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Dermatologist London Acne - London Dermatology Clinics

As our skin shows the passage of time, it develops more and more wrinkles and imperfections. Acne occurs when part of the sebaceous gland overproduces oil and stimulates the follicles in the skin, causing inflammation and infection. Acne often presents with small red bumps on the face and body that are caused by blemishes, pimples, and nodules. If you looking for a Dermatologist in London for Acne then London Dermatology Clinics is the right place for you.

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Dermatologist London Acne - London Dermatology Clinics

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  1. Dermatologist London Acne dermatological treatment It might be that acne that you had recently suffered from has left some visible scarring. It can even be some discoloration or marks. Trying to eliminate prevailing as well as future acne can be termed to be just half the battle. Past acne remnants are something that you need to take into consideration. Acne scars can be ugly looking and requires immediate attention from the medical expert.

  2. Types There are different types of acne types one of which might affect you. These are: • Macules (flat, soft scars of violet or bluish colour). • Post inflammatory pigmentation (skin discoloration). • Ice pick scars (sharp, narrow scars where the skin appears like an icepack was used to stab the affected skin part). • Keloids (bump appearing like raised scars). • Rolling scars (scars creating wave type appearance on the skin). • Boxcar scars (these are round pits appearing such as chicken pox scars found generally on the cheeks and temple). • Depressed fibrotic scars (these are scars appearing such as large ice pic scars).

  3. Dermatological scar removal types Whatever be the type of scar type that you are left with by the acne, it does require proper and effective treatment. Medical remedy is indeed the best option to avail to ensure the ugly looking scars are completely eliminated. There are offered different types of dermatological scar removal procedures by the experiencedDermatologist London Acne. These are Microdermabrasion, Dermabrasion, Excision, Fillers (soft tissue augmentation), laser skin resurfacing, subcision, steroid injections and chemical peels. Dermabrasion It is removing the skin’s top layer mechanically to enhance its texture. There is used a mechanical tool to ‘sand’ or remove the skin. It results in formation of smooth, new skin layers. After treatment, skin becomes swollen and red only to subside within a few days. Outermost skin layer then falls off. The skin takes ten days to three weeks to heal after this treatment.

  4. Microdermabrasion This procedure removes only the external top layers of the skin. However, it is quite similar to that of dermabrasion as ‘sanding’ is done using a mechanical tool. Magnesium oxide or aluminium crystals are used over the skin. But it is a less aggressive procedure as only a thin skin layer is removed. Redness generally subsides within an hour of treatment. It helps eliminate discoloration and acne marks. Excision It literally cuts down acne scar. Any of the below-mentioned methods are used to remove and fill the tissue. Punch elevation: It is mainly used to treat sharp edged, deep boxcar scars. Punch replacement: It is used to treat deep scars such as boxcar scars and ice pick scars. Punch excision: This method is used to treat deep acne scars like boxcar and ice pick scars.

  5. Fillers (Soft tissue augmentation) In this procedure, fillers get injected within the skin with the objective to ‘plump-up’ acne scars. Scar tissue may also be filled up with autologous fat transfers. Fat from own body is transferred. Fat transfers and fillers get injected beneath the skin surface to elevate depressed scar. However, procedures require repetition. Based on the type used, fillers might last about 9 months. Subcision This procedure uses a surgical instrument like a needle or scalpel to raise scar tissue a bit away from the ‘unscarred’ skin. It helps break up fibrous bands resulting in rolling scars. Often, Subcision procedure is applied along with laser therapy or dermabrasion. It also is used to treat rolling scars.

  6. About The Company At Harley Street Healthcare, our London Dermatology Clinics are based in London’s premier medical district of Harley Street. We strive to provide the best dermatological care in the country. We understand that many patients looking for private treatment often decide not to proceed due to various factors – the most important being cost. Our London Dermatology Clinics provide skin treatment services at an affordable price. Our Dermatologists are GMC registered with over 30 years of experience. They have multiple accreditations and are highly sought after within the UK.

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