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Bike or Motorcycle Injury Claim Manchester - motorcycle accident solicitors, cycling accident, motorcycle injury, motorbike accident claim in Manchester.
3/27/2019 HIT & RUN ACCIDENT? - Bike Injury Solicitors For a FREE consultation call us now on0330 133 1214, contact us 24/7, Request a Free Call Back, Send Email Home Accident Type? What can I claim? Bike Injury Solicitors About Us Contact Us FAQ’s HIT & RUN ACCIDENT? KNOCKED OFF YOUR BICYCLE AND INJURED IN A HIT & RUN ACCIDENT? https://www.bikeinjurysolicitors.co.uk/hit-run-accident/ 1/4
3/27/2019 HIT & RUN ACCIDENT? - Bike Injury Solicitors Unfortunately not every driver stops in the event of a bike accident. Fortunately you can still make a claim for compensation after a hit and run road traffic accident. If you have been injured by a hit and run driver or a driver who does not have a valid insurance policy we can still help you to make a claim. Knocked off your bike by a vehicle that did not stop? If the driver of a vehicle has collided into you or your motorcyle or bicycle and has not stopped at the scene to leave their details you can still make a claim. Bike riders often believe this will make it almost impossible to make a claim because they do not know the identity of the driver or have the registration of the vehicle involved. These accidents are often referred to as ‘Hit & Run’ collisions. A driver failing to stop at the scene of an accident is a criminal offence whether or not somebody is hurt or property has been damaged under section 170 of the Road Traffic Act. How can I make a claim against a Hit and Run driver? It is important that you take the following steps as soon as you can after a Hit & Run accident 1. Contact the Police to report the accident and secure a crime reference number 2. Secure the contact details of any witnesses to the accident 3. Make a note of any CCTV cameras in the area 4. Take photographs of the accident location, your injuries, your damaged motorcycle or bicycle and any damaged equipment 5. Contact Bike Injury Solicitors for a free no obligation consultation What happens if the police ?nd the Hit and Run driver? If the Police successfully trace the offending vehicle or driver and there was a valid policy of insurance in place at the time of your accident then Bike Injury Solicitors will pursue your claim against the relevant insurance company. If however the driver or vehicle cannot be traced or once they have been traced there was no valid policy of insurance in place we will assist you in making a claim via the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB). Making a claim via the Motor Insurers’ Bureau https://www.bikeinjurysolicitors.co.uk/hit-run-accident/ 2/4
3/27/2019 HIT & RUN ACCIDENT? - Bike Injury Solicitors The MIB is a not for profit organisation funded by the UK insurance industry, which was set up in 1947. Each UK insurer is obliged to contribute to the MIB and the pot of money is used to compensate victims of accidents caused by uninsured drivers of in the case of hit and run accidents, drivers of vehicles who are untraceable because they did not leave their details at the scene of the accident. In order to make a claim to the MIB you need to pass the following legal test:- 2. The Hit and Run driver negligently caused the accident 2. Any injury or losses you wish to claim for, was caused by the driver’s negligence You can always approach the MIB directly to make a claim however the process can be complex and lengthy. However like most insurance companies the MIB do not offer a pot of money to claimants and assistance from experienced Lawyers like Bike Injury Solicitors to help you secure the compensation you are entitled to receive. We will advise you on your rights under the MIB agreements, what you claim for and the evidence required and explain the processes involved. What type of Hit and Run accidents will the MIB deal with? If you have been involved in an accident with a driver or passenger of a hit and run car, van, lorry, motorcycle, cyclist or pedestrian you can make a claim via the MIB. How much compensation will I received via the MIB? The MIB will deal with your claim for compensation like any other UK insurer would do. Once you have proven you are entitled to compensation with evidence the MIB will assess how much compensation you will be entitled to. Why instruct Bike Injury Solicitors? We specialise in accident claims involving cyclists and motorbike riders We are experts in hit and run accidents We will advise you on the MIB process We will help you get rehabilitation We will help you secure the evidence needed to win your case We will negotiate settlement of your claim at the appropriate level to ensure you are properly compensated for your injuries and losses https://www.bikeinjurysolicitors.co.uk/hit-run-accident/ 3/4
3/27/2019 HIT & RUN ACCIDENT? - Bike Injury Solicitors Request a FREE Call Back CONTACT US TODAY Powered by Creative Impact Communications https://www.bikeinjurysolicitors.co.uk/hit-run-accident/ 4/4