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Cosbike Pvt. Limited is a 100% subsidiary of Coslight India Telecom Pvt. Limited and established in 2019. Cosbike is a leading Electric Two-wheeler manufacturer in the Asia Pacific region having a presence in more than 7 countries.

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  1. COSBIKE CosbikeisaleadingElectricTwo-wheelermanufacturerintheAsia Pacificregionhavingapresenceinmorethan7countries.

  2. Itmayseemthatelectricvehiclesarefarfrom mainstreamIndiabutthechangesrecordedinmarket trends say otherwise. According to some sources, the useofelectricvehicleshasincreasedalotoverthelast three years. Electric vehicles are now becoming the firstpreferenceofconsumers,thisconsistentincrease inthepastfewyearsismajorlyduetovariouspolicies implementedbythegovernmenttoencourageelectric mobilityandreducevehicularapplications. ELECTRICVEHICLES-FIRST PREFERENCEFORCONSUMERS?

  3. WHYISTHEGOVERNMENT TAKINGSTEPSTOENCOURAGE THEPRODUCTIONOFELECTRIC VEHICLES? Electricvehiclespossessseveralbenefitsthatmake themabettersubstitutionforconventionalvehicles. O1 Themajor benefit ofusinganelectricvehicleisthatit ischeapertorunandmaintain. O2 The price of the electricity required is around 40% less thanthecostofpetrolneededforasimilar-sized vehiclecoveringthesamedistance. O3

  4. Moreover, EVsare goodfor human health and the environment. EVs do not contribute to environmental pollution as they run on electricity rather than fossil fuels. Fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases like sulphur dioxideandcarbonmonoxidethatcontributetoglobal warming. EVs do not emit any such greenhouse gases thatmakethemsuitablefortheenvironment. We have listed a few ways in which the government is encouragingthemassestomakeeco-mobility accessibletothemasses.

  5. Thegovernmenthastakenseveralinitiativesto promote electric mobility. Central governments and state governments are contributing on their level to enhanceelectricmobilityandreducevehicular applicationasmuchaspossible. Following this, the centre has reduced the GST rate on electricvehiclesfrom12%to5%,andtheDelhi government has announced its policies to incentivize electric mobility. The government has proposed the exemption of registration fees for lithium-ion battery operated/electricvehiclestopromoteeco-friendly vehicles.Also,Thegovernmenthasgrantedan exemption to battery-operated transport vehicles and vehicles that run on methanol and ethanol fuels from thepermitrequirement. Government'sContribution

  6. WEBSITE www.cosbike.in EMAILADDRESS customercare@coslight.in PHONENUMBER 9910020997 GETINTOUCH


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