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Estuarine Marsh Habitats in the Oregon: Perspectives from the South Slough NERR

Estuarine Marsh Habitats in the Oregon: Perspectives from the South Slough NERR. Craig Cornu Coordinator of Monitoring Programs South Slough NERR Charleston, OR. Presentation Outline. Estuarine marshes: Types, spatial distribution Ecosystem services Restoration design considerations:

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Estuarine Marsh Habitats in the Oregon: Perspectives from the South Slough NERR

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  1. Estuarine Marsh Habitats in the Oregon: Perspectives from the South Slough NERR Craig Cornu Coordinator of Monitoring Programs South Slough NERR Charleston, OR

  2. Presentation Outline • Estuarine marshes: • Types, spatial distribution • Ecosystem services • Restoration design considerations: • What are the most important considerations • when designing a restoration project? • Just pull back the dike and you’re done, right? • Is planting required? • Do tidal channels restore themselves? • Monitoring & success criteria (brief)

  3. Estuarine marshes: Types, spatial distribution Coos Estuary South Slough Estuary

  4. Estuarine marshes: Types, spatial distribution Coos Estuary South Slough Estuary South Slough Reserve Administrative Boundary

  5. Habitat Mapping Distribution of Tidal Marshes Upper South Slough Estuary: Reserve Staff Habitat Mapping Upper South Slough Estuary: NWI Habitat Mapping Upper South Slough Estuary: HGM Habitat Mapping Cowardin, Lewis M. et al. 1979 Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States

  6. Habitat Mapping Distribution of Tidal Marshes Upper South Slough Estuary: Reserve Staff Habitat Mapping Upper South Slough Estuary: HGM Habitat Mapping Adamus, P. 2006. Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Assessment Guidebook for Tidal Wetlands of the Oregon Coast, Part 1: Rapid Assessment Method.

  7. Habitat Mapping Distribution of Tidal Marshes Upper South Slough Estuary: Reserve Staff Habitat Mapping Kutcher et. al. 2008 Habitat Classification Scheme

  8. Lower Estuary (marine –dominated) Mid-Estuary (mostly marine-dominated) Upper Estuary (river –dominated)

  9. Salinity Gradient at High Tide- South Slough Estuary January 2007 August 2007 J. Alexander et. al. 2007 SSNERR Estuary Atlas Project

  10. Gradients That Affect Tidal Marsh Attributes Estuarine Scale Marsh Scale Forest Edge Upper Estuary Lower Estuary Channel Edge • High Energy • Proximity to ocean/full tidal energy/swells • Open/exposed estuary/relatively long fetch results in wind waves • Lower Energy • Energy reduced by channel sinuosity / roughness and vegetation on marsh plain Energy Tidal/Wind Waves • Low Energy • Far from ocean influence/minimal tidal energy • Protected marsh plain/short fetch/small wind waves • Higher Energy • Tidal and wind wave energy Salinity Soils Elevation/ Tidal Inundation Period

  11. Gradients That Affect Tidal Marsh Attributes Estuarine Scale Marsh Scale Forest Edge Upper Estuary Lower Estuary Channel Edge • High Energy • Proximity to ocean/full tidal energy/swells • Open/exposed estuary/relatively long fetch results in wind waves • Lower Energy • Energy reduced by channel sinuosity / roughness and vegetation on marsh plain Energy Tidal/Wind Waves • Low Energy • Far from ocean influence/minimal tidal energy • Protected marsh plain/short fetch/small wind waves • Higher Energy • Tidal and wind wave energy Full Strength Sea Water Brackish/Fresh Water Higher Salinity Lower Salinity Salinity • Marine-dominated part of the estuary • Seasonally consistent • River-dominated part of the estuary • Seasonally shifting with river discharge • Greatest estuarine influence • Least estuarine influence Soils Elevation/ Tidal Inundation Period

