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Common Mistakes While Performing CPR

You may now take CPR training that works with your schedule and avoid making the following common CPR errors

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Common Mistakes While Performing CPR

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  1. Common Mistakes While Performing CPR

  2. CPR - Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation • For a cardiac arrest victim to have the highest chance of surviving, high-quality CPR is essential. • CPR is a useful skill, yet it's shockingly simple to conduct incorrectly. • You may now take CPR training that works with your schedule and avoid making the following common CPR errors:

  3. 1. Inadequate depth of chest compression • Chest compressions must be at least 5 cm (2 inches) deep. • Chest compressions that are too shallow or inefficient are a typical CPR error. • The insufficient force will be generated by shallow chest compressions to circulate blood throughout the victim's body. • As a result, the brain will be depleted of essential oxygen, making it less likely that a defibrillator will be effective when used. • Ribs generally break when receiving CPR. • According to one study, there was over 80 percent of rib fractures among adult victims who received CPR. • Although the rescuer may find this unpleasant, it is crucial to keep performing effective chest compressions.

  4. 2. Chest compressions performed too slowly or quickly • Providing chest compressions should happen between 100 and 120 times per minute. • Fast chest compressions might not be sufficient enough to circulate blood around the body, while slow chest compressions are less likely to be helpful.

  5. 3. Against the victim's chest while leaning • The chest should be compressed to a minimum of 5 cm before being fully released. • This is necessary to enable the heart to pump blood. • Leaning on the victim's chest is a common error made by inexperienced rescuers, especially when they are tired out. • As a result, the chest wall does not fully decompress after each compression, decreasing the efficiency of CPR.

  6. 4. Over-inflating the lungs • If skilled and motivated, a person can perform rescue breaths to provide the victim oxygen. • It's crucial not to over-inflate the victim's lungs, though. • The likelihood of the victim vomiting and obstructing their airway increases when the lungs are overinflated because air will enter the stomach. • Because of this, each rescue breath should only last about a second.

  7. Importance of CPR Training

  8. 1. Help save a life • An estimated 400,000 people every year pass away from sudden cardiac arrest. • Outside of hospitals, cardiac arrests occur most frequently. • Actually, four out of every five cardiac arrests occur at home. • Without oxygen, the brain can only function for about six minutes. • You are maintaining the person's brain function and keeping them stable until emergency personnel comes by conducting CPR. • Additionally, you are halting any deterioration and exerting significant influence in a scenario where survival is at stake. • Additionally, performing CPR right away helps someone recover more quickly.

  9. 2. Increasing Demand for CPR-certified People • It has been demonstrated that hands-only CPR, which is very simple to learn, is just as effective for treating cardiac arrest sufferers. • The fact that anyone can learn CPR is one of its best features. • You can learn the skills required to save a life with CPR. • You will be able to help the police, fire, and emergency services whether you are a parent, a student, or someone else. • Choking, drowning, and sudden cardiac arrests are just a few of the accidents that can occur anywhere, at any moment.

  10. 3. Gain Self-Assurance • You feel more self-assured the more abilities you possess. • Developing a skill that can save a life is a tremendous thing in and of itself. • Knowing what to do in a medical emergency will help everyone concerned, especially the victim, who typically experiences panic, to remain calm. • Emergency situations might be difficult to handle, but CPR training offers you the assurance to do so. • Likewise, there are other important trainings like health and safety training which can help you save the situation

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