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Hire Sitecore Developers

Engage our world-class Sitecore developers and architects for your Sitecore projects. Get a free quote. We are a certified Sitecore solution partner offering consulting, development, migration, ecommerce, integrations and support solutions.

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Hire Sitecore Developers

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  1. Ameex Technologies Hire Sitecore Developers Engage our world-class Sitecore developers and architects for your Sitecore projects. Get a free quote. We are a certified Sitecore solution partner offering consulting, development, migration, ecommerce, integrations and support solutions Why Hire Our Sitecore Developers? Our Certified Sitecore Developers and Architects consistently ensure the best strategy, consultation, development, and outcomes for your Sitecore website. We provide both customized and off the shelf solutions based on your unique business needs. ⚫ Certified Sitecore Developers with over 5 years of Sitecore experience ⚫ Save up to 60% with our expertise and reusable components ⚫ Strong experience team in Sitecore platform with 25+ successful implementations ⚫ Application of industry best practices and Sitecore recommendation in projects ⚫ Flexible engagement models to satisfy your needs ⚫ Guaranteed transparency in the project engagement with regular reports ⚫ Free No obligation quote for your personnel requirements Our Sitecore Developer Experience Sitecore Custom Implementation We develop custom development of web applications, build templates for Sitecore implementations available to scale per need, customize Sitecore templates per requirements of your every creative need. Also, our developers are multiskilled and provide augmented support to fulfill every technology need from solution architecture, database administration to quality assurance and release management. Sitecore Upgrades & Migration At Ameex, our Sitecore experts are equipped and ready to plan and build a solution to migrate your data and content seamlessly and rapidly from any legacy

  2. Ameex Technologies framework to Sitecore Content Management System without any hassles. Our developers are fully capable to deliver a roadmap for any Sitecore upgrade and implement the solution alongside data and content migration seamlessly. Managed Services Having a vast knowledge and expertise in Sitecore maintenance and support space, our Sitecore experts can ensure optimal Site performance of your website available through flexible support models. Sitecore Personalization Personalization in Sitecore occurs both implicitly and explicitly. This allows the user journey to be tailored based on user interactions with your website. This level of personalization can be achieved through rules, Cortex AI, Journey based and historical data of the users. Our Sitecore Experts are here to deliver such optimal and effective personalization solutions for Sitecore. Marketing Automation & Experiments Our Developers are well experienced with implementation personalization modules and rules for the stories that your website tell and also build omnichannel marketing capabilities for engaging your users through a unified means. DevOps Our developers utilize Helix and Habitat based Solution architecture and can support on-premise, Azure, and AWS hosting of applications. They can build CI/CD pipelines and implement process automation. Analytics & Reporting Our Developers can build report and dashboard for your marketers out of Sitecore Analytics and Google Analytics to help run campaigns effectively and gain meaningful insights. Build personas and assign rules for user segmentation and content delivery for effective customer engagement. Talk to our experts. Hire our world-class Sitecore Certified Developers to ensure the best strategy, consultation, development. Get a free quote.

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