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BMW Z3. Session 7 Summer 2008 XMBA 206.1. English. Fast cars. German. Adv. Technology. Hero. Ultimate Driving Machine. Drives an Aston. Sophisticated. Sexist. Benefits and Risks of Non Traditional Marketing. Benefits Credibility More credible than paid for advertising

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  1. BMW Z3 Session 7 Summer 2008 XMBA 206.1

  2. English Fast cars German Adv. Technology Hero Ultimate Driving Machine Drives an Aston Sophisticated Sexist Benefits and Risks of Non Traditional Marketing Benefits • Credibility • More credible than paid for advertising • Efficiency through word of mouth • Leveraging the buzz Risks • Loss of control • Timing • Target audience • Over what is seen • Over what is said • Challenge of translating awareness into sales • Difficult to measure impact

  3. Awareness / Visibility Word of mouth, Buzz Involvement / Infatuation Consumer Advocacy Purchase How does NT work? Awareness Interest Excitement Desire, Preference Purchase • Focus on awareness • Leverage the buzz • Cannot fully control what is said and to whom • RELIES ON AUDIENCE SELF SELECTION

  4. Traditional versus Non Traditional • Credibility • NT can be more credible have more impact and more efficient when it works. • Budgeting • NT costs can be uncertain • Traditional advertising costs can be better forecasted. • Target market • Traditional advertising can be well targeted through mass media • NT relies on audience self selection • Metrics • Traditional advertising = measurable, reach GRP, frequency = more easily measured by market research. • NT is more difficult to evaluate.

  5. Products best suited for NT marketing • Stage in product life cycle • May work well for product launches in conjunction with mass media advertising • May work better for social products

  6. Success of NTComparative performance

  7. Success of NT ElementsSome examples • Always try to specify quantitative objectives for each element to the extent possible • Important role for campaign evaluation research to understand the sales impact of these programs.

  8. Postscript • By Jan. 1996 BMW had to scale down their marketing efforts to avoid potential consumer backlash by not being able to meet demand. • Tactics shifted to maintaining consumer interest • Cinema advertising (60 sec. Teaser placements) • In flight videos targeted at business travelers. • Dealer sponsored direct marketing programs to maintain interest of people on waiting lists. • Launch date March 1996. Selling price in 1997 = 30k to 36k.

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