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20 Clear sign that she/he is on love with you

If you are in a doubt about is your crush or your desire partner loves you or not then here I am came up with 20 clear signs of a person that tells you he or she is in love with you and you can go forward and propose your partner or you are person who are confused that they are in love or not they can also confirm it by seeing the clear signs. In this book, I had given 20 signs for Girls and 20 Signs for boys so you can go with what your partner is.

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20 Clear sign that she/he is on love with you

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  1. Does She Love Me? 20 Clear Signs That She Is In Love With You Is a woman a mystery to you too? Do you find it difficult to understand what she really wants? What is she up to? What feelings does she have towards you? Does she really love you? Do you always feel that she is giving you mixed signals? Are you scared of being in the “friend zone”? Could you be misreading signs from her? There will be many women around you at your workplace or in your classroom. Some may talking to you very easily, and some won't even notice you. But for you, all that matters to you is your "dream girl". You always notice her signs that say what she feels for you – signs of how she treats you. You want to do everything just to know whether she loves you or not. You will test yourself and her through the first stage of love. If you are going through all these phases, then read these signs and figure out whether she feels the same way too. 1. Her cheeks become red when she is with you Red will always be the true sign of love She feels extremely shy when you are with her. She doesn’t know what to say, what to do, or how to behave. She loves acting a bit crazy in front of you. She loves feeling those butterflies in her stomach when you make eye contact with her. She blushes so much that her cheeks automatically turn red. She will also try to avoid eye contact with you while conversing. She acts childish just to look cute. She wants to grab your attention and for you to love her the way she is. 2. She loves being your bestest buddy Being best friends is the first phase of love You can count on her with your eyes closed. You know she is always there for you when you feel down or need a shoulder to lean on. You will love sharing any secret or gossip with her. You don’t have to think twice before counting on her. She fights with you over silly things, but will never leave you. She always apologizes and signs

  2. her texts with a heart. She is always by your side, and you know this. You just love her for being your forever companion. What else do you want from your partner, right?! These signs of being bestest buddies indicate the symbol of true love. 3. She breaks the ice first Signs to notice when someone take efforts for you It’s usually up to men to initiate the conversation! Watch her signs of taking initiative. If she always takes the initiative to talk to you, to know everything that’s going on in your life, then don’t let her go. She will display every sign that shows how much she loves to talk to you. She will also send you a text in the middle of nowhere, and upon asking why, she will say, ”It was by mistake.” It’s just because she is trying to begin talking with you. Always remember: if she is showing you such signs, you are damn special to her. 4. She always plans to spend time with you Love and time go hand-in-hand In any relationship, spending quality time is mandatory! If you are not giving time to each other, how can you be sure about the other person, what he/she actually is?! She doesn’t hesitate about asking for your time. She loves taking you out on a date. She loves watching movies with you. She loves going on long walks with you. She even won’t mind spending time in a multiplex or at home. And she will show you signs each and every time that she loves to spend time with you. What matters to her most is YOU. 5. She seeks your counsel and valuable advice Signs of being together through adversity She always makes sure to ask about your opinion. She will show you signs that your opinions matter to her a lot. She shares her every issue with you and seeks your guidance. She loves when you guide her – when you suggest what is right or

  3. wrong for her. She loves when you show interest in her. She wants you to reciprocate by valuing her opinions. All you need is Love in Life Get your desire partner right now. 6. She makes effort to look good for you Extra attempts are signs of wanting to make you feel special Getting a 10/10 from a boyfriend isn't the easiest thing. Women are stubborn, and sometimes they get dressed up just to make other girls or guys jealous. When she put extra effort to dress according to your tastes, you're the only one she is trying to impress. She always keeps in mind what sort of dress you would like or what would make you happy. She does her best to be pretty just for you because when you appreciate her, she is on cloud nine. She loves it when you compliment her – when you can’t take your eyes off her. Don’t forget: she is just trying is to be your Queen! 7. Signs that show you're both on the same page Signs of complementary love Love is such an indulgent emotion, and it goes through various tests. Make sure you both stay on the same page with your relationship goals and expectations – that you are very clear with each from the start. Watch her signs to know whether or not she also feels and wants the same things. Being on different pages leads you nowhere. Partners should be each other's complement. 8. She makes every occasion very special Signs she shows to make you happy Whether it’s your birthday or your first month anniversary, your first job or first day in college, she never forgets to make it special for you. Also, she gives you

