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The State of Trilingual Interpreting: Understanding the Work, Mobilization, and Leadership

The State of Trilingual Interpreting: Understanding the Work, Mobilization, and Leadership. Rafael Treviño, NIC-A Edwin Cancel, NIC, ED:K-12, BEI Trilingual Master Conference of Interpreter Trainers Charlotte, NC October 20, 2012. Part I: Trilingual Interpreting Defined

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The State of Trilingual Interpreting: Understanding the Work, Mobilization, and Leadership

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The State of Trilingual Interpreting: Understanding the Work, Mobilization, and Leadership

    Rafael Treviño, NIC-A Edwin Cancel, NIC, ED:K-12, BEI Trilingual Master Conference of Interpreter Trainers Charlotte, NC October 20, 2012
  2. Part I: Trilingual Interpreting Defined Part II: NCIEC Focus Group Study Part III: Implications for Educators
  3. Part I Trilingual interpreting defined
  4. Trilingual Interpreting Why What Who Where How
  5. What: Not this…
  6. …rather, this.
  7. Who: Not this…
  8. …rather, this…
  9. …or this.
  10. Where Video (VRS; VRI) Educational (K-12) Healthcare; Mental health Vocational Rehabilitation Religious Events Conferences Legal Abroad
  11. How: Mostly the same…
  12. …except maybe this…
  13. …and definitely except this.
  14. ESHC asks SSHC a question
  15. Challenges
  16. Part II Nciec focus group study
  17. Introduction “As an [ASL-English] interpreter, you almost have to try not to be influenced by so many resources. As a trilingual interpreter, you have to go out of your way to find support.” -- Practitioner
  18. Foundational Knowledge “Trilingual interpreters should be aware of the missionary influences on the native Latin American signed languages that might have been influenced by Western signed languages. Make sure trilingual interpreters become scholars in culture and history.” -- Deaf consumer
  19. Language, Culture & Communication “Si a títetoca un intérpretequeesmexicano y mi hija o alguienteestádiciendoalgo, y élte lo dice en un modismomexicano y unoesvenezolano, tequedaste en la luna”. -- Spanish-speaking hearing consumer
  20. Consumer Assessment “…if you interpret in an educational setting you should know what classrooms look like [in consumer’s home culture]. […] I think that knowledge is very helpful in terms of being able to help the student participate successfully in class.” -- English-speaking hearing consumer
  21. Interpreting Practice “There’s some assumption that the knowledge of Spanish and the experience as an interpreter means that there will be some automatic transference.” -- Hiring entity
  22. Professionalism “Sin menospreciar a los que son puramentebilingües, manejando el inglés y el sign language, sabemosque con ellosesmásfrío, puesllegaahí, hacesutrabajo, recogesupapely se va”. -- Spanish-speaking hearing consumer
  23. Future Direction “Aunque sea por lo menos en Texas, yaexisteuna forma de identificarse; me parecefantástico”. -- Spanish-speaking hearing consumer
  24. Part III Implications for educators
  26. THE HISPANIC POPULATION: 2010(U.S. CENSUS) 52.0 million “The Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2011, making people of Hispanic origin the nation's largest ethnic or race minority. Hispanics constituted 16.7 percent of the nation's total population.In addition, there are 3.7 million residents of Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory.”
  27. How educators can help Be a talent scout Be collaborative Be creative Be an academic advisor Be diverse
  28. Organizations and Resources Mano a Mano NCIEC WASLI NMIP RID RID local chapters
  29. ASL & Spanish Immersion Programs! Puerto Rico, June 27-30, 2013
  30. Thank you! Rafael Treviñorafael.trevino@me.com Edwin Cancelcancele@mail.wou.edu
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