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C h a p t e r 12 & 13

C h a p t e r 12 & 13. Slide bahasan chapter ini ada 14 halaman Halaman 2 gambaran model dasar komunikasi Halaman 3 Integreted Marketing comunication Halaman 4 sd 9 Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion Strategies Sales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies

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C h a p t e r 12 & 13

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  1. Chapter12 & 13 • Slide bahasan chapter ini ada 14 halaman • Halaman 2 gambaran model dasar komunikasi • Halaman 3 Integreted Marketing comunication • Halaman 4 sd 9 Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies • Halaman 10 sd 13 Figure influence marketing firm • Slide bahasan chapter ini ada 14 halaman • Halaman 2 gambaran model dasar komunikasi • Halaman 3 Integreted Marketing comunication • Halaman 4 sd 9 Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies • Halaman 10 sd 13 Figure influence marketing firm Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  2. Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies • BuatOrang Lain MenjadiPenting • hafalkannama • janganberkata, “Andasalah!” • beripenghargaan yang jujurdantulus • JadilahPendengar • Yang Baik • respon non verbal • parafrase • mengundangkontribusi • memikirkanimplikasi • berempati • Kalau Ingin Madu, Jangan Tendang Sarang Lebah • mulailah dengan ramah • bangkitkan minat pada diri orang lain • usahakan orang lain segera berkata ‘ya’ • kalau Anda salah, cepat akui dg simpati • cobalah melihat dari sudut pandang orang lain Komunikasi Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  3. Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies Dalambaurankomunikasipemasaranterpadumencakup : Promosipenjualan Periklanan Public relations Personal selling Direct & online marketing Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  4. M A R K E T I N G P R O M O T I O N Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies

  5. Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies PromosipenjualanMenggunakanalatsepertidiskon, kontes, undian, kupon, premium, produksampel Contohiklan Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  6. Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies Contoh iklan • b. Periklanan • Presentasipublik • Menawarkanpesankepadabanyakorang • Pervasiveness • Melakukanpengulanganpesanbagicalonpelanggan, danpelangganbisamembandingkandenganproduk lain • Amplified expressiveness • Memberikanpeluanguntukmendramatisasiproduknyamelaluiefeksuara, gambar, warna, bentukdantatacahaya. Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  7. Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies • Public relations • Kredibilitasperusahaan • Kemampuanmenjangkauaudiens yang cenderungmenghindariiklandanwiraniaga • Menanganikomplainpelanggan Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  8. Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies Personal selling Personal confrontation Terjadirelasilangsungduaataulebihpihakdandapatsalingmengamatireaksimasing-masing. Cultivation Memungkinkanterjadinyahubungan yang akrabantarawiraniagadenganpelanggan. Response Situasi yang seolah-olahmengharuskanpembeliuntukmendengar, memperhatikanataumenanggapiwiraniaga Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  9. Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  10. Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  11. Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  12. Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  13. Chapter12 & 13Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion StrategiesSales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

  14. TERIMA KASIH Flash by http://www.jhonhardi.com

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