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US Army Corps of Engineers AE Selection Process

US Army Corps of Engineers AE Selection Process. Rosemary Gilbertson, PE Chief, Army & Air Force Section Louisville District. In Louisville District…. Avg number of A/Es selected per year = 18 Avg number of submittals per solicitation = 40

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US Army Corps of Engineers AE Selection Process

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  1. US Army Corps of EngineersAE Selection Process Rosemary Gilbertson, PE Chief, Army & Air Force Section Louisville District

  2. In Louisville District… • Avg number of A/Es selected per year = 18 • Avg number of submittals per solicitation = 40 • Number of individuals who sit on Pre-selection & Selection Boards = 70 & 30 • Hours devoted to selection procedure per solicitation on average = 160

  3. Indefinite Delivery Contracts • Main A-E contracting tool >90% • Multiple awards preferred: • All firms must be considered. • Price can’t be a factor! • District limits: $3M over 3 years; $5M over 5 years if SB set-aside. • Minimum quantity: • 2%/1% rule eliminated. KO has discretion. • Not a minimum guarantee! A-E must prove costs.

  4. A-E CONTRACTING PROCESS Selection 004-D-1

  5. Standard Form 330 Part I: Contract-Specific Qualifications • Corporate team members and roles • Including organization chart • Resumes of key personnel • Examples of relevant projects • Key personnel participation in example projects • Other relevant qualifications GSA forms website has PDF, FormNet, & Word formats: http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/gsa/ep/formslibrary.do?viewType=DETAIL&formId=21DBF5BF7E860FC185256E13005C6AA6

  6. Standard Form 330 Part II: General Qualifications • Ownership and small business status • Number of personnel in each discipline • Profile of firm’s experience • Annual revenues • Firms can submit and update (at least annually) through Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) https://ORCA.bpn.gov/

  7. A-E Evaluation Boards – Preselection and Selection (FAR 36.602) • Engineering Division oversees the A-E selection process and chairs all boards • Boards are composed of registered professional personnel with experience in engineering, architecture, construction and acquisition • Compare firms' qualifications using criteria in the synopsis • Using agency invited, but must be qualified • Must be rational, consistent and fair 004-D-7

  8. General Selection Criteria FAR 36.602-1 / DFARS 236.602-1 • Professional Qualifications • Specialized Experience and Technical Competence • Capacity • Past Performance • Knowledge of Locality • Location of Firm* • Volume of Recent DOD Work* • Participation of Small Businesses and Small Disadvantaged Businesses* * Secondary factors per DFARS

  9. A-E Preselection Board Optional • Recommends to the selection board the highly qualified firms which have a reasonable chance of being considered as most highly qualified • Does not consider secondary criteria: • Geographic proximity • Equitable distribution of DOD contract awards • Participation of SB and SDB • Report submitted to selection board. No separate approval required • Example preselection report: EP 715-1-7, Appendix S

  10. A-E Selection Board • Initial phase conducted like preselection board if preselection board not held • Determines most highly qualified firms, in order of preference (minimum of 3) • Conducts interviews with most highly qualified firms • Applies secondary criteria as tie-breaker in ranking if needed • Report provides clear rationale for ranking of most highly qualified firms and reasons other firms were eliminated. Details in EP 715-1-7, Appendix T.

  11. What A-E Evaluation Boards Primarily Look For • Adequate depth in all disciplines cited in synopsis • Key personnel have: • Degree and registration • Pertinent experience • Worked on example relevant projects • Prime and subs have: • Relevant recent experience in the required type of work • Worked together recently on similar projects • Clear roles • Established quality management program • Unsatisfactory or excellent past performance

  12. Architect-Engineer Contract Administration Support System (ACASS) • Sub-component of Navy’s CPARS system • Managed by USACE Portland District • Mandated for use by DoD Agencies • FAR 36.604(C) • DFARS 236.604(C) 004-D-5

  13. How Performance Evaluations Are Used • Excellent or unsatisfactory past performance can be pivotal in selections. • ACASS is the primary source of past performance information (PPI), but any other credible, documented PPI can be used. • Boards must consider relevancy of PPI: similarity of work, role in contract, which office, recentness. • Firm can submit PPI with SF 330, and explain any past problems. • No PPI = neutral rating.

  14. Approval of A-E Selections • Selection authority is at a level appropriate for the dollar value and nature of the proposed contract. • In USACE, MSC Commanders are delegated unlimited A-E selection authority and may redelegate to districts as appropriate. (EFARS 36.602-4 (a))

  15. Notification of Unsuccessful Firms (FAR and EFARS 36.607(a)) • All firms should be notified of their selection status within 10 days after approval of selection report. • No notifications after preselection • A simple letter is sent; no reasons provided • Advises firm they have 10 days to request a debriefing • Name of firm with which a contract will be negotiated may be released (FAR 36.607)

  16. A-E Debriefing (FAR and EFARS 36.607(b)) • A-E must request in writing or electronically • Debrief within 14 days of A-E's request • Based on preselection/selection report • Discuss significant weak or deficient qualifications • Do not discussother firms • Summaryfor contract file

  17. A-E CONTRACTING PROCESS Selection 004-D-1

  18. “Selection” of Firms for an IDC Task Order • If an order can be awarded under more than one IDC, document basis for issuing order under a particular IDC, such as: • Performance and quality of deliverables under the current IDCs • Current capacity to accomplish the order in the required time • Uniquely specialized experience • Equitable distribution of work • PRICE IS NOT A CONSIDERATION IN DECIDING WHICH IDC TO USE FOR A-E SERVICES

  19. USACE A-E Contracting Policy • Engineer FAR Supplement (EFARS): • Subpart 16.5: Indefinite Delivery Contracts • Subpart 36.6: Architect-Engineer Services • http://www.hq.usace.army.mil/cepr/asp/main/parc.asp • EP 715-1-7 - Architect-Engineer Contracting: • Detailed guidance and procedures for A-E contracting • http://www.usace.army.mil/inet/usace-docs/eng-pamphlets/ep715-1-7/toc.htm • Engineering and Construction Bulletins: • Quick method to issue information and directives • http://www.hnd.usace.army.mil/techinfo/ECbull.htm

  20. FY07 Louisville District ID/IQ Contract Opportunities Type # Length Value Award Date

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