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Web 3 Use Cases

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Web 3 Use Cases

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  1. Use Cases Of Web 3.0

  2. Real Time Use Cases of Web 3.0 The growth of the Internet over the years is an astonishing phenomenon, specifically when you look at the milestones. Web 1.0, the first iteration of the Internet provided the ground for building some prominent web assets and platforms. Whereas in Web 2.0, closed protocols established Centralization while outperforming open protocols in terms of capabilities. Next comes the hot topic, Web 3 - The decentralized web is the next iteration of the Internet and the evolution of Web 1 and Web 2.

  3. 1 What is Web3? This is the third stage in the evolution of the Internet and it provides decentralized networks in order to provide a faster user experience with personalization. Some remarkable technologies underlying Web3 development include the Semantic web, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

  4. To explain to you better, here I will list down some notable traits of Web3 • Web3 includes open-source software with easy accessibility • In Web3 networks, providers and users don't need any permission from centralized controlling organizations • Users can interact privately and in public without any intermediaries. • Another key benefit is Ubiquity, which ensures Internet availability irrespective of time, location, and device.

  5. Top Web3 Use cases Now we will see some use cases of Web3 to understand how the concept supports innumerable applications.

  6. Gaming Sector Web3 games represent the highly advanced version of blockchain games such as NFT, play-to-earn, and play-to-own games. These games make use of state-of-the-art technologies and thereby contribute to the development of next-gen games. With Web3 principles, blockchain-based games will be able to open up new virtual worlds and economies

  7. Decentralized Finance It is another notable use case of Web3 that utilizes many Web3 attributes to enhance its infrastructure and capabilities. Futuristic Defi apps can be built seamlessly by combining the Web3 ecosystem with Defi technology. Some awe-inspiring benefits of Web3 in Defi are lower transaction fees, open accessibility, encryption-based privacy and security, accountability and transparency in governance, etc.

  8. Privacy & Digital Infrastructure The main issue in the blockchain network is complete transparency. You can find blockchain web3 use cases customized for enhancing privacy. Web3 enables the implementation of certain innovative concepts such as zero-knowledge proof and cryptography for improved privacy in decentralized digital infrastructures.

  9. Virtual Real Estate Web3 provides a robust ecosystem for real estate and now many web3 real estate projects are developed that utilize virtual reality, NFTs, and 3D technology for verifying ownership and transferring NFT-based real estate properties.

  10. I hope you are now clear with the Web3 use cases. So, it is of surprise that developing Web3-based applications and platforms will definitely be a golden chance for many aspiring entrepreneurs to taste success in the digital world

  11. Approaching a well-known Web 3.0 development company like Bitdeal will help you in materializing your dream of plunging into the Web3 sector without any hassles.

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