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Nice to Meet You Ray!

Nice to Meet You Ray!. İ Gusto conocerte Ray! We want to know Ray Bradbury. Queremos conocer a Ray Bradbury. Ray Bradbury was born in Waukegan, IL in August 22, 1920 Ray Bradbury nacio en Waukegan, IL, el 22 de agosto de 1920.

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Nice to Meet You Ray!

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  1. Nice to Meet You Ray! İ Gusto conocerte Ray! We want to know Ray Bradbury. Queremosconocer a Ray Bradbury

  2. Ray Bradbury was born in Waukegan, IL in August 22, 1920Ray Bradbury nacio en Waukegan, IL, el 22 de agosto de 1920.

  3. He loved to read and then he loved to write. El amaba la lectura y le encantabaescribir When he could not finish the story that he was reading, he wrote his own ending! Cuando Ray no podia terminar de leer el cuento, el inventabasupropio final.

  4. Waukegan inspired some of his stories. He began to write when he was 11 years old!Waukegan fue la inspiracion de algunos de suscuentos.El empezo a escribircuandotenia 11 años

  5. Ray wrote science fiction, 27 novels and 600 short stories.Ray escribiocienciaficcion, 27 novelas y 600 cuentos He became very famous! El se volviomuyfamoso!

  6. He died in Los Angeles, CA on June 5, 2012. Ray se murio en Los Angeles, California el 5 de junio de 2012.

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