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CLAT is divided into five sections, namely- English, GK, Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning and Maths. You have to attempt 150 questions in two hours. After the pattern change, the exam has become reading-intensive and more comprehensive. There is a 150-200 words long passage with every set of questions. Despite the difficulty of the exam, the main challenge is to finish the exam on time with a good number of attempts. In a race against time, an attempt anywhere between 130-140 is considered to be good.
Importanttipsto finish yourCLAT exambeforetime CLAT is divided intofive sections, namely- English, GK, Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning and Maths. You have to attempt 150 questions in two hours. After the pattern change, the exam has become reading-intensive and more comprehensive. There is a 150-200 words long passage with every set of questions.Despitethedifficultyoftheexam,themainchallengeistofinishtheexamontimewitha good number of attempts. In a race against time, an attempt anywhere between 130-140 isconsidered to begood. Inordertofinishtheexam on time,followthetipsmentioned below- Reading speed- Your reading speed can help you a lot in the exam. It is preferable to set a time limit to attempt each section. Keeping 25-28 mins for English, 8-12 mins for GK, 25-30 mins for Legal reasoning, 22-26 for Logical reasoning, and 12-15 mins for Maths is a reasonable time limit which will alsoallow you time to revisit your answers. Reading the newspaper and editorials daily can be a good practice. Additionally, try timing yourself when you solve section tests or topictests. Read while understanding- Having a good speed is definitely important but if you’re doing it without understanding the text, then it is of no use. Only practice can make you efficient at comprehending the passages with speed. Additionally, having a good vocabulary can also make understanding thetextseasily. Reading techniques- In order to save time, you can opt for various time-saving techniques. It is not necessary to read every sentence in the passage. Focus on the first paragraph, the middle paragraph and the conclusion of every passage. This way you can understand the gist of the text without wasting much time. If you are having trouble answering any particular question, you can alwaysrevisitthepassage. Read thequestions first-Themost popular approach istogo through thepassagebefore attempting the questions. However, if you change the order and read the questions first, you would not know what particular things you have to look for in the passage. This approach can keepyoufromrevisiting thepassage,again and again, tolookforspecific answers. SavetimeinGK-GKcangiveyouahugetimeboostifyouactsmartly.Thereisnoneedtoread passages in GK because the answers cannot be found there. Just read a few main words in the passage to get an idea about the topic on which the set of questions would be based. And then youcangoaboutanswering thequestions.Thiswillhelp yousavealotoftime. The crux is to be smart about solving questions. Great efficiency and precision can only be achieved through practice. Moreover, during the final exam, keep your mind off of any distractions and only focus ontheexam.Don’tgiveany attention toyoursurroundings andstaycalm.