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IELTS Speaking Strategies and Techniques

IELTS puts every candidate to the test and evaluates their fluency in the English language. The test further determines how well they can communicate in foreign English speaking countries.

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IELTS Speaking Strategies and Techniques

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  1. IELTS Speaking Strategies and Techniques: Score Higher in IELTS with These Techniques ieltsninja.com/content/ielts-academic-speaking-tips-strategies-techniques IELTS puts every candidate to the test and evaluates their fluency in the English language. The test further determines how well they can communicate in foreign English speaking countries. The IELTS test is divided into four sections: Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking. The first three tests are doable for every candidate, as these three tests give everyone some time to think and then give their answer because there won’t be any examiner sitting in front of the candidate. That’s where speaking is difficult for the aspirants. Speaking test has a time limit, and the aspirant has to answer immediately where they get less time to think. Even just thinking of speaking English with an examiner makes a lot of candidates uncomfortable and nervous. T hey don’t know how the different IELTS speaking strategies and techniques could help them crack the test. But it is crucial to score high on the speaking test, as it affects the overall band score. You have little time for preparation, and you need to act instantly. To crack the speaking test, this article is going to help you out. Read the full article, and you will be introduced to various IELTS speaking tips and techniques. Know the Test 1/5

  2. The IELTS speaking test is divided into three different sections. Every section has a time limit, so it is better to know these sections before starting your preparations. #1. Introduction Section Here you are going to have a conversation with the examiner about yourself. The examiner will ask you questions about your hobbies, work, personal life, personal interests, and such basic things. This introductory test will last for 4 to 5 minutes. Ensure you give the precise answer, and don’t keep answering for too long. #2. Cue Card Topic Section In the second part, you will be given a topic card by the examiner. You have to prepare your topic in a minute. Pen and paper will be provided to jot down significant points. Then you will be required to speak about the topic for a minute or two. The examiner will give the points to you and would later ask some questions related to the topic. This section can last for 3 to 4 minutes. #3. Discussion Section The examiner will ask questions regarding the topic in section two in more detail. Then they could ask you more general questions. You and the examiner would be discussing your answer to the question or on some general ideas. The conversation between you and the examiner could last around 4 to 5 minutes. Answer genuinely with your real-life experiences, as that will be appealing to the examiner. Speak English Daily You can only speak fluently in any language if you have practised it for enough time. Ultimately, your spoken English will only be as good as you practice it. When you start speaking it daily like your native language, you will be able to identify your mistakes. You 2/5

  3. will recognise where you are not able to speak and where you are facing problems while framing a sentence. The grammatical mistakes and other issues will only sort out after a lot of trial and error. Speak English when you are with your friends, but strictly remember that you don’t need to use jargon words and not use many slang words. Keep it as a normal conversation, and slowly you will get better at it. Practice to Give Full Answers Stop answering the questions with a Yes and No, and frame a proper sentence. Elaborating on your answer helps the examiner to understand that your vocabulary is good and you are confident. The examiner won’t be able to evaluate your skills if you answer in short sentences. Try to elaborate your answer with some personal examples and explanations. It will showcase that you were giving a prompt answer and didn’t memorise it. Don’t Byheart the Answers The examiners are experts and have interviewed many candidates before you. They will easily identify if you give them a memorised answer or talk freely with prompt thinking. You would need to learn how to phrase sentences and use words adequately. Doing so is only possible if you practice enough. So start phrasing the answers in your mind while speaking. Read and listen to the words people are using in interviews and speeches, and understand their meaning. This will increase your vocabulary knowledge, and you will be able to add the right word in the sentence while answering the examiner. Speak at a Natural Pace Many don’t realise it, but they switch to a fast pace when they converse in English. Speaking at a fast pace creates communication errors, and not only the examiners but no one else will be able to hear you properly. While speaking quickly, people tend to miss out on the correct pronunciation. They sometimes misspell or mispronounce the words, making it difficult for the other individual to understand you. You will miss out on the scores if the examiner won’t be able to hear what you are saying. Speaking at a natural pace will make you sound clear and also will help you phrase your sentences. Using an accent too will result in miscommunication between you and the examiner. Don’t try to impress the examiner with an accent. Just speak with your natural accent, and focus on your vocabulary and sentence framing. Be Confident, Stay Calm, and Smile The first thing to do when you enter is to wish the examiner with a smile and grace. Smile while answering all the questions. Smiling is one of the best IELTS speaking techniques as it helps calm your nerves, which will boost up your confidence. 3/5

  4. With confidence, you will be able to answer freely and with the right pronunciation. Your eyes will reflect your confidence, and it will display to the examiner that you are here to give your best. Whatever you say, say it calmly in a natural tone, so you don’t mispronounce anything, and the examiner understands every word you say. Keep your eyes on the examiner, as they will be your sole audience. Never take your eyes off of the examiner and look elsewhere. Understand the Questions You must understand every question asked to you by the examiner, or else you might give the wrong answer, and the examiner might think you are not good at listening. It is not wrong to ask a question again if you don’t understand it, but never start answering if you don’t get the question at first. Asking the examiner to repeat the question doesn’t result in losing any score points. Listen precisely to what the examiner is asking because asking the examiner to repeat too many questions will make it look like you are not ready to give the test. Conclusion These are the key IELTS academic speaking techniques that you should keep in mind and practice. Whether you are going on a study or general basis, the pattern for the IELTS test is the same. These same IELTS speaking tips and techniques are reliable for everyone. To make your IELTS preparations strong, do join IELTS Ninja online. Our expert mentors will guide you throughout your preparation journey. We have helped thousands of students get their dream IELTS scores. A free trial session of IELTS Ninja is available for you to take on. other 4/5

  5. Show Comments About the Author Shilpa Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends. View All Articles 5/5

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