A Tale of Two Cities: Before Stephen & Beverly moved to Chicago, they had a shop in London and it was there that we first bought from them. My daughter and I were looking for a special gift for her 18th birthday. We found it at BeverleyR: a pair of Art Deco diamond earrings.
Now 32, she loves them as much as ever. Last year she got engaged. She and her best friend were discussing engagement rings. If Andy ever asks you about an engagement ring, tell him I want a big, square diamond! “Said her friend” If Daniel ever asks what I'd like," she replied, "tell him I don't care what it is, as long as it comes from Stephen!" Eventually, they flew to Chicago and bought one.
They invited Stephen to the wedding and in March last year, he came to London to attend it. This year they're going back to Chicago to choose an anniversary gift. That's the kind on jeweler Stephen is. That's the kind of jewelry he sells.
As a family, we've bought a number of pieces of jewelry over the years from BeverleyR, so you'll find I've written several reviews. This one concerns our first purchase: a pair of Art Deco Diamond Earrings bought for our daughter on her 18th birthday. At that time, Stephen had a shop in Grays Antique Centre, London. There are many traders there and we went looking for a watch.
The last thing on either of our minds was earrings, but we couldn't find a watch we liked and started browsing some of the other stalls. We came to Stephen's. He showed us a number of items and eventually suggested earrings. We explained that neither of us liked the idea of pierced ears. He then produced a pair of clip-ons. They looked quite nice. He suggested that she try them on. Suddenly, they came to life, and so did her face. I'd never seen such an extraordinary change.
“Things men have made with wakened hands, and put soft life into are awake through years with transferred touch, and go on glowing for long years. And for this reason, some old things are lovely warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them.”
172 E. Walton Place, Chicago, IL - 60611 PHONE : 312-573-2200 Tuesday - Saturday 11AM - 5PM beverleyrltd@sbcglobal.net