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GOVERNOR TRAINING ASSOCIATE PUPIL GOVERNORS. Steve Russell-Stretch Governors’ Support Services. OBJECTIVES. To clarify the respective roles and responsibilities of Governing Bodies and Headteachers To introduce associate pupil governors to their role

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  1. GOVERNOR TRAINING ASSOCIATE PUPIL GOVERNORS Steve Russell-Stretch Governors’ Support Services

  2. OBJECTIVES • To clarify the respective roles and responsibilities of Governing Bodies and Headteachers • To introduce associate pupil governors to their role • To discuss issues related to being an associate pupil governor and consultation with pupils 2

  3. WHY DO SCHOOLS HAVE GOVERNORS? • The essence of governance is to help schools to manage change by bringing a wider perspective, from all areas of the community, to the particular strategic decisions that the school needs to take. • As ‘outsiders’ governors can sometimes see things that ‘experts’ miss, or notice something that’s not working well or recognise something that is working well. 3

  4. TYPES OF GOVERNOR • Parent governors • Teacher governors • Staff governors • Community governors • Additional community governors (appointed by the MLA) • LEA governors • Headteacher governor • Associate pupil governors

  5. SCHOOL COUNCILS • Covered by legislation • Must meet six times per year, supervised by a member of staff • At least one pupil from each year group from Y3 upwards • GB and Head teacher must consider any matter taken to them by school council and provide a response

  6. ASSOCIATE PUPIL GOVERNORS • School council must have the opportunity to nominate up to two pupils from Y11 – 13 to be APGs • GB must accept the nomination • No voting rights • Could be on a committee, and be given voting rights

  7. EXCLUSION FROM MEETINGS • Staff appointments, pay, discipline, grievances, dismissal, performance management • Admissions • Individual pupil discipline • Election, appointment and removal of governors • Budget and financial matters • Any other matter GB considers should be confidential

  8. CONFIDENTIALITY • This must be respected • Although GB cannot reject a nominee, it can take action to remove you as an associate pupil governor

  9. CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY • Authority belongs to the governing body as a whole...the individual governor has no power to make decisions or take action. • Contribute as individuals but collective responsibility for outcomes

  10. CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY VIA COMMITTEES Most of the detailed work of the GB may be carried out by committees. Committees: • enable the main GB meetings to concentrate on strategy because committees report to main GB • allows the GB to monitor the school’s progress by questioning more and gaining greater knowledge • encourage diffident governors to take a fuller part in proceedings Corporate responsibility is still that of the GB.

  11. COMMON AREAS IN WHICH COMMITTEES WORK • Curriculum • School improvement • Buildings • Health and Safety • Personnel / Staffing • Finance • Performance management (of the Head) • Pay review

  12. HEADTEACHER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR... • The internal organisation, management and control of the school • Formulating aims and objectives, policies and targets for the governing body to consider adopting • Advising on and implementing the GB’s strategic framework • Giving governors the information they need to help the school raise its standards

  13. GOVERNING BODY’S RESPONSIBILITIES The GB has responsibility at policy-making level, not in the day-by-day running of the school. The Governing Body’s contribution lies in ensuring systems are in place, not day-to-day management.

  14. Management (HT) Approve classes doing Maths puzzles on Fridays Authorise payment of gas bill Move over-large class into biggest classroom Arrange cover for teacher making arrangements for sports day DIFFERING ROLES Strategic (GB) • Approve a radical new approach to Maths teaching • Monitor actual and estimated fuel costs • Move towards mixed age classes to even out numbers grouping • Award extra allowance to PE coordinator

  15. GOVERNORS’ ROLE IN PLANNING Strategic Planning • Long term planning of broad issues (“the big picture”) to achieve goals Tactical Planning • Shorter term planning of more detailed matters to achieve particular aims which fit into the longer term strategic plan

  16. SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (SDP) • Comes out of strategic plan • Sets out priorities for development over an agreed time-scale • Shows how all developments fit together (e.g. post inspection) in a coordinated way to support the overall vision and aims of the school • Covers curriculum, staffing, premises, community links • Year 1 detail; Year 2 outline; Year 3 priorities

  17. DETAILS OF SDP • What needs to be done? • By whom? • By when? • At what cost? • How will we check we are doing what we say we are doing? • How will we judge the effect of what we are doing on the school?

  18. INSPECTION REPORTS... • Governing Bodies have been so preoccupied with getting plans and policies into place that little attention has been given to reviewing whether they are working and have made a difference

  19. A GOOD CRITICAL FRIEND... • … offers a critique of a person’s work while being an advocate for the success of that work • The more governors show that they recognise the school’s successes, the more the school will listen to them when they challenge what is being done.

  20. LINKS BETWEEN SCHOOL COUNCIL AND GB • GB asks school council’s opinion on issues • School council minutes are given to GB • School council (through APGs) have a slot on every GB agenda • Governor observes School council meetings

  21. CONTACT DETAILS • Steve Russell-Stretch 01437 775102 • steve.russell-stretch@pembrokeshire.gov.uk

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