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An Introduction to Java Programming and Object-Oriented Application Development

An Introduction to Java Programming and Object-Oriented Application Development. Chapter 8 Exceptions and Assertions. Objectives. In this chapter you will: Explore how Java throws and catches exceptions Become familiar with many of Java’s exception classes

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An Introduction to Java Programming and Object-Oriented Application Development

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  1. An Introduction to Java Programming and Object-Oriented Application Development Chapter 8 Exceptions and Assertions

  2. Objectives In this chapter you will: • Explore how Java throws and catches exceptions • Become familiar with many of Java’s exception classes • Take a first look at the concept of inheritance • Write code that handles exceptions thrown by a Java program • Create assertions to debug a program

  3. Exceptions and Assertions • Applications should be robust, or well constructed • Applications should be fault tolerant, or forgiving of user mistakes • Compile-time errors are violations of the programming language syntax • Runtime errors occur during program execution and can cause a program to crash • Logic errors produce incorrect output

  4. Exception Handling • Runtime errors are referred to as exceptions • When Java creates an exception object, it throws the exception for further processing • Two ways to handle exceptions • Do nothing: Let the Java runtime system handle it • Write additional code to handle the exception • Handling the exception is preferable

  5. An Example of a Thrown Exception • The error message produced by Java when an exception is thrown is the stack trace • The method-call stack is the sequence of method calls that leads to creation of exception

  6. An Example of a Thrown Exception (continued)

  7. An Example of a Thrown Exception (continued) • The exception was created in Line 48 of NumberFormatException.java • The method-call stack steps through each call to a method, originating in Line 15 of main • The stack trace gives a complete description of the NumberFormatException object • One option is to add logic to allow the user to enter a greater variety of input

  8. An Example of a Thrown Exception (continued) • When an exception is thrown, the Java runtime system looks for code to handle the exception • The method-call stack is checked for this code • If no such code exists, the exception object is printed and the program terminates • If the exception were handled by the programmer, the code could exit more gracefully • The user could correct mistakes before the program exited

  9. Handling Errors with Program Logic • User input can be checked for validity using additional logic • As programs become more complex, handling errors with additional logic becomes more complicated • Adding logic may make the program less readable • Adding logic may make the program more difficult to maintain

  10. Handling Exceptions with the try Statement • Catching exceptions allows for customized error statements • The user can correct mistakes without restarting the program • The programmer needs three tools • The try block • The catch block • The finally block

  11. Handling Exceptions with the try Statement (continued) • A try block begins with the keyword try • Contains statements where exceptions originate • Contains statements that should normally execute • If an exception occurs, the rest of the try block is skipped • If an exception occurs, program control goes to the first catch block following the try block

  12. Handling Exceptions with the try Statement (continued) • For each try block there is one or more catch blocks • There is one catch block for each type of exception thrown • A catch block begins with the keyword catch and the exception parameter in parentheses • When an exception is thrown, if a catch block matches the exception type, it is executed

  13. Handling Exceptions with the try Statement (continued) • After the catch block is executed, program control continues after the last catch block • An uncaught exception is handled by the Java runtime system • The object’s stack trace is displayed • The program terminates • If no exceptions are thrown, the program skips all catch and finally blocks and processing continues normally

  14. Handling Exceptions with the try Statement (continued) • The finally block is a set of statements that always executes • Useful for tasks like closing files • A try statement is the try, catch and finally blocks • e is the customary identifier for an exception object

  15. Handling Exceptions with the try Statement (continued) • try statement syntax: try { normal program statements } catch (TypeOfException_1 e) { statements to process this exception } … catch (Type of Exception_n e) { statements to process this exception } finally { statements that always execute }

  16. Handling Exceptions with the try Statement (continued) • If a try statement is added to a program, a catch statement must also be added • Each catch statement handles one type of exception • A catch block executes only if an exception of the specified type is thrown within the try block • A finally block can be added immediately after a try block or a combination of try and catch blocks

  17. Classifying Exceptions • Exceptions can be classified according to an inheritance hierarchy • Exceptions can be classified as checked or unchecked • An inheritance hierarchy is like a taxonomy, a classification scheme according to common and unique characteristics • A subclass inherits from the class above it • A superclass is above a subclass

  18. Classifying Exceptions (continued)

  19. Classifying Exceptions (continued) • An unchecked exception inherits from the RuntimeException class • All other exception classes are checked • Checked exceptions cause compiler errors if they are not handled • Unchecked exceptions do not cause compile-time errors, but may cause runtime errors • A throws clause follows the method declaration throwsTypeOfException1,TypeOfException2…

  20. Multiple Catch Blocks and Programmer-Defined Exceptions • The types of exceptions that can be thrown are discovered through extensive testing • catch blocks must immediately follow try blocks with no intervening code • A catch block for a more specific type of exception should precede more general types • Can use an IllegalArgumentException for exception types not previously defined in Java • An Exception object can also be used, but it is poor programming practice

  21. Propagating Exceptions • An exception propagator is a method that originates an exception • An exception catcher is the method that catches the exception • If an exception originates in a method but is not caught, the exception propagates up the method-call stack • The method-call stack is the sequence of method calls

  22. Propagating Exceptions (continued)

  23. Apply the Concept • The application divides two numbers, and is simple to showcase exception handling • A boolean flag thereIsAnError signals that an error or exception has occurred • Three methods are called in a while loop • getDividend • getDivisor • calculateAndDisplay • The while loop executes while thereIsAnError is true

  24. Apply the Concept (continued) • Exceptions are caught if the user terminates the application prematurely • Exceptions are caught if the user enters letters instead of digits • Exceptions originating in getDividend and getDivisor propagate to main • The method calculateAndDisplay catches an IllegalArgumentException if the divisor is zero

  25. Apply the Concept (continued)

  26. Apply the Concept (continued)

  27. Assertions • Three major types of errors • Compile-time errors • Runtime errors • Logic errors • Compile-time errors are the result of syntax errors • Runtime errors cause the program to terminate while running • Logic errors cause incorrect output

  28. Using an Assertion • An assertion is designed to help the programmer detect logic errors • The syntax of an assert statement: assertexpression:error message • The expression is a boolean expression that should always be true if the program is working • The error message is displayed if the expression ever becomes false • Assertions are placed after all values in expression have been determined

  29. An Example of an Assertion • An assert statement is placed to verify that kilograms are less than pounds • If the assertion is false, an AssertionError is thrown • The custom error is optional, but useful • Compile with the –source1.5 option • Run with assertions enabled: -ea

  30. An Example of an Assertion (continued)

  31. Summary • Programs can be made more robust and fault tolerant using exception handling • Exceptions are handled using a try statement • The try statement consists of a try block, a catch block, and an optional finally block • Exceptions can be classified according to the inheritance hierarchy, or as checked or unchecked • The inheritance hierarchy is a taxonomy of Java classes

  32. Summary (continued) • A subclass inherits from the class just above it • The superclass is the class just above a given class in the hierarchy • Unchecked exceptions inherit from the RuntimeException class • All other exceptions are checked • Checked exceptions must be handled or the program will not compile

  33. Summary (continued) • Must be one catch block for every try block • Each catch block handles one type of exception • Multiple catch blocks may follow a try block • Exceptions that are not caught are propagated up the method-call stack • An assertion can be used to guarantee that programmers don’t make major logic errors

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