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The Role of International Organizations for National Statistical Institutes (NSI)

The Role of International Organizations for National Statistical Institutes (NSI). Ruth Meier, Vice-Director, FSO World Statistics Day, 20.10.2010. Competencies of International Organizations. Development of Statistical Systems. Harmonization of Concepts. Pooling of Knowhow.

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The Role of International Organizations for National Statistical Institutes (NSI)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Role of International Organizations for National Statistical Institutes (NSI) Ruth Meier, Vice-Director, FSOWorld Statistics Day, 20.10.2010

  2. Competencies of International Organizations Development of Statistical Systems Harmonization of Concepts Pooling of Knowhow Output Comparability Tests Co-operation between International Organizations

  3. System of National Accounts (SNA) Balance of Payments (BOP) Government Finance Statistics (GFS) The case of National Accounts Macroeconomic Statistics Financial Crises: System stability is at stake

  4. Challenges ahead Globalization What does “National” mean? How to treat international value chains How can international organizations contribute?

  5. Challenges ahead Timeliness of Information Which information at what time? Doe estimates really help policy makers? What about accuracy?

  6. Challenges ahead Limits of statistical activities Doe anticipations belong to the statistical systems? What about models?

  7. Limits of International Co-operation How to treat national specificities and needs Social Security Systems Health Systems How do we keep track with changing realities?

  8. International Organizations: Expectations of a NSI Increased Flexibility of the Systems Output Quality Checks Valorization of Statistical Information

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