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CDM Management has never been Easier with Clinical Data Automation-converted

Utilizing RPA for HIPAA compliance and secure accessibility for healthcare Chief technology officers looking to upgrade their data management and reduce data breaches of patient and provider information to any malicious entities.

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CDM Management has never been Easier with Clinical Data Automation-converted

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  1. CDM management has never been easierwith Clinical DataAutomation WWW.BILLINGPARADISE.COM

  2. Clinical data management using RPA assisted Healthsystems Clinical Data in HealthcareSystems According to a report, the average cost of data breaches in healthcare in the country is estimated at $15 million. More and more PHI falls into the wrong hands and they misuse it to get ransom or even sabotage theentire health system. Punishments towards HIPAA infringement are veryserious, be it the medical organization’s issue or not. For instance, the punishment for abusing HIPAAby sending PHI to some unacceptable contact or patient isa fine of $50,000. PHI comprises past, present, and upcoming wellness examination data about the ailments (both physical and psychological well-being) of a patient. This clinical data can be conveyed in three structures: electronic records, dictations on patient prognosis, and physical paper records.The PHI likewise incorporates historical patient data (patient history), medical records, medical expense bills, lab test results, and segment data like patients’ names, telephone numbers, addresses, financial data, Social Securitynumber,photographsoftheface,surgicalrecords,etc. WWW.BILLINGPARADISE.COM

  3. Implementation ofRPA The normal tone of health systems and hospitals isn’t quiet and of wonderful perspectives, hence, omissions and errors regarded as record related issues aren’t unrealistic. The procedures and steps expected to fill and enter PHI sensitive data endorsed by patients are typically lengthy and include pursuing individuals down to get approvals. Every one of these generally leads toavoiding afewproceduresandmakingthesimplestoferrors. However, by executing RPA and automating healthcare services work processes, patients’ information is naturally moved and processed. This diminishes the gamble of abusing HIPAA guidelines while additionally eradicating the requirement for executivestoperformrepetitiveandcomplextasks.Around80%ofhealthcareprofessionalsguaranteethatautomationand electronicmedicationprescriptionhaveessentiallydiminishedthedegreeofhumaninteractionandtimetakentosettlethe finalpaperwork. RoboticProcessAutomationkeepsupwithcompliancebysecuringclinicalinformationandguaranteeingallprocessesarein accordancewithHIPAAandotherregulatoryauthorities.Technologyofficersofvarioushealthcareorganizationsarelooking to automate their data management and compliance with RPA involving custom reports and point by point audit logs can also be maintainedsecurely. WWW.BILLINGPARADISE.COM

  4. It is a well known fact that most healthcare organizations still use manual charts and medical records data extraction methods such as creating a physical paper super bill scanning it and then uploading it to the respective EHR or EMR. This process costs a lotandisverytimeconsuming. Medical services professionals and CTOs might utilize various applications to store and access patient information. Securing such a tremendous measure of data can be challenging and complicated. With RPA, HIPAA compliance becomes simpler to manage. Audit controls can be easily executed utilizing process automation. Definite audit histories can be set up automatically and any timethere’sanexternalorinternalaudit,auditorscanundoubtedlyaccessthisdataeasily. Automating data management processes setting down deep roots in the current healthcare situation. RPA is adaptable to automate any system and is fundamentally to assist with clearing the messiness of data breaches consequently smoothing outthewholeprocess.WithRPAaround,findingtheneedleinthelargesthaystackissimplifiedtothefullextent. WWW.BILLINGPARADISE.COM

  5. Ashealthcareprofessionalsweknowthatcharts,progressnotesandsurgicaldocumentsare of utmost importance when it comes to providing accurate care and getting reimbursed for it. In the past 5 years these documents are barely maintained and were taken for granted whichhasresultedinlotsofunwantedauditsbyinsurancecompaniesstatingtheservicesare not medically necessary for the patient. To avoid this Chief Technology officers of various specialties conducted a study on how to improve CDI and precise documentation when it comestoincentiveprogramsandaudits.TheendresultofthisstudywasRPA. How doesRPA manage clinicaldata? Medicalrecordsdepartmenthaslackedthistechnologyovertheyearsandonceimplemented it created a whole new perspective of auditing the charts and medical records before submission of any clinical data to the patient or the insurance companies. This not only created a positive response from external auditors and insurance companies, but also the medical examiners in each of these audits were overwhelmed by the quality of charts and recordspresented.RPAcanbesetwithCDI,NCCIandICD10protocolssowheneveramedical records department creates a patient medical record it easily allows them to rectify the errors theymade. These RPA bots and the technology have given medical records departments of health systems new methods of clinical chart extraction, including Consolidated ClinicalDocument Architecture (CCDA), APIs directly linked to their respective EHR/EMR and HL7 or FHIR used in more advanced integrated RPA systems. Each can be an effective way to transfer clinicaldatabetweenEHRS/EMRsusedbyvarioushealthcareprofessionals. WWW.BILLINGPARADISE.COM