  12. Gradients That Affect Tidal Marsh Attributes Estuarine Scale Marsh Scale Forest Edge Upper Estuary Lower Estuary Channel Edge • High Energy • Proximity to ocean/full tidal energy/swells • Open/exposed estuary/relatively long fetch results in wind waves • Lower Energy • Energy reduced by channel sinuosity / roughness and vegetation on marsh plain Energy Tidal/Wind Waves • Low Energy • Far from ocean influence/minimal tidal energy • Protected marsh plain/short fetch/small wind waves • Higher Energy • Tidal and wind wave energy Full Strength Sea Water Brackish/Fresh Water Higher Salinity Lower Salinity Salinity • Marine-dominated part of the estuary • Seasonally consistent • River-dominated part of the estuary • Seasonally shifting with river discharge • Greatest estuarine influence • Least estuarine influence Soils Higher Sand Component Higher Silt.Clay Component Coarser Texture Finer Texture • Marine-dominated part of the estuary • River-dominated part of the estuary Elevation/ Tidal Inundation Period

  13. Gradients That Affect Tidal Marsh Attributes Estuarine Scale Marsh Scale Forest Edge Upper Estuary Lower Estuary Channel Edge • High Energy • Proximity to ocean/full tidal energy/swells • Open/exposed estuary/relatively long fetch results in wind waves • Lower Energy • Energy reduced by channel sinuosity / roughness and vegetation on marsh plain Energy Tidal/Wind Waves • Low Energy • Far from ocean influence/minimal tidal energy • Protected marsh plain/short fetch/small wind waves • Higher Energy • Tidal and wind wave energy Full Strength Sea Water Brackish/Fresh Water Higher Salinity Lower Salinity Salinity • Marine-dominated part of the estuary • Seasonally consistent • River-dominated part of the estuary • Seasonally shifting with river discharge • Greatest estuarine influence • Least estuarine influence Soils Higher Sand Component Higher Silt.Clay Component Coarser Texture Finer Texture • Marine-dominated part of the estuary • River-dominated part of the estuary Lower Elevation Marsh Plain Normal Marsh Plain Development Lower Elevation Higher Elevation Elevation/ Tidal Inundation Period • Longer tidal inundation period (depending on presence of natural levees) • Shorter Inundation period • Protected, robustly vegetated marshes regularly inundated with sediment-laden tide water build and maintain mature marsh elevations • Combination of high energy, low profile vegetation (salinity and energy influence), and coarse soils acts to maintain relatively low marsh plain elevation

  14. Metcalf Is. Dom Spp: SALVIR, PUCPUM, JAUCAR Total Spp: 6 Valino Is. Dom Spp: SALVIR, DISSPI, JAUCAR, DESCAE Total Spp: 20 Lower Estuary (marine –dominated) Valino Is. Is Dom Spp: DISSPI, SALVIR, JAUCAR Total Spp: 10 Hidden Cr. Dom Spp: DESCAE, JAUCAR, AGRSTO Total Spp: 18 Mid-Estuary (mostly marine-dominated) Danger Pt. Dom Spp: AGRSTO, TRIMAR, CARLYN, DESCAE Total Spp: 21 ? Upper Estuary (river –dominated) From: J. Hamilton et. al. 2010 SSNERR SWMP Biomonitoring Project ?

  15. Y27 Restoration Site (The Wetlands Conservancy) Y28 Least Disturbed Reference Site Dom Spp: PHAARU, JUNBAL, AGRSTO, ARGEGE, CAROBN Total Spp: 22 From: H. Harris et al. 2010 SSNERR/NERRS Reference Sites Project

  16. Change in Ecosystem Processes • Tectonic uplift- Gradual elevation change • Tsunami- Infrequent but abrupt elevation change; sediment deposition, erosion • Prolonged periods of river flooding or drought – changes in plant community structure and distribution • Change in sediment regime- mature tidal marshes require sustained supply of sediment to maintain elevation • Large wood, fire, salmon and other wildlife- All contribute to tidal marsh functions and affect marsh community structure and distribution Adamus, P. 2006. Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Assessment Guidebook for Tidal Wetlands of the Oregon Coast, Part 3: Wetland Profiles of Oregon’s Coastal Watersheds and Estuaries.

