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what teeth whitening do dentist use

Dentists use several methods for teeth whitening, including professional strength bleaching gels and laser teeth whitening. The most common method is using a bleaching gel that contains a higher concentration of peroxide than over-the-counter products, which is applied to the teeth and then activated using a special light or laser.

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what teeth whitening do dentist use

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  1. What Teeth Whitening do Dentist Use 1 Dentists use a variety of teeth whitening methods, including in-office professional bleaching, take-home trays filled with a bleaching gel, and over-the-counter whitening strips or gels. The most common in-office method is called chairside bleaching, which typically uses a high-concentration peroxide gel that is activated by a special light or laser. 2 3 The procedure typically takes about an hour and can result in significant lightening of the teeth. 4 ake-home tray-based systems involve custom-fit trays that are filled with a lower-concentration bleaching gel and worn for a specific amount of time each day. Over-the-counter products, such as whitening strips and gels, are generally less effective than professional methods, but can still provide some level of tooth whitening. 5 www.coastaldental.com.au

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