  6. We understand the next question which is raised in your mind “if the records are accessible by RPA bots, are they HIPAA compliant?” The answer to your question is yes, RPA is completely HIPAA compliant. Unlike EHRs, EMRs and PMS follow HIPAA regulations, RPA are customized to follow HIPAA guidelines as they are just protocols which can be enabled in any automation system. For example if there is an automation system for reading charts and suggesting ICD10 codes, the bots willcrossverifywiththeHIPAAprotocolsandnotreleaseanysensitivedataapartfromtheclinical andRCMprofessional.If itidentifies a breachinHIPAAcomplianceitcandirectlyprovideanalerttoyourdesignatedsupervisorwhichkeepsinclose communicationwiththecomplianceviolatormanagement. Implementing RPA significantly reduces DataBreaches Guaranteeing the protection and security of sensitive patient information is one of the top worries for healthcare systems. Utilizing RPA guarantees that PHI must be provided to the proper staff. This role based accessibility limits information breaks or ill-advised utilization ofinformation. RPApermitshealthcareservicesprofessionalstocontrolinformationaccessandguaranteethattheimportantstaffcanget to PHI when required. This control is of utmost importance since specialists, IT staff, and the cases offices need shifting degreesofaccessibilitytoprotectedpatientinformation. WWW. BILLINGPARADISE.COM

  7. Other reasons why HIPAA compliant automation must beutilized High risk patients with infectious diseases prefer automating processes and frequentlyvisiting hospitals may risk everyone including the healthcare professionals.TheypreferRPAtobeaboonbecauseoftimelydocumentationand patientstatementsinasecureanduserfriendlymanner. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 most doctors prefer using telemedicine for outpatient E&M services, therapists also favor telemedicine as they need not meetthepatientsinperson. Thishasallowedthebranchingofa wholenewtechnologywhichcanlinkbothHIPAAcompliantRCMandsecurelysharingPHI totheirbillingstaffortothepatientsthemselves.IntegratedclinicaldatamanagementRPAwithtelemedicineapplicationwill ease the tension of these healthcare professionals to lean towards automation for creating error free clinical documentation andkeepauditlogsinthesystemforfuturereferences.Thiswillnotonlyreducesignificanttimesavingandalsocost. ElectroniceditscheckinCDMisautomatedusingRPAforfasteranderrorfreeeCRFs.Thisappliestopatientswithconditions whichrequire2ormorespecialistphysiciansworkingtogethertoidentifytheunderlyingcauseofillness. Source data verification (SDV). SDV is a process of evaluating eCRF entries against original clinical records and data from devices. If the health system uses devices which are enabled to RPM (remote patient monitoring) , data can be directly capturedfromtheRPMapplicationanddirectlycrossverifiedwiththeoriginalclinicalrecordusingRPAsolutions. WWW. BILLINGPARADISE.COM

  8. DataanonymizationcanbeperformedbyusingRPA,beforesubmissionofdatatoanythirdpart, clinical data must be de-identified to ensure that it complies with the HIPAA. This means deleting all information of protected health information (PHI) that can link the document to a particular person this way the patient’s clinical data is protected and the third party doesn’t knowtheirsensitiveillnessordiseasetobeexposed.Labpartnerswhoareoutsideofthehealth systems and need additional clinical data from these types of patients, RPA dataanonymization isused. If a health system has multiple locations in the same state and if they are looking for one centralized hub to exchange clinical data without the risk of data breach and compliance violationsRPAisthebestoption.ThereasonisRPAbotsandsystemscanbecodedinsuchaway that it interacts with other locations EHR/EMR even though they all follow different process workflows. So at the time of an external audit from CMS or other federal government agencies CTOsareabletoprovidetheauditdatawithlesshassle. Conclusion It is known that various companies are good at coding bots to do repetitive tasks, but the loopholehereisthattheymightnotbeexperiencedintheinnerworkingsofhealthsystemsand thetechnologiesusedbytheirCTOs. WWW. BILLINGPARADISE.COM

  9. ItisimportanttoidentifytheskillsetofacompanywhichhasalreadybeenintheRCMandhealthcareIT solutions for over 15+ years. We have created various HIPAA compliant automation systems which are currentlyusedbyhealthsystemsandRCMcompaniestomaketheirprocessessecureandstreamlined. WWW. BILLINGPARADISE.COM

  10. BILLINGPARADISE PhoneNumber +1888-571-9069 EmailAddress inquiries@billingparadise.com Website www.bIllingparadise.com QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? GET IN TOUCH! Address BillingParadise 24x7INC 53 EmeraldRoad, Robbinsville, NJ08691, UnitedStates.

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