  17. Estuarine marshes: Ecosystem Services

  18. Estuarine marshes: Ecosystem Services / Functions • HABITAT and food web support • food production and feeding refuge • Refuge and foraging for small fish and crustaceans • Feeding grounds for larger fish and crabs during high water • Habitat for birds, mammals and reptiles • High productivity at base of food chain (vascular plants, microbial decomposers, benthic invertebrates)   • Extensive use by migratory and transient fish and macroinvertebrates due to geomorphological and biotic complexity;  • Transfer of marsh production to greater ecosystem. From: Peterson CH, Able KW, DeJong CF, Piehler MF, Simenstad CA, Zedler JB. 2008. Practical proxies for tidal marsh ecosystem services: application to injury and restoration. Advances Marine Biology 54:221–66.

  19. Estuarine marshes: Ecosystem Services / Functions • BUFFER against storm and wave damage • wave dissipation and water absorption • Particularly important for fringing marshes along open estuaries where long fetch accentuates shoreline wave impact • Entrain large wood that would otherwise cause damage in high intertidal • Shrub-scrub and forested wetland completely dissipate waves From: Peterson CH, Able KW, DeJong CF, Piehler MF, Simenstad CA, Zedler JB. 2008. Practical proxies for tidal marsh ecosystem services: application to injury and restoration. Advances Marine Biology 54:221–66.

  20. Estuarine marshes: Ecosystem Services / Functions • SHORELINE STABILIZATION • stabilization and sedimentation to accommodate sea-level rise • Sustain high rates of sediment accretion and shoaling • Promote marsh transgression • Reduce water column turbidity From: Peterson CH, Able KW, DeJong CF, Piehler MF, Simenstad CA, Zedler JB. 2008. Practical proxies for tidal marsh ecosystem services: application to injury and restoration. Advances Marine Biology 54:221–66.

  21. Estuarine marshes: Ecosystem Services / Functions • HYDROLOGIC processing • floodwater storage • Constitute significant portion of tidal prism and flood water storage, particularly in marsh system and in tidal floodplains where they serve to dampen and desynchronize flood pulses From: Peterson CH, Able KW, DeJong CF, Piehler MF, Simenstad CA, Zedler JB. 2008. Practical proxies for tidal marsh ecosystem services: application to injury and restoration. Advances Marine Biology 54:221–66.

  22. Estuarine marshes: Ecosystem Services / Functions • HYDROLOGIC processing • floodwater storage • Constitute significant portion of tidal prism and flood water storage, particularly in marsh system and in tidal floodplains where they serve to dampen and desynchronize flood pulses • WATER QUALITY • sediment, nutrient and pathogen removal in estuary and ocean • Extensive nutrient uptake, especially by associated algae, accentuated by high flooding frequency and direction. From: Peterson CH, Able KW, DeJong CF, Piehler MF, Simenstad CA, Zedler JB. 2008. Practical proxies for tidal marsh ecosystem services: application to injury and restoration. Advances Marine Biology 54:221–66.

  23. Estuarine marshes: Ecosystem Services / Functions • BIODIVERSITY • including threatened and endangered species and resilience to perturbations • High diversity and productivity of invertebrate and vertebrate fauna, especially threatened/endangered ocean-type Pacific salmon From: Peterson CH, Able KW, DeJong CF, Piehler MF, Simenstad CA, Zedler JB. 2008. Practical proxies for tidal marsh ecosystem services: application to injury and restoration. Advances Marine Biology 54:221–66.

  24. Estuarine marshes: Ecosystem Services / Functions • BIODIVERSITY • including threatened and endangered species and resilience to perturbations • High diversity and productivity of invertebrate fauna, especially aquatic insects, support important nekton, such as threatened/endangered ocean-type Pacific salmon • CARBON STORAGE • Moderate to low due to lack of peat-building assemblages and high decomposition • High sediment accretion accounts for some burial? From: Peterson CH, Able KW, DeJong CF, Piehler MF, Simenstad CA, Zedler JB. 2008. Practical proxies for tidal marsh ecosystem services: application to injury and restoration. Advances Marine Biology 54:221–66.

  25. Estuarine marshes: Ecosystem Services / Functions • SOCIO-ECONOMIC services to humans • esthetics, heritage, ecotourism, education, human health • High non-extractive tourism use, especially associated with migratory and resident bird watching • Recreational extractive uses generally restricted to waterfowl hunting • Very important Native American traditional harvest for weaving, therapeutic and other cultural uses • Many small community groups have instituted stewardship and monitoring of local coastal wetlands. From: Peterson CH, Able KW, DeJong CF, Piehler MF, Simenstad CA, Zedler JB. 2008. Practical proxies for tidal marsh ecosystem services: application to injury and restoration. Advances Marine Biology 54:221–66.

