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Ageing and Skin Care Trends 2021 –Arogyaus -Ayurvedic Solutions

In the beauty, fitness, and wellness industry, Ayurveda, & anti-ageing, are gaining popularity. The origins of Ayurvedic cosmeceuticals can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization.

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Ageing and Skin Care Trends 2021 –Arogyaus -Ayurvedic Solutions

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  1. Ageing and Skin Care Trends 2021 –Arogyaus -Ayurvedic Solutions In the beauty, fitness, and wellness industry, Ayurveda, & anti-ageing, are gaining popularity. The origins of Ayurvedic cosmeceuticals can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization. According to a recent industry survey, today's customers place a higher priority on anti-ageing products than any other form of cosmeceuticals. As a result, for anti- ageing cosmeceuticals, the naturals and wellness market mainly targets customers in the 35 to 55 age group, as well as teenagers who want to pause the ageingprocess. In today’s market, there are many top-selling Ayurvedic products in India as well as Ayurvedic beauty products. The men's cosmeceutical range, according to a report is the fastest-growing segment today. Women's desire to look good and preserve young, healthy skin is no longer exclusive. Producing successful anti-ageing cosmeceuticals necessitates a large amount of science and study, which can be costly. Let us look at some of the Ayurvedic ingredients that contain anti-ageing properties. Ayurvedic Ingredients Anti - Ageing Properties Anti-ageing The ingredient vayasthapana, which means ‘maintaining youthfulness’ nourishes the skin, ensures its optimal physiological functions, and has an overall anti-ageing property. These Herbs improve the skin's overall health by balancing the three doshas. Radiance Varnya is a community of herbs that has the potential to improve the skin's radiance or bright complexion. In Ayurveda, skin that does not have a healthy glow or varnya consistency is not considered youthful. Sandalwood, vetiver, and others are Varnya herbs that increase skin radiance. Protection from Damage

  2. Sandhaniya herbs aid in the healing and regenerative functions of the skin, as well as the repair of ageing effects. The ‘Sensitive Herb' facilitates nerve healing and regeneration to a great extent. Healing Abilities Herbs from the Vranaropana family help the skin recover more profoundly. Gotu Kola and sensitive plant are two Vranaropana herbs that are known for their ability to heal wounds. Anti-inflammatory Inflammation is a leading cause of ageing; an inflamed area forms a micro-scar, which grows into a wrinkle or blemish over time. Skin texture, integrity, and tone are influenced by inflammatory mediators. As a consequence, addressing inflammation at its source is an important anti-ageing technique. And, though one can defend any other par, one cannot protect oneself. Nurturing Skin Tvachya These herbs help the skin maintain moisture and provide overall nourishment. The most common are Gotu Kola, Silk Cotton Tree, Costus, and Rose Petal. Natural sources of Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as grapefruit extract, nourish the skin and improve the benefit of herbs. It is critical to properly feed the skin to keep it from ageing. Skin Care & Health Tvagrasayana The principle of anti-ageing in Ayurveda is reflected in Rasayana. Tvagrasayana simply means ‘skin Rasayanaand it refers to refined and potent herbal formulae designed to keep the skin healthy and youthful. Strengthening Skin Tvachagnivardhani means "to improve the lustre of the skin by improving the metabolism of the skin." When people get older, their metabolism slows down, and their skin metabolism weakens as well. Metabolic toxins are produced when enzymes become unbalanced, ama. Ama clogs the channels in the skin, causing

  3. wrinkles, dryness, and other symptoms of ageing. Dullness and a lack of clarity are also caused by clogged channels. It helps avoid varicose veins, cellulitis, aged skin, and decreased immunity to allergens and skin diseases by eliminating ama and deep impurities. The ageing process is a daunting human condition common to all, and the need to look young prevails in the majority of people. The latest developments in skin, health and wellness industries are giving rise to a new world of possibilities by fusing anti-ageing cosmeceuticals with traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda.

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