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Cufflinks How They Work

Cufflinks of one sort or another have been with us for centuries. In the early days, men used to hold the cuffs of their shirts together with pieces of string. These then developed into the use of coloured ribbons, before cufflinks as we know them today were invented.<br>

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Cufflinks How They Work

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  1. Call 02088956418 WimbledonCufflinkCompany Cufflinks:HowTheyWork Cufflinksofonesortoranotherhavebeenwithusforcenturies.Intheearlydays, menusedtoholdthecuffsoftheirshirtstogetherwithpiecesofstring.Thesethen developed into the use of coloured ribbons, before cufflinks as we know them todaywereinvented. The modern cufflink has three main parts – the face, the post, and the toggle. The face is the part that shows outwardly on the wrist, and this can be of any sort of design that you wish. It can be made of glass, brass, gold, silver, and more, and an expensivepaircanincludeapreciousstoneorstones.

  2. Call 02088956418 WimbledonCufflinkCompany NotAllCufflinksWorkLikeThis However, not all cufflinks work in this way. We still have chain link cufflinkswhereyouhavewhatareeffectivelytwofacesconnectedbya short chain. Then there is the ball return cufflink where the whole thing is in one piece with a curved post and a largish ball shape on the other end. You have to push the ball through both cuffs, so it is more difficulttoputonthansomecufflinks. Cufflink face designs today are almost endless. This can be a good thingbecauseyoucanchoosedifferentcufflinksfordifferent occasions. So, you might want something very formal for the office or togotothetheatre,butamorerelaxedappearancefortheweekend.

  3. 02088956418 Call WimbledonCufflinkCompany At Wimbledon Cufflink Company we produce a wide choice of different patterns of bullet back style cufflinks. Many people love our Heritage range which depicts patterns suchasthe Welsh Dragon Cufflinks – perfectifyouareWelsh! TheWelshDragonCufflinksfeaturethedragoningoldonared background. Legendhasit that it was the battle standard of King Arthur. Today it has been added to the arms of Cardiff, the capital of Wales,demonstratingourprideintheCelticinheritance.

  4. 02088956418 Call WimbledonCufflinkCompany

  5. Call 02088956418 WimbledonCufflinkCompany ContactUs info@wimbledoncufflinks.com https://wimbledoncufflinks.com/ 02088956418

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