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QCTO presentation- W&RSETA scoping meeting

QCTO presentation- W&RSETA scoping meeting. Purpose of the meeting: Present pre-scoping outcomes Outline qualification development process Appoint DQP and potential identify AQP Invite broader participation (CEP). QCTO presentation- W&RSETA scoping meeting.

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QCTO presentation- W&RSETA scoping meeting

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  1. QCTO presentation- W&RSETA scoping meeting QCTO Presentation - Scoping meeting – W&RSETA 25-25 2014

  2. Purpose of the meeting:Present pre-scoping outcomesOutline qualification development process Appoint DQP and potential identify AQPInvite broader participation (CEP)

  3. QCTO presentation- W&RSETA scoping meeting QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  4. Scoping Meeting for:OFO 132401: Supply and Distribution Manager;OFO 522201: Retail Supervisor; andOFO 332301: Buyer Planner Occupational Qualifications25-26 March 2014

  5. OUTCOMES OF THE PRESENTATION QCTO Mandate Purpose of Occupational Qualifications Organising Framework of Occupations Stakeholders Scoping meeting 5.1. Possible Development Quality Partner 5.2. Possible Assessment Quality Partner Appointment of a Development Quality Partner and identification of an Assessment Quality Partner Quality Assurance QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014 5

  6. QCTO MANDATE QCTO established through the Skills Development Act The QCTO is responsible for: establishing and maintaining occupational standards and qualifications the quality assurance of occupational standards and qualifications and learning in and for the workplace designing and developing occupational standards and qualifications and submitting them to the SAQA for registration on the NQF ensuring the quality of occupational standards and qualifications and learning in and for the workplace (SDA, 2008, Section 26H) QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014 6

  7. NQF ACT NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK ACT (No 67 of 2008) The NQF is a comprehensive system approved by the Minister for the classification, registration, publication and articulation of quality-assured national qualifications Promotes objectives of the NQF QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014 7

  8. IMPROVEMENTS IN NQF LANDSCAPE: NQF Act (No 67 of 2008) makes provision for an integrated NQF comprising three sub frameworks, each developed and managed by a Quality Council QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014 8

  9. QUALITY COUNCILS AND SAQA All three QCs must deliver on functions – Sect 27 NQF Act In summary QCs Responsible for the development of qualifications and part-qualifications Quality assure of those qualifications and part-qualifications. Recommend Qualifications for registration to SAQA SAQA given role to enhance ‘communication, co-ordination and collaboration’ between the QCs. Register Qualifications on the NQF. QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014 9

  10. PURPOSE OF OCCUPATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS The purpose of an occupational qualification is to qualify a learner to practice an occupation, reflected on the Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO) or an occupational specialisation related to an occupation that is reflected on the OFO this includes those occupations for which artisan qualification is required (trades) QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  11. OCCUPATIONAL QUALIFICATION SDA: ‘Occupational Qualification means a qualification associated with a trade, occupation or professionresulting from work-based learning and consisting of knowledgeunitstandards, practicalunitstandards and work experienceunitstandards’ QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  12. Knowledge / theory (Min 20%) Practical (Min 20%) Work experience (Min 20%) External, summative assessment Occupational Certificate OCCUPATION QUALIFICATION & CURRICULUM Occupational Purpose QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  13. Improved NQF landscape QCTO Presentation - BankSETA Roadshow 2014

  14. ROLE PLAYERS IN QCTO QUALIFICATIONS Applicant – person submitting a request to develop an occupational qualification Development Quality Partner (DQP)means a body delegated by the QCTO to manage the process of developing specific occupational qualifications, curricula and assessment specifications; Qualification Development Facilitator (QDF) means a person registered by the QCTO to facilitate the development of occupational qualifications; Community of Expert Practitioners (CEPs) means a group of people qualified in the relevant occupation with a minimum of at least 5 years minimum number of current relevant years of experience in that particular occupation or are recognised by the practitioners of the occupation as experts; Assessment Quality Partner(AQP) means a body delegated by the QCTO to develop assessment instruments and manage external summative assessment of specific occupational qualifications; QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  15. STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT • Pre-scoping meeting; Scoping meeting • Development Occupational Profile; Verification of an Occupational Profile • Development of Curriculum including External Assessment Specifications; Verification of Curriculum and External Assessment Specifications • Public Comments Process when an occupational qualifications is published on the Government Gazette by the QCTO QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  16. CORE BUSINESS AREAS OF THE QCTO QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014 16

  17. FUNCTIONS OF THE DQP • Coordinate and fund the qualifications development process • Appoint the qualifications development facilitator and learner qualifications development facilitator where appropriate • Manage the qualifications verification process • Prepare the qualifications development process report QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  18. DELIVERABLES The Occupational Qualifications Document • An occupational qualification defines the learning required to be competent to practice an occupation or an occupational specialisation. (QCTO will submit this document to SAQA) The Occupational Curriculum Document • The purpose of the occupational curriculum document is to enhance the quality and consistency of learning and of the internal assessment of each of the components of learning. National occupational curricula will be registered with QCTO. Occupational Assessment Specifications Document • All occupational qualifications will be assessed externally through an appropriate nationally standardised integrated summative assessment. QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  19. THE AQP • AQP must be identified prior to the verification of the occupational profile • a body with the necessary expertise, standing in relation to the occupational qualification • has resources necessary to perform this function QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  20. FUNCTIONSOF THE AQP The AQP must in respect of the qualifications and part-qualifications specified in the SLA carry out activities as specified in 5.1(a-h) of the QCTO policy on delegation to AQP; Co-ordinate and manage external assessment processes; Record and upload learner external assessment applications and achievements to the QCTO: and Moderate at least 10% of learner external assessments QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  21. FUNCTIONS OF THE AQP CONT Recommend the certification of learners to the QCTO; Implement an appeals policy as guided by an assessment policy; Conduct learner tracer studies; Promote continuous professional development of AQP associated practitioners; Report to the QCTO on the performance of its functions, in the form and manner required by the QCTO; and Provide a mechanism for RPL QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  22. UPDATE ON QUALITY ASSURANCE 14 Assessment Quality Partners with SLAs 3 policies approved: Accreditation of SDPs Assessment Centres and Certification Criteria and Guidelines for AQPs have been approved to guide implementation of QA processes QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  23. CERTIFICATION The QCTO will have a centralised Certification System and the following certificates will be issued: Occupational Certificates Trade Certificates Occupational part qualifications (to be decided whether certificate or statement of results) Foundational Learning Competence (Statement of results) QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  24. QUALITY ASSURANCE OF LEGACY QUALIFICATIONS • register assessors to undertake assessment for specified qualifications or part qualifications in terms of criteria determined by the QCTO; • issue certificates to qualified learners in accordance with the policy determined by the Minister in terms of section 26F of the SDA; • maintain a comprehensive learner information management system; QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  25. QUALITY ASSURANCE OF LEGACY QUALIFICATIONS MONITORING & EVALUATION 2013/14 • Quality Partners completed Self Evaluation Questionnaires; • Desktop evaluations of the completed questionnaire were completed by QCTO Monitors (Bruce Mohamed and Olivia Mabotja); • All evidence outlined in the questionnaire were verified on site by the QCTO Monitoring team; • Action plans to close identified gaps were submitted by QPs; • On the basis of the evaluated evidence, expectations and commitments monitoring/verification site visits to be conducted by the QCTO team. QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  26. STATUS UPDATE ON QUALIFICATIONS QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

  27. Thank you !!! Questions? QCTO Presentation Scoping meeting - W&RSETA 25-26 March 2014

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