  4. surprises for no reason. She actually will find any reason to make you feel special, or maybe she doesn't need a reason at all. These signs clearly show how special you are for her. She loves you with her whole heart and constantly reminds you with her actions. 9. She wants to know everything about you Signs that she is totally into you She loves listening to you. She wants to know about your family, your friends, your work, your childhood memories, your likes and dislikes, your interests, your hobbies, your turnoffs and turn-ons – everything. Trust me, guys; finding such girl is a blessing. Aren't these signs enough to know whether or not a girl is in love with you? 10. She loves to hang out with you Signs of being travel buddy Wherever she is going, she asks you to be with her. She wants to explore the city – the world – with you; she wants to do new things only with you. She loves your company, and she is comfortable with you. She also watches your signs to see if you also want the same from her. She wants to hold your hand and go on adventures where it’s only you and her. These signs show how much she adores you – how much she loves you. Love is an Art which comes from heart make your partner loved you Click here to know more. 11. Signs she shows you are her first priority Being a priority is one of the must-watch signs of love She does not give a second thought when it comes to you. You and your relationship with her are the first priority. She loves making memories with you.

  5. She is crazy for you, and she will do anything just to be with you. She may not tell you verbally, but she will give you signs to show you how much you mean to her. Don’t treat her as a second option. Appreciate her efforts. 12. Her best friend approves of you Every girl shares secrets with her bestie, and she always listens to them. You will always be her topic of conversation. Remember: her best friend is watching your actions, your love for her, and your behaviour towards her. If her best friend likes you, it's a bonanza for you. 13. Signs she shows she is jealous Signs of jealousy in love Jealousy is a sign of true love in a relationship. Never show your interest in other girls in front of her. If you do so, dude, you are so gone! She feels jealous when you enjoy the company of or when you compliment any other girl. She will never tell you, but you gotta watch her signs! She doesn’t want to share you with anyone else. She is that type of girl who doesn’t want to share her loved one with anyone. You can’t replace her with anyone. 14. She remembers everything you said Be careful what you say; girls remember everything. If a girl is not interested in you, she will never mind what you say to her or how you treat her. But if she is into you, she will remember every damn thing you told her. She never forgets what you have said one minute ago or even five years ago. She concentrates on every little word you said. Guys! Watch your words before speaking in front of her. 15. Your likes/dislikes are hers too She will notice signs of what you like or dislike. Whether it's music, movies, food, games, or anything, now it’s her habit too. She wants to be compatible with you. She just loves to adopt your habit as hers. She will watch your favourite sports; whether it's football, basketball, cricket or whatever, she loves watching with you.

  6. Your favourite meal becomes her favourite too. If these signs match your girl’s qualities, you should be feeling on top of the world! There is only one happiness in life is to love and to be loved get love from your desire partner. 16. She never asks for change Signs of acceptance It is a guarantee that someone who asks you to change your very essence will never ever be a right person for you, no matter how much you try to tell yourself. It's very easy to convince yourself to change for them. But do you really want to? No, of course not. At least not into a totally different person. Always remember: there is someone out there who will never ask you to change – who will adore, accept and love you the way you are. Whether you have a bad habit of eating or sleeping or some of your behaviour irritates her, she accepts the way you are. She never judges you. She will guide you. She will even scold you for your inadequate manners, but she will never misjudge you. She will accept and love you for who you are. She understands you are different from her. Dude! She is a perfect match for you! 17. Signs of good intimate partner Intimacy plays a very important role in the relationship. Being intimated helps you to grow in love. She tries every sexy way to impress you. She always tries something new with you. Signs she will show for trying new things while being intimate. Whether it's the specific way she kisses you or the way she teases you, you just enjoy and love to get intimate with her. She never hesitates while making physical contact with you. And most importantly, she trusts you with her mind, body, and soul.

  7. 18. She flirts only with you, not anyone else She is a one man woman. She knows the real meaning of love. She knows it can create a problem, and you are her only man. You can test her anytime, and you can also watch her signs with this. She never stares any other guys; she definitely never goes on a date with another guy. She doesn’t even care what other guys think of her or if anyone else likes her because her eyes are on you! You are her first and only choice. 19. She loves cooking your favourite meal To win a man’s heart, the stomach is the way. And she knows it very well. She puts extra attention towards your meal. She keeps asking about your favorite dish and loves to cook it for you. Don't forget: this is her way of showing love and care for you. These small signs are worth noticing. 20. She shows signs of concern for you Signs of pure and true affection When you get sick, she takes care of you like a mother. When you are dealing even with small issues, she makes sure you don’t have to go through this all alone. You will find her as your back support. She will make sure to cheer you up when you are in bad mood. She will arrange a small date or she will be with you just to make you smile. These small signs show she is in deep love with you. She has already made a promise to be with you in your happy and bad times – to stand by you whether you like it or not – to give you infinite love. These signs are worth noticing, right? Everyone wants the perfect partner. Everybody needs true love in their life. One is incomplete without love in his/her life. Small signs of care – love – show how much a person is into you. Small signs of jealousy and even arguments prove how much a person loves you. If she passes every test, and if you notice all these signs in your girlfriend, never lose her. The fact is that she just can't resist loving you, nor can she imagine herself without you.

  8. Make her special, appreciate her efforts. She is unique and deserves every worthy of your attention and love. She is giving you the love you are searching for. You should not be asking for more. This article shows the clear signs of true love and a true girlfriend. As a man, if you found all these signs in your girlfriend, you should never leave her. Just go to her, grab her waist, and tell her that you love her too – you want to spend your life with her. Don't waste time testing her patience! Until now, you have been her crush, but it's time to express your love for her. Show her signs that she is the only one in your life before it's too late. Bend down on one knee and propose to her, and just look at her at that particular moment how glowingly happy she will be. I hope these signs really help you figure out if she truly loves you Find your perfect match and attract him to you like never before with His secret obsession click here for free training. How to tell if a guy likes you? Well, it is quite hard to tell if he is shy. Whether you agree or not, every girl at one point in time thinks –Does he like me or not? You want him, but you are just not aware if the same feeling resides in his heart. Well, honestly speaking on behalf of the male gender, it is not that hard to find out if a guy likes you more than a friend. His actions should be enough to tell you If he likes you or not. Anyway, I know that you are already confused and wondering how you can be sure, right? Wonder no more. Here are 21 tell-tale signs that a guy (maybe a shy guy) likes you. If you can relate to the points mentioned here, rejoice. 1. Endless Questions

  9. If a guy keeps asking you questions, questions, and more questions. He is probably into you. He wants to keep the conversation going on. Or maybe, he wants to know you from the core. Moreover, see how he behaves, does he take a SPECIAL interest in talking to you or he acts just like a Normal friend? If you can relate yourself to the later, you will probably need some strong hints before concluding. 2. His Behaviour He acts differently when you are around. A boy will never do that until he likes you. If a guy wants you, he will try to act cool in front of you. He might try to be quieter when you are around or try to be cooler. 3. His Smile If he smiles at you a lot, it could be another positive sign that he likes you. Some guys tend to smile at every other thing, but that’s a different case. For example, the guy is shy, but whenever he sees you, he smiles. He smiles not in a way to offend you but to give you a hint that he likes you. Do pay close attention to his smile and see if he maintains eye contact; it might be a great sign that suggests he is into you. 4. He Ignores Although this can get complicated, a lot of guys ignore the girl they like. He might be doing so, because for two reasons. He either wants to know if you care or it is because he gets too shy and nervous in front of you. No matter what’s the reason, but if he ignores you without reason, it might be possible that he’s into you (just a little bit). On the other hand, it is even possible that he is entirely not into you. Maybe he ignores you because he doesn’t like certain characteristics of yours or something else. Take help from your friends, to find out what kind of feelings he has got for you. 5. He Asked Your Number Until and unless he has a degree in flirting, it is a giant sign that the guy likes you. He asked for your number = he wants you! No more questions. A guy won’t ask for your number unless he has some important work with you or you can help him in any other manner.

  10. However, this depends on the situation too. If a guy comes to you and asks for your number because that’s the only way he can contact you, that’s an entirely different thing. On the other hand, if he asks for you even if he can meet you daily, it is probably a sign that he likes you. Keep digging for more clues. Live life with no regrets and love life with no limits. 6. He Connects With You On Social Media If he adds you on Facebook, Follows you on Instagram, there is a chance that he is interested in you. To conclude more, see what he does after getting your request accepted. Does he keep it there or take the friendship to a whole new level? I mean, does he like all your posts, pics, and every other thing even though you feel that it makes no sense to him? Well, in that case, he is probably mad for you. Also, keep a check on his messages, if he initiates the conversation every time and keeps it going on, it is a very positive sign. See point #1 for more explanation. (If you missed reading it) 7. Do You Have a Boyfriend? If he doesn’t ask you straight, it can be a slightly modified question like “are you seeing anyone” or “do you have a roommate?”. These small questions can help you get a bigger picture of his feelings for you. 8. Accidental Touching Does he touch you now and then? Well, not in the wrong manner but just decently and playfully? It could be one of the most significant clues. Guys love to touch their crushes, even in the slightest possible way. Be it a small game of thumb wrestling or something else that allows him to feel you. If he finds excuses to touch you, be ready, a proposal is on your way. 9. He Gets Jealous

