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How to Retain your Customers During COVID -19 Outbreak

COVID -19 - This is the time to strengthen your customer relationships and retain them for a better tomorrow.

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How to Retain your Customers During COVID -19 Outbreak

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  1. How to Retain your Customers DuringCOVID -19Outbreak Socialdistancing.Ourcurrentrealitytostaysafe. However, for businesses, it is the exact opposite. They are concerned about its long-lasting impact that is probably goingtobebiggerthananticipated. Currentlywhenyouhaveveryfewchancesofacquiringnew business, unless you offer essential products, keeping your existing customers engaged with your business can be your shield. sales@crmjetty.com

  2. Hereishowyoucanretainyourcustomersfromadistance: • Communication is thekey • Althoughitmaysoundabitcliché,itiscritical. • Keep your customers updated about your business. Whether you are shut temporarily, adjusting working hours,orthestepsyouaretakingforasaferworkplace. • Customers are visiting social media the most. Hence, make sure you’ve updated yours with the latest updates. • Ifyouareoperating,it isimportanttoassurethemthat you and your team are taking proper safety measures. Hence your website should have the necessary information. • While they are sitting at home, there will be temptations for shopping. Offer them to Wishlist products if you have an e-Commerce store. If you are accepting orders then it is important to be transparent about the shippingdates. • Expand the self-servicecapacities • A coupleofdaysback,Iwastryingtoconnectwithanairline company, to check the status of my pre-bookedflights. sales@crmjetty.com

  3. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any answer. However, they were abletosolvemyquerythroughemails. Now the point here is that the customer service teams are overwhelmedby the customers reaching them out for help. And it is impossible to answer each and every customer. That might also mess up with your customers’ experience. Hence, to provide ease, you can empower your customers with self-service apps equipped with knowledge articles. Along with that, you can also improve communication on your digital channels including live chat, emails, etc. This willhelpyougiveapersonalizedexperienceandtheywillbe abletosolvequeriesontheirown. Investing in a customer portal will help you empower your customers to solve the majority of their problems on their own. Plus, you can invest your capital into your business continuityplanandmakeitfuture-ready. Make it easy forthem Just like us, everyone’s stress levels might be up with very little patience. Hence, when they are accessing your applications, make sure they do not have to authenticate multiple times or change passwords frequently. This may sound like a small thing, but it will help your customers immediatelyandyouinthelong-run. sales@crmjetty.com

  4. Assurethemthatyourbusinessvaluesarestillthesame Yoga8, a yoga studio in Waco, Texas, announced the online coursesto interact and meet their customers and employees. Employees of Hans Wittler’s Automotive Service in Albuquerque, N.M., are picking up vehicles for repair from customers’ homes. Now that is the type of value you need to provide to your customers to really assure them that no matter what, you will be always there. Your company’s values are still thesame. Beprepared It is important to establish a timeline to evaluate the results from the changes made in your business. This is the timeto show that you can do more and go beyond limits when it comes to serving your customers despite government limitations. The temporary improvements that solve customers’ queries today, may also become permanent improvements for your business model. The key here is to take ownership of the situationquicklyinordertogetthebestfromthesituation. sales@crmjetty.com

  5. Create timely and relevantcontent It is important to provide educational and helpful content relevant to your readers. Sharing useful tips for your industrywillmakesurethatyoucareaboutyouraudience. For example, if you are running a retail shop, you could provide tips to manage finance during such times. The key hereistobecreativewithcontentaroundyourindustry. It is about giving back tothe community With the customer-centric attitude, awareness of people’s needs,youcannavigatefromthiscrisisandstrengthenyour relationships with your customers and they will stay with youinthefutureaswell. Source: https://www.crmjetty.com/blog/how-to-retain-customers- during-covid-19-outbreak sales@crmjetty.com

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