  26. Estuarine marshes: Ecosystem Services / Functions- Mudflats

  27. Estuarine marshes: Restoration design considerations

  28. Question: What are the most important considerations when designing a restoration project?

  29. Society for Ecological Restoration's Guidelines for Developing and Managing Ecological Restoration Projects http://www.ser.org/content/guidelines_ecological_restoration.asp

  30. Society for Ecological Restoration's Guidelines for Developing and Managing Ecological Restoration Projects • Conceptual Planning • Preliminary Tasks • Implementation Planning • Implementation Tasks • Post-Implementation Tasks • Evaluation and Publicity http://www.ser.org/content/guidelines_ecological_restoration.asp

  31. Conceptual Planning 1. Identify the project site location and its boundaries. 2. Identify ownership. 3. Identify the need for ecological restoration. 4. Identify the kind of ecosystem to be restored. 5. Identify restoration goals. 6. Identify physical site conditions in need of repair. 7. Identify stressors in need of regulation or re-initiation. 8. Identify and list the kinds of biotic interventions that are needed. 9. Identify landscape restrictions. 10. Identify project-funding sources. 11. Identify labor sources and equipment needs. 12. Identify biotic resource needs and sources. 13. Identify the need for securing permits required by government agencies. 14. Identify permit specifications, deed restrictions, and other legal constraints. 15. Identify project duration. Project duration can greatly affect project costs. 16. Identify strategies for long-term protection and management. www.ser.org

  32. Preliminary Tasks 17. Appoint a restoration practitioner who is in charge of all technical aspects of restoration. 18. Appoint the restoration team. 19. Prepare a budget to accommodate the completion of preliminary tasks. 20. Document existing project site conditions and describe the biota. 21. Document the project site history that led to the need for restoration. 22. Conduct pre-project monitoring as needed. 23. Establish the reference ecosystem or “reference.” …etc. www.ser.org

  33. Question: Just pull back the dike and you’re done? …Dike breach vs. dike removal

  34. Dike breach vs. dike removal Considerations: • Project goals- full functional recovery? • Project funding • Opportunities to use dike material for beneficial purposes

  35. Kunz Marsh Lessons Learned • Few diked tidal wetland projects will have enough dike material to adjust the entire site for subsidence. • Suggest trying the use of available dike • material as a prograding bench next to • upland edge?

  36. Applying the Concept 1991 Aerial Photo

  37. Dike Subsided marsh surface 1991 Aerial Photo

  38. Dike Material 1.8 m NAVD (Mid Marsh) Marsh w/ removed dike 1.4-1.5 m NAVD (Intertidal Mudflat) 1991 Aerial Photo

  39. 1991 Aerial Photo

  40. Mature marsh 2.2 m NAVD 1991 Aerial Photo

  41. Question: Is planting required?? Yr. 0 Yr. 3 Yr. 6

  42. Planting required? Considerations: • Project Goals • Landscape setting • Propagule sources • Colonization opportunities • Likelihood/intensity of invasive species presence Lyngby’s sedge

  43. Planting required? No Kunz Marsh Restoration Project Cornu, C. E., and S. Sadro. 2002. Physical and Functional Responses to Experimental Marsh Surface Elevation Manipulation in Coos Bay's South Slough. Restoration Ecology 10: 474-486.

  44. Planting required? Definitely Anderson Creek Restoration Project Cornu, C.E. 2005. Restoring Anderson Creek Marsh. South Slough NERR Coastal Resource Management Series. CRMS-2005-3. Coos Bay, Oregon.

  45. Planting required? OMG Most Definitely Wasson Creek Restoration Project Reed Canary Grass

  46. Kunz Marsh Restoration Project Lyngby’s sedge dominance

  47. Kunz Marsh Restoration Project Total Percent Cover Lyngby’s sedge dominance Total Percent Cover Total Percent Cover Total Percent Cover H. Harris et al. 2010 SSNERR/NERRS Reference Sites Project

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