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Status of the FMD

Status of the FMD. LHCC referees meeting, 10 October 2005 Børge Svane Nielsen Niels Bohr Institute. Prototype status. Hamamatsu sensor prototype: well within specs → Inner production started, delivery end November → Outer design done, prototype ordered IDEAS inner hybrid prototype:

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Status of the FMD

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  1. Status of the FMD LHCC referees meeting, 10 October 2005 Børge Svane Nielsen Niels Bohr Institute Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

  2. Prototype status Hamamatsu sensor prototype: well within specs → Inner production started, delivery end November → Outer design done, prototype ordered IDEAS inner hybrid prototype: VA1_3 chips within specs, all produced → 2nd hybrid prototype delivered and tested → Hybrid production starting Prototype module (sandwich) status: MIP particles seen (680 MeV e-) Noise level as expected or better → 2nd prototype tested in e- beam early October Readout electronics status: →Prototype VA1-Digitizer-RCU chain working Mechanics: →TPC-ITS-T0-V0-FMD assembly test done Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

  3. Silicon sensors Inner prototype: 300 μm thick 2 x 512 strips 250 μm pitch Leakage current (specs < 3 μA) Bonding pads 300 nA Bias voltage 300 V Detector capacitance 13cm 2 nF 300 V Bias voltage Bonding pads Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

  4. Prototype module • 3 prototype inner detector sandwich modules built: Hybrids glued to sensors with thin ceramic spacers Readout pads bonded to silicon at periphery of hybrid bonds hybrid sensor Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

  5. Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

  6. Beam test of modules 680 MeV e- beam test at ASTRID ring at Aarhus University, DK FMD module e- beam Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

  7. Noise estimate Inner sensor noise estimate Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

  8. Test beam results, July • Tested prototype with high energy electron beam (680 MeV) • Clear signal peak • Signal/Noise  60 Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

  9. Test beam results, October S/N=56 S/N=47 S/N=58 S/N=56 Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

  10. Read-out electronics Lab test with sandwich and prototype Digitizer+RCU readout RCU • Good progress with prototype • Digitizer and USB version of RCU • prototype Digitizer card + firmