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A Hidden “Sexual Tripwire” In The Female Brain

The #1 mistake I see guys making who are getting nowhere with a girlu2026<br>Is trying to make her to LIKE you. Most guys think if a girl u2018likesu2019 youu2026<br>Then naturally sheu2019ll want to sleep with you (or be your girlfriend).<br>But the truth isu2026Women donu2019t choose a guy based on<br>how much they LIKE himu2026They choose him based on<br>HOW MUCH HE TURNS THEM ON.<br><br>

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A Hidden “Sexual Tripwire” In The Female Brain

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  1. New Research Reveals: A Hidden “Sexual Tripwire” In The Female Brain ... Men are using to sleep with girls way out of their league I’m watching a movie with my friend Anna and her ex… When she reaches over to take my hand… And slowly guides it between her legs. Under her skirt my ?ngers sink into the soft wetness of her panties. While on the other side of her, her ex-boyfriend stares straight ahead at the movie… Completely clueless about what’s happening right beside him. The man’s almost twice my size… with a wicked temper And I know if he so much as glances over… He’ll beat me unconscious. But all I can think is: “Oh my God… it works! It fucking works!”

  2. You see, something truly bizarre was happening… Until earlier tonight, I never thought I had a chance with Anna… The girl was way out of my league… And she’d always made it clear she “didn’t see me that way”… But earlier this evening, something changed her mind. What was it? What had I said to change the way she saw me… From the likeable ‘friend’ she treated like a brother… To the man she literally couldn’t wait to get inside her… And more importantly… Why was this usually good girl… Suddenly so sexually aggressive - so desperate to feel inside her right there and then — She was willing to risk getting caught and humiliated? My name’s Clayton, And I’m going to show you exactly what I said earlier that night to get her so aroused, she lost her inhibitions, and projected all her sexual

  3. desire onto me. So in her mind, I was the only one who could satisfy her sudden and desperate desire for sexual release. You see, just a few weeks earlier, I was doing extensive research on the female brain… When I came across a remarkable discovery about the female sex drive… That changed the way women responded to me… I’d discovered a hidden ‘sexual tripwire’ in the female brain… Once you set off this tripwire in a woman… It awakens an all-consuming and primal lust in her so powerful… It overrides her rational mind. So she can’t think straight.. And all logical reasons she has for not giving herself to you are erased As she becomes laser focused on getting you alone… Sliding out of her pants… Lifting her shirt over her head… And pressing her warm, naked body against yours… No matter the consequences

  4. This discovery is based on hard science from research labs at MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard and countless other Universities… And I’m going to share it with you right now… And I’m going to give you a simple, practical tip on how to use it… To get direct access to a woman’s sex drive… Putting you in complete control of her body and mind… Without even touching her. — You can use it with a girl you've just met to tap into erotic emotions so intense, they drown out any doubts she has about going home with you — You can use it on a girl who's put you in the friend zone, to completely change how she sees you, And how she feels about you So she can’t stop thinking of you as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, she’d be a fool to pass up Speak To Spark Arousal system was designed for you...In it, you’ll learn

  5. — You can use it with an ex-girlfriend to bring her running back to you, after she experiences a sudden urgency to slide her naked body into your bed — You can even use it on your longtime girlfriend or wife if things have gotten 'stale' to get her so turned on, she can't wait to wrap her legs around you and take you deep inside her... So you can experience the rush of masculine con?dence you can only get when you know your woman desires you. But before I share this remarkable discovery with you… I need to introduce you to Danielle… Because she’s the reason I was doing this research on the female brain in the ?rst place… We’d only dated for about 3 months… But when she suddenly broke it off I was heartbroken… I’d never dated a girl like her before Not only was Danielle stunningly beautiful… She was also smart, funny, playful, and one of the most thoughtful and genuinely caring people I’d ever met… But as bad as I felt the day she dumped me… The real devastation happened a couple of weeks later…

  6. When I did what was probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done… You see, not a waking moment passed when I wasn’t thinking of her... Replaying our time together trying to ?gure out where I went wrong… Unable to stop thinking about how pathetic I must have looked in her eyes. Two weeks after she dumped me, I had a dream I walked in on her kissing another guy… I woke up panicked… I was desperate for reassurance there was no ‘other guy’ in her life, and that she still thought of me. But what could I do? Calling her would look pathetic, and if I asked one of her friends she’d de?nitely hear about it. And then as I shovelled corn?akes into my mouth… I remembered something I wish to God I hadn’t remembered: I had access to Danielle’s facebook account. During the short time we’d dated, she’d logged in on my computer… And I’d saved her password… Should I check it? If she ever found out, she’d be furious. It would be a huge violation of her privacy…

  7. But maybe it was all in my head, Maybe she really missed me and was hoping I’d call, And maybe I’d ?nd some clues about how she really felt in there I had to know… I went to the Facebook login page… I typed in her email address and let the password ?ll in… I half hoped she’d changed it and I’d be locked out… I hit the “sign in” button… And… I was in. I clicked ‘Messages’ There it was. Her inbox. It felt thrilling… Dangerous… I saw some messages between her and her mom and scrolled through

  8. them… Nothing interesting there. Then I saw some messages from a guy I’d never heard of… Ryan… I clicked on the conversation and started to read: It went on and on like that…

  9. It went on and on like that… I read their private jokes and little intimacies… I read about the orgasms he was giving her… “The most intense I’ve ever had” she said I couldn’t stop reading… I guess I was hoping for some twist that would make me feel better… But each thing I read just made it more obvious she was crazy about this guy, That she didn’t miss me at all… That while I was thinking of her every moment of every day… She wasn’t thinking about me at all. I shut my computer… And stared into space, trying to process what I’d read… I just sat there unable to move… I tried to drive the images of her with another man out of my mind but it was no use… Her words ran through my head on repeat con?rming my every insecurity… “You’re so f-ing sexy!” “I get wet every time I see your name come up my phone” “You turn me on like nothing else” Words I would’ve killed to hear her say to me.

  10. Each phrase felt like a knife stabbed into my ribcage But the pain wasn’t even the worst part… Pain I could handle… Pain, I knew, would eventually pass… The worst part was how it made me feel about myself. How I couldn’t stop seeing myself through her eyes… How I wasn’t enough for her… Wasn’t con?dent enough… Wasn’t sexy enough… Wasn’t man enough… And this other guy was… I felt de?ated. Whatever con?dence I’d had before was completely shot… I couldn’t imagine another woman ever being attracted to me… Besides, even if I was able to get another girl’s interest…

  11. Besides, even if I was able to get another girl’s interest… I had no guarantee she wouldn’t do the same thing to me Danielle did. And I was terri?ed of going into a downward spiral where each rejection lowered my con?dence… Which led to more rejection… Which led to even lower con?dence… Making sure I was alone forever, With love, intimacy, and good sex forever out of reach for me. And as I lay back on the couch, imagining the worst possible future for my life, I thought about something my dad told me when I was in high school. It was, he said, the secret to his success and everything good that had every happened to him. "Clayton" he said “Nothing will ever change in your life until you do, But the hard part isn’t changing, The hard part, is making the decision to change After that, the rest is easy” Until then, I never understood exactly what he meant. But in that moment, it was clear as day:

  12. But in that moment, it was clear as day: I was so sick of being rejected…. So tired of being ignored by the girls I so desperately wanted… So fed up with being passed over for other guys… I was done I made the decision right there and then… That I’d never be in that position again… That I’d do whatever it took to make sure I was never that out of control with a woman. I decided that what I really wanted was —well it was like this: Have you ever seen a girl - maybe at the gym in her workout out?t…

  13. Or at the coffee shop reading by herself… Or laying on the beach in her swimsuit… Or just walking down the street in jeans and a t-shirt… And every cell in your body cries out with a longing to have her so intense you’d do ANYTHING to be with her if you only knew how? You become consumed by a primal urge so powerful that in that moment nothing else matters? Do you know that feeling? I wanted to know how to make women feel like THAT for ME… I wanted them to tell their friends “Oh my god, I met this guy… and there’s just something about him that makes me want to rip his clothes off…” I wanted them to go home at night… slide their hands between their legs… And think about me as they crested over into orgasm… I decided I wouldn’t settle for anything less. And as soon as I made that decision, something truly insane happened: Speak To Spark Arousal system was designed for you...In it, you’ll learn

  14. happened: That night, I was at home watching ABC’s Nightline on TV And they were interviewing this girl… Jessica… She had the most popular online dating pro?le in all of Los Angeles… Apart from the fact that she was a hot girl who had literally thousands of guys pursuing her… A few things caught my attention… First, she’d spent years as a clinical couples counsellor and sex advice writer and now had her own sex and dating advice show on Playboy Radio… Second, she was extremely outspoken and shamelessly honest about what turned her on… And she was now a full-time dating coach for men!

  15. And she was now a full-time dating coach for men! Now I knew there were other dating coaches out there… But in my mind, this combination of: - years of experience and training in the science of attraction… - the perspective of a ‘hot girl’ who was always getting hit on… and - A shockingly honest, ‘no ?lter’ way of talking about her own thoughts and feelings… Meant that if anyone could help me… it was her. I wrote her a short email asking her advice… And heard back the next morning: From: Jessica J Subject: “Re: questions” “Hey Clayton, I’d really love to help you out, but between my coaching schedule, my show, and a new project I’m doing research for, I don’t have time to take on any new clients right now. I’ll let you know if something opens up in the next few months. I sincerely hope you ?nd what you’re looking for.

  16. Best of Luck, Jessica” Damn it! I’d ?nally found the way forward and it was blocked In my heart, I knew that Jessica could help me… Then I had an idea. I hit ‘reply’ to Jessica’s message: “Hey Jessica, I know this is a long shot, but you said you’re busy with some research. I went to school for biochemistry and am pretty good at research so if you need a research assistant, I’d be happy to work for free in exchange for the chance to learn from you. If not, I understand. Please let me know, Clayton” She responded right away and after a little back and forth she agreed to take me on as long as I signed a con?dentiality agreement. With that done, we got on the phone and she briefed me on the project.

  17. What she told me then completely changed my dating life from that moment on: She’d started this project 6 months earlier… She and her tight-knit group of girlfriends who called themselves “The Seven Deadly Bitches”… Were swapping dating and sex stories… When they noticed some strange patterns in the way they behaved around certain men. For example, they noticed that while with most men they’d play hard to get and wait to be pursued… With certain men they felt an irresistible desire to do the pursuing… And would aggressively go after him… Putting themselves out there in embarrassing ways… Almost as if they couldn’t help themselves. They also noticed they’d sometimes write a guy off as unattractive or even disgusting… And later ?nd themselves obsessing over him… Analyzing every letter and punctuation mark from his texts…

  18. Desperate to get him to like them. AND they noticed that it wasn’t the best looking or richest guys they’d act like this with… It wasn’t even the most con?dent guys… In fact, they had no idea what these guys had done to make them act so crazy. Jessica wanted to know WHY… And started doing research into the female brain… So that the men she coached could take advantage of whatever it was to have more success in their dating lives. She told me she’d recently come across some remarkable research… Which answered some of the most fundamental questions about women and attraction: Questions like: Why do women sometimes make ‘bad decisions’ and sleep with guys they KNOW aren’t good for them?

  19. guys they KNOW aren’t good for them? Why do beautiful women who could have any guy they want often choose to date ’average’ or even ugly guys? What makes women risk rejection and pursue a man, rather than playing hard-to-get and waiting to be pursued? The discovery unearthed in this research is the key to making a woman lose control over you…. Making her so desperate to get you inside her, she’ll do things she never imagined… Things no one - even herself - would ever expect… I’m going to walk you through this discovery right now so you’re going to want to pay close attention: Scientists have uncovered a ‘master switch’ in the female brain that controls a woman’s sexual behavior…

  20. When it’s tripped, two important things happen: First, it triggers an arousal response: Her pupils dilate… Her breath quickens… Her cheeks and breasts become ?ushed… Her back arches… Her pussy gets slick with her juices… As her body gets ready for sex. But the surprising thing is what happens inside her brain: You see, as the arousal circuit of her brain is actiated… OTHER parts of her brain actually SHUT DOWN… Speci?cally, the brain areas for rational decision making and impulse control. In other words, all the areas of her brain designed to put the ‘brakes’ on her sexual behavior, go to sleep.

  21. This phenomenon is called The Override Effect… Because it completely overrides those parts of her brain designed to make her behave herself It’s evolution’s way of making sure she mates, even if she thinks she shouldn’t She loses her ability to resist the powerful sexual impulses running through her body. As she becomes single-mindedly focused on satisfying her sexual urges with you… And any thoughts she might have had about her reputation… Ruining your friendship… If you’d make a good boyfriend… Or if it ‘makes sense’ to be with you… Are literally gone from her mind… As the brain areas responsible for those thoughts go into hibernation… As one MIT professor Dan Ariely puts it: It “creates a kind of tunnel-vision where goals other than sexual ful?lment become eclipsed by the motivation to have sex.” That’s why women make all kinds of bad decisions when

  22. That’s why women make all kinds of bad decisions when tit comes to sex: Married women cheat on their husbands…. Women hook up with ex-boyfriends they KNOW will just hurt them again… And hop into bed with guys they hardly know… That’s why my friend Anna was willing to risk getting caught by her ex- boyfriend while we watched a movie… It’s why countless school teachers have risked their careers, their reputations, and even jail time to hook up with their students… Because the ‘brakes’ on their raw, animal urges are literally GONE… Guys who trigger The Override Effect in a woman get access to a whole other side of her… The ‘good girl’ who’s always been proper is suddenly obsessed with sleeping with you… She wants you to do the dirtiest things to her as she’s no longer disgusted by things she used to be… As Jessica explained the override effect to me and how it worked… All kinds of things started to make sense to me.

  23. I could see that whenever a girl brushed me off… Whenever a girl seemed interested and then suddenly went cold When she’d tell me I was a “nice guy” or a “good friend” or she just didn’t see me that way… It’s because I wasn’t turning her on and triggering The Override Effect in her brain… She had lots of “logical” reasons not to be with me… But none of that would’ve made a difference… Because when you trigger The Override Effect, those things don’t matter. A woman will overlook all your ?aws… She’ll make excuses to her friends to justify being with you… She’ll rationalize having sex with you despite hardly knowing you… Because that’s what her brain is designed to do.

  24. Jessica was convinced that the override effect was the key to a man’s success with women… Because it made sense of every sexual decision she and her friends had ever made… My job was to continue her research and discover as much as I could about it. I started spending most of my evenings at the University library looking through medical journals and scienti?c papers… And over the next 2 months I discovered some amazing things about the override effect: Like how men experience the override effect too… But while in men it’s triggered primarily by a woman’s physical appearance… - the curves of her body… - the softness of her skin… - the beauty of her face… In women, it’s triggered most easily by LANGUAGE… Which explains why women get so turned on by erotic stories. Why romance novels outsell every other book category combined… And why 50 Shades of Grey alone sold over 100 Million copies… Because they are to women what watching porn is to men… Speak To Spark Arousal system was designed for you...In it, you’ll learn

  25. Words are a direct line to the pleasurable and addictive feelings of arousal women are so hungry for… I also discovered that the override effect isn’t JUST about making women horny… Because once a girl experiences its powerful effects over a short period of time… Her brain releases ‘bonding hormones’ Which cause her to get attached to you. And become completely infatuated with you… So even if she has all the rational reasons in the world not to… She can’t help wanting to be your girlfriend… Once I compiled the research and brought it to Jessica, she used it to come up with a series of techniques for tripping a woman’s sexual tripwire ‘covertly’… So a guy could make a girl horny and trigger the override effect during casual conversation… Without her having a clue what he was doing… As the ?rst ’test subject’, it was my job to go out and try these techniques in the real world. Jessica gave me different words, different language patterns, different

  26. Jessica gave me different words, different language patterns, different stories and questions to test… And I got immediate feedback about what worked and what didn’t. I’d ask a girl a question, and immediately see her pupils dilate and her breathing change… And I knew she was getting wet and starting to think of me sexually… I’d tell a story and see another girl’s back arch and her nipples stiffen through the cotton of her t-shirt… And know that she was starting to feel the urge to grip her pussy around something… Which is how I found myself in the theatre with my ?ngers buried between Anna’s legs… Her eyes glassy as she stared straight ahead… Her mouth slightly open… As she pulled her panties aside to feel my ?ngers on her warm, welcoming lips… In a single conversation, I’d made her so desperate for me, she couldn’t help herself. And it wasn’t just girls I’d known for a while - Using these techniques I had girls back at my place within 25 minutes of saying hello… Like the barista who said “I can’t believe I’m doing this” as she lifted her hips off the bed for me to slide her jeans and panties off…

  27. The best part was that knowing I had these techniques in my back pocket… That I could turn on any woman, at any time, and have her practically begging me to satisfy her Gave me a new con?dence. It was like having a secret weapon. I carried myself differently… And women started looking at me different… treating me different… approaching ME and striking up conversations… Trying to get ME alone… So when I eventually ran into Danielle… I was radiating sexual power…

  28. We talked for a minute before she asked me if I wanted to go for a walk… And 10 minutes in, she was hanging off my arm… Telling me how sorry she was that she ‘wasn’t ready’ for me before… And asking if she could make dinner for me at her place to make it up to me… And not only did these techniques work for me.. But they worked for every other guy Jessica taught them to… Like Kyle, the 26 year old virgin who used one of the texts Jessica came up with to get a girl in his physics class to come over to his place, push him back onto the bed, and have her way with him… Or Koh, who used a combination of techniques to make his waitress so horny, she slipped him her number in front of his friends and then insisted on bringing him back to her place that very night when she was done her shift… Or Alec, who was talking to his ex on the phone and used one of the ‘arousal stories’ to get her to drive over to his place at 3am to ‘watch a movie”…

  29. You can guess what happened next. But, we had a new problem… As word spread, Jessica was getting more and more overwhelmed with requests from guys who wanted to learn from her… Jessica’s wait-list was already 6 months out, and she was exhausted spending all her time with clients teaching them these techniques… So I suggested it would make her life easier if she took what she was teaching and created some video modules which the guys could watch on their own time… Freeing her up from teaching the same things over and over again. I also suggested that we offer the program online to more than just her private clients… So no matter where a guy was in the world, he could get access to it on his own time, in the privacy of his home… She was hesitant at ?rst, but when I reminded her what I’d gone through before meeting her… And what millions of guys were continuing to go through every day… The heartache… the loneliness… the loss of con?dence… not feeling like a man… And that SHE had the power to help them…

  30. She agreed to publish a program, as long as I helped her put it all together. It took us three months to get it all done… And now, I’m happy to present: Speak to Spark Arousal It’s the only program in the world speci?cally designed to trigger the override effect in the women you talk to…. So you can make her dripping wet in seconds during a casual conversation… Until she aches to climb on top of you… And take you deep inside her…

  31. Without her having a clue what you’re up to. If you want the power to turn a woman on, make her wildly impulsive, and make her see you as a powerful, sexual man… The Speak To Spark Arousal system was designed for you… In it, you’ll learn:

  32. The “seeding” technique which plants sexual images and ideas in a woman’s mind that make her squirm in her seat as her pussy aches with an emptiness she’s desperate for you to ?ll… “Automatic Looping” to continually play dirty thoughts and feelings about you in her head.. So for hours, days, or weeks after talking to you, she’s obsessing over you and trying to come up with ways to see you again, get you alone, and satisfy the naughty fantasies about you she can’t stop picturing…

  33. How to use conversational silences to get her feeling an overwhelming amount of sexual tension that can only be released by her making a move on you What to say when she says she has a boyfriend, she’s not interested, or she’s too busy to see you, that will make you stand out from every other guy, show massive con?dence, and compel her to take the initiative to see you again Speak To Spark Arousal system was designed for you...In it, you’ll learn

  34. How to put sexual conversation on autopilot… so you don’t have to think about what you’re doing, and women are turned on by you effortlessly and naturally (hint: guys who are naturally good with women do with this without realizing it… which is why their best advice is to ‘be yourself’)

  35. How to use curiosity to get HER investing in face-to-face and text conversations… so instead of giving one-word answers, SHE’S asking YOU questions and moving the conversation forward…

  36. What to say within 10 seconds of meeting a girl that gets her thinking “Ok, he’s NOT like other guys”, and makes her feel a sudden urgency to hook up with you before some other girl does… How to react to ANY rational objection she has to dating you or being alone with you, including your age, what her friends might think, or her fear of “ruining your friendship”… in a way that spikes her arousal, and wipes these concerns out of her mind.

  37. And much, much more (That’s just a small taste) Once you use the techniques in Speak to Spark arousal, you’ll be able to turn on any woman, at any time without her suspecting what you’re up to.

  38. And the great thing is, you can actually SEE her getting turned on before your eyes… You can see her pupils dilate and her cheeks get ?ushed… You can see her breathing change and her gaze soften… You can see her nipples harden under her shirt… You can see her lick her lips and glance at yours… She’ll start touching your arm… Complimenting you… And giving you so many ‘green light’ signals… You can take her by the hand, look into her eyes, pull her body into yours, and lead her into the bedroom… With absolute con?dence that it’s EXACTLY what she’s hoping you’ll do… And when you KNOW that you have this kind of power over a girl’s sexual emotions… You’ll walk around with a kind of swagger that women can spot a mile away… Your body language will project a sexual con?dence that women are highly attuned to… But almost never come across outside of the romance novels, erotica, and other ‘chick porn’ they seek out just to get a taste of the feelings you’re able to give them…

  39. Now if you’ve stuck with me this far on the page, you probably have a few questions… Like how much the program costs… So let me answer that for you right now: When we put Speak to Spark Arousal together, we had a lot of discussions about how much to charge. Jessica’s current rate is $300 an hour for one-on-one coaching - and as she gets better and better known through this program and Playboy radio, those rates are just going to go up… To get this information directly from her would take at least 4 sessions and cost you a minimum of $1200… That’s if she had room in her schedule to take you on… Now, $1200 isn’t bad for the ability to walk into any situation, with any woman, and have her squirming in her seat with the idea of you penetrating her… So when we created the program, I suggested to Jessica that we price it at $1199.00 - to be fair to all her clients who’ve paid her at least this much to learn the system… After all, what’s in the program is exactly what she teaches them… But Jessica wasn’t having it…

  40. She told me the whole reason for creating this program wasn’t just to help guys who could drop a grand without thinking about it… She wanted to ‘level the playing ?eld’ — so that guys who weren’t rich or good-looking, or naturally con?dent, could get women they’d never had access to before… So we asked her friends, my friends, and her past clients what would be fair… Everyone agreed that cutting the price by more than half and charging $499 was more than fair… After all, a lot of guys spend more than that on clothes and eating out in a single month… And we’re offering them the seemingly magical ability to walk up to any woman and get her so turned on, she loses control And though Jessica agreed that $499 was a reasonable price, she really wanted to spread the word about Speak to Spark arousal and get it into as many hands as possible… So, against my recommendation, she decided to do a marketing test… Where we’d reduce the price as a reward to early adopters, and to see what the response was… This page is a part of that test… Which is why, if you’re reading this right now… We’d like to offer you the Speak to Spark Arousal system… For turning women on just by having simple conversations with them…

  41. Without them having a CLUE what you did… For more than 80% off That means that right now only you can get Speak to Spark Arousal… For just $69.95 Simply click the button below and ?ll out the order form to get started… You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page hosted on Clickbank.com. Then you’ll be taken right to a secure members area where you can get access to all the materials… (You’ll also get an email with a link to the members area and details on how to contact us should you need to for any reason) Click the button now for this limited-time offer… Just $69.95 Now, because Jessica wanted to make getting this program a total no-brainer for you, she agreed that for those guys who purchased as part of this marketing test…

  42. no-brainer for you, she agreed that for those guys who purchased as part of this marketing test… She would also offer some of her most popular programs… for free… As a limited-time bonus.

  43. Bonus Program #1 Friend Zone Escape Hatch Jessica’s helped hundreds of guys break out of the friend zone… Telling them exactly what to say and do to reframe the way she sees you… So she wonders why she ever put you in the friend zone in the ?rst place… And literally begs to be your girlfriend.. A lot of people will tell you that once a girl thinks of you as ‘just a friend”, she’ll never change her mind. However, the friend zone does have an escape hatch… The key is to shift her perception of you in phases, rather than trying to go from “friend” to “lover” in one step. That way your new sexual identity takes hold in her mind in a way that makes sense to her… Instead of leaving her wondering why you’re acting so different all of a sudden. In this e-book, Jessica shows you the 4 phases of changing how she sees you… And how to walk any woman from one phase to the next… So your transition from “friend” to “sexual beast” makes perfect sense in her mind…

  44. Bonus Program #2 Natural Conversation Starters

  45. You want to turn her on? You want to get her in bed or make her your girlfriend? You’re going to have to MEET her ?rst. And while loads of so-called ‘pickup artists’ are teaching ‘lines’ and schemes to hook a girl’s interest… The guys with the most success meeting and attracting women use an “under-the-radar” approach that comes across totally natural… So she’s not even aware of what’s happening until you’ve already turned her on… In this program, Jessica shows you the secret to starting conversations naturally… And gives you 33 word-for-word phrases you can use to start conversations with women at the coffee shop, in line at the bank, walking down the street, or at a bar or club… Which won’t come across as “lines” at all… So you can meet any girl, at any time, in any place… And have her imagining all the dirty things she wants you to do to her…. Without triggering her resistance and risking rejection. Each of these programs has previously sold for $49.99 So that’s a value of $99.98 just in bonuses… Just for taking advantage of this one-time offer of Speak to Spark Arousal…

  46. Just for taking advantage of this one-time offer of Speak to Spark Arousal… You'll Get it all for only $69.95 And, because we wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to try this program out… We’re offering a 60-day, unconditional, no-questions- asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee. That means you can get access to the program, go through all the materials, download the bonuses, and try everything out… And if the women you use it on aren’t dripping with excitement at the idea of wrapping their legs around you so they can draw you inside…. Simply let us know within 60 Days, and we’ll immediately refund 100% of your purchase. No questions asked. Just like that. Speak To Spark Arousal system was designed for you...In it, you’ll learn

  47. We’re offering this guarantee because we know how hard it can be to decide if a program is right for you… And the best way for us to help you do that, is to let you try it out for yourself before you decide… So you can see for yourself the powerful effects these techniques have over a woman’s sexual emotions… All you have to do is click the button below and ?ll out the order form and in less than a minute, you’ll have full access to all the tricks, tactics, and techniques of the Speak to Spark Arousal system that’s already helped hundreds of guys “trade up” and date women who never would’ve looked at them before… Now if you’re still on the fence about this, I should warn you about something… I already told you that we may not be able to offer Speak to Spark Arousal at this price for very long… But, we may actually have to pull the program down completely very soon. A few months ago, we got this strongly worded letter from Playboy which said that the program: “…is in direction con?ict with Jessica’s Non-Compete Contract” Asking us to “…cease and desist distribution immediately”

  48. After several letters back and forth between our lawyers, they agreed to let us keep the program up for now… But they reserved the right to pull it down at any time without notice. So although I can’t say exactly when, this page could disappear at any moment, and you’ll have no way to get access to the program… Which is why I suggest you get it now while you can. You can return it later if you change your mind… Just click the button below to get instant access to the program and all the exclusive bonuses. Just $69.95

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