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Ashwini Nakshatra's Marriage Life Dr Vinay Bajrangi

Ashwini nakshatra looking similar to the heads of twin horses or the Ram-headed Mesha (zodiac sign Aries), is the starting point of the zodiac. Ashwini Nakshatra is the first Nakshatra amongst 27 nakshatras of our zodiac. The Nakshatra falls in the zodiac sign of Aries and has a spread from 0u00b0-0u2032-0u2033 to 13u00b0-20u2032. The south node Ketu rules this Nakshatra. The twin horsemen, the Ashwin kumaras, are the ruling deity for this Nakshatra.

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Ashwini Nakshatra's Marriage Life Dr Vinay Bajrangi

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  1. Ashwini Nakshatra's Marriage Life | Dr Vinay Bajrangi Ashwini Nakshatra's Marriage Life Before we ponder the Ashwini Nakshatra marriage life, it is essential to know a little about Ashwini nakshatra. The natural significations of the ruler, the sign it falls in, different padas/quadrants, and the occupants of the Nakshatra affect the results one expects to get. A little insight into Ashwini Nakshatra Ashwini nakshatra looking similar to the heads of twin horses or the Ram-headed Mesha (zodiac sign Aries), is the starting point of the zodiac. Ashwini Nakshatra is the first Nakshatra amongst 27 nakshatras of our zodiac. The Nakshatra falls in the zodiac sign of Aries and has a spread from 0°-0′-0″ to 13°-20′. The south node Ketu rules this Nakshatra. The twin horsemen, the Ashwin kumaras, are the ruling deity for this Nakshatra. The Ashwini Kumars is the physician of the Gods and thus grants a healing touch to this Nakshatra. The Nakshatra also shows an association with the Sun. The planet Sun gets exalted here. The symbol of the Ashwini nakshatra is a golden chariot carried by two horses which somewhere reminds us of the planet Sun. We often see depictions of the Sun God riding a golden chariot. The Nakshatra falls entirely inside the Aries, and Mars is the ruler of the zodiac sign of Aries. Thus, here we get the joint influence of Ketu and Mars along with other characteristics of the Nakshatra. Ashwini Nakshatra Marriage Life The Ashwini nakshatra talks about healing, bringing hope, helping less-fortunate people, and illuminating lives. The Nakshatra portrays all those qualities bringing relief to the mind and soul. The twin horses in the Ashwini Nakshatra symbolize one male and one female horse. The Nakshatra shows love, devotion, swiftness, ambition, travel, change, energy, etc. With the influence of Mars and Ketu, an Ashwini Nakshatra-born person possesses a strong desire for success and fame. If we look at the mythology of Ashwini Nakshatra, the horses are the Sun and his wife, Chhaya. So, Sun also significantly impacts people born under this Nakshatra. The Nakshatra symbolizes great power and longing for respect and fame. Now, after getting a broad idea of the traits of the associated planets, it is easier to imagine the married life of Ashwini nakshatra-born people. Ashwini Nakshatra Male Ashwini Nakshatra males generally have an attractive look. Since the Ashvini Kumars are popular for their style, attraction, elegance, charm, etc., similar qualities can be seen in Ashwini Nakshatra males. The male natives are generous and profuse a lot of enthusiasm and care. Ashwini males serve as the best guides and often come up with the best solutions to help people. On the downside, Ashwini Nakshatra males are often rigid, and it isn't easy to control their bursts of energy. They also fear criticism and wish others to treat them with high respect. Now, in astrology, nothing goes independently. Here things work in co-relation with each other. If Mars as a ruler of the Ashwini nakshatra, is in a good position in the birth chart, the person gets good traits of the planet as well as the Nakshatra. On the other hand, afflictions may cause immense anger, pride, criticism, harshness, and other negative traits in a person.

  2. Mars usually is not considered good for married life for its malefic nature. But at the same time, if placed in a good position in the horoscope, he is responsible for his partner's passion, love, care, and bodily pleasures. Mars gives the courage and energy to carry out desired tasks in life. Ketu shows deep research and detachment in astrology . It doesn't have much attraction toward materialistic pleasures and worldly relations. So, in all, if we understand the fundamental nature of those males born under Ashwini nakshatra, there is more passion towards achieving goals, fulfilling ambitions, knowing deep meanings, maintaining sexual relations, and at the same time giving healing touch to others. The marriage life of Ashwini nakshatra males is not desirably good, and there are arguments or misunderstandings for one reason or the other. He may be too rigid to mold a relationship to keep it on the right track. The Ashwini Nakshatra Male usually marries between the ages of 26 and 30. They have more sons than daughters. Here the position of the Moon in different padas of the Ashwini nakshatra, the influence of other planets, and the position of Mars and Ketu in the birth chart will create a difference. Ashwini Nakshatra Female The female natives born under Ashwini Nakshatra are extremely charming, glowing, radiant, and sweet-spoken. The females have high patience levels and are generally loyal to their partners. There may be an urge for sexual relations with the partner quite often. She is a perfect example of an amalgamation of modern and traditional values. They also usually marry between 23-26 years of age. Besides holding many good traits, the marriage may need to work better for their over-enthusiasm and dynamic behavior. Every planet has both good and bad traits. Here also, the position of the Nakshatra Lord and the occupant planets of the Nakshatra will decide the results. Studies say that if the native doesn't perform the kundli matching properly, problems in marriage persist for Ashwini nakshatra natives. One should go for kundli analysis and then move forward in any relationship. In Ashwini nakshatra, the influence of separating planets like Ketu, Mars, and the Sun makes it even more essential to visit an astrologer, or else divorce, separation, or even the death of a spouse may occur.

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