  11. He gets jealous when you talk to other guys. Of course, he will try to act as if nothing is wrong, but as soon as you turn your face around he will have questions like… “what the heck is that j*** doing here”or “is she taking an interest in that m****f****” popping in his head which can only be heard by his soul. 10. He Remembers Every Single Thing You Told Him Seriously, guys aren’t that good at remembering details, but if he does so, he probably likes you. Not just {like}, he {likes you very much}. (Understand the difference) Not everyone will remember everything about you until you are very close to them. If he likes you, he remembers your birthday, your best friend’sname, yourdoggie’s favourite food, your favourite colour, and every single thing about you? The secret ingredient is love in relationship bring back the love in your life. 11. He Teases You Teasing is a great sign that a guy is into you. A guy would usually never tease a girl if she isn’t one of his closest friends or if he doesn’t like her. It is normal for guys to tease girls to grab their attention. Remember the kindergarten classes when guys used to pull your hairs? They did so, to get your attention. Teasing is just a grown-up way for boys to get the desired attention from the girls they like. Moreover, if he is trying to make you laugh now and then, he probably likes you. 12. He Doesn’t Check Out Other Girls Guys check out a countless number of girls every day. If you are his friend, he will have no problem telling you how HOT the girl at the bus stop was. But if he likes you are going to be the only girl for him in the entire universe. Spend some time with him, and see whether he mentions any girl or not.

  12. To draw a better conclusion, you might even ask him whether he is interested in anyone. His answer will tell you everything. 13. He Helps You Out He helps you more than a friend would. He is ready to do your work even if it is tedious and boring work. If he does so, he likes you more than a friend. After all, who will spend so much time for you if he doesn’t like you? Will anyone? Of course, NO! 14. He Asks For A Few More Minutes If you are just his “Friend,” he will have no problem saying BYE. But if he finds it hard to say bye at the end of the conversation, you are probably in his heart. Even an extra minute seems to be too much for a person who loves you from his heart, and so it is a clear sign that he likes you. You both can be talking the whole night on a pointless topic, yet it might seem like the best conversation ever. Making it short, if he wants to spend a lot more time with you, he is interested. 15. He Doesn’t Use His Phone When You Are Around If he doesn’t check his phone while you are around it means that he finds you appealing. He might be paying a lot more attention to you when you’re talking, just so that he can use the details later on in the conversation. It is just a small clue about how he feels when he is with you. However, remember that little details make up the bigger picture later. Pay attention to everything he does. It is your right to live the life with your desire partner get your partner to love you Click here to know more. 16. He Compliments You How to tell if a guy likes you: If he frequently compliments your looks, clothes, personality, or anything, it is an excellent sign that he likes you. It doesn’t matter what the compliments are; if he compliments; he likes you. Period.

  13. 17. He Chats With You for Longer Periods If he messages you as soon as you come online. It is a sign that a guy likes you. However, it can also be that he likes you as a good friend. To draw a far better conclusion, you need to check out how he chats with you and how long the conversation lasts. See if he starts a flirty conversation or not. If he does, there cannot be any better hints that he likes you. Just stop hunting for clues and make a clear choice — do you like him or not? 18. He Looks At You, Not Your Butt There is a difference between love and lust, and if a guy likes you, he would mostly look at your face. 19. He Introduces You To His Friends Why will he introduce you to his friends when he doesn’t like you? He won’t, right? If he does so, it means you mean something to him. Maybe his friends already know that he likes you, but won’t tell you. If he takes you out to parties where all his guy friends are present, it is a clear sign that he likes you more than a friend. 20. He Talks About His Plans First of all, guys don’t have plans.But if he discusses all of his future plans with you… He likes you and sees potential in you. 21. Just Ask Him Out Enough is enough, right? Are you tired of wondering if he likes you or not? Well, honestly, the best thing you could do is to ask him charmingly whether he is interested in you or not. Don’t ask him in a way that makes him nervous; he would probably shy away from saying anything if you did so. Hope you got your answer on how to tell if a guy likes you.

  14. Find your perfect match and attract him to you like never before with His secret obsession click here for free training.

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