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Speaker’s Academy for Fitness Professionals | Artitude

Are you equipped to master fitness communication? Enroll yourself in Speakeru2019s Academy for Fitness Professionals providing an innovative 3-month online course from Artitudes. It gives you the skills you need to forge meaningful connections with your customers. Unlock the tools you need to engage and inspire, from effective body language to compelling storytelling. Visit here for additional details on this course and to view the presentation: Visit this link: https://bit.ly/3MSZLFv

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Speaker’s Academy for Fitness Professionals | Artitude

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Speaker’s Academyfor Fitness Professionals https://pro.ideafit.com/pro/creating-connections-speakers-academy

  2. Overview Inthis Presentation Here'swhatwe'llcover: ModuleDescription InstructorBio FAQs

  3. Designedspecificallyforhealthand fitnessprofessionals,thisinteractive, 3-monthcoursepresentedbyIDEA andACEwillgiveyoutheexperience youneedtodifferentiateyourselfasa professionalwho’sequallyconfident whentrainingclientsone-on-one, leadinggrouptrainingsessionsor speakingtolargeaudiencesatevents.

  4. You’lldiscovercountlesstipsandtime-testedstrategiestoenhanceyour communicationstyle,boostyourpresenceandtransformyourpersonalstoryintoa memorablepresentationthatresonateswithanyaudienceinanysetting. Growyourconfidenceandabilityto speaktoanyone Transformyourpersonalstoryintoa powerfulmessagebyunderstanding your“why” Learnhowtobetterconnectwith youraudience

  5. Modules Module1:OpeningStory Module2:UnderstandingYourWhy Module3:ConnectingwithYourAudience Module4:PracticeTechniques Module5:Vocal&BodyTechniques Module6:BringingItAllTogether Module7:CertificateofCompletion

  6. InstructorBio AndreaHeustonisaspeakercoach,entrepreneurand author. She is the founder and CEO of Artitudes, a creativeagencybasedintheSeattleareathat specializes in creating confident speakers through coaching, content creation and impactful design that connects with audiences in an actionable way. With over 25 years of experience in the creative industry, Andreaisanexpertincoaching,marketingand creative design. She has worked with a variety of clients,fromsmallstartupstoFortune500companies.

  7. HowdoIaccessthecourse? After you complete your purchase with IDEA, you will receive a welcome email from Aspire by Artitudes. The email will contain information on how to log in to their online course platform. This emailwillgrantexclusiveaccesstoyou,theuser,andisnottransferrable. If youhaveanydifficulties, pleasereachouttoaspirehelp@artitudes.com. HowdoIcompletethiscourse? All course assignments are completed on Artitudes’ online course platform. You must watch 12 videos,passsixquizzesandsubmittwovideoassignmentsbeforethecourse’senddate.Thevideo assignments are 2.5-minute recorded presentations due in weeks 1 and 12 of the course. You will receive an evaluation from the course facilitator for the final video assignment; however, the outcomedoesnotaffectyourpassingofthecourse. DoI needanyspecialequipmenttoparticipateinthecourse? Youwillneedamicrophone,cameraandarecording-capabledevice—suchasasmartphone, laptop,tabletorcomputer—torecordanduploadthevideoassignments.Youwillalsoneedan internetconnection—broadbandwiredorwireless(3Gor4G/LTE). FAQs

  8. Accessyourcourseswithacomputer,tabletorsmartphone. Videos andinteractivecontentdesignedforaprovenlearning experience. Takeyourcourseswhenyouwant andwhereyouwant. What'sIncluded Online Course Price $749

  9. ContactUS https://www.instagram.com/ideafit/ 800-999-IDEA(4332) https://www.youtube.com/ideafitness contact@ideafit.com https://www.facebook.com/ideafit https://www.pinterest.com/ideafit/ https://twitter.com/ideafit https://pro.ideafit.com/pro/creating-connections-speakers-academy

  10. Thankyou

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