils, air fresheners and even fresh flowers can create a great atmosphere of freshness and sparkle. Summery scents are clean, refreshing, revitalizing and cool. Scents like lemon, orange and lime give a clean, smooth feel, scents of lavender, rose and lilac give a refreshing feel and scents of fresh linen give a very clean feel to the home. 5. Declutter As summer is all about being light, airy and feel-good vibes, clutter around the home can really kill the vibe. Do a little cleaning and decluttering around all the horizontal surfaces of the home to really make it feel open and airy. Make sure the windows are nice and clean so that there’s no hindrance in a light and airy way. Stuff all the pillows and blankets near the fireplace until autumn and change your bed linens to something more bright and refreshing. Summing it up! Try these simple and easy ways to make your home feel lighter, brighter and ready for summers. These tips are quick, easy and affordable so go on and welcome the summer season with open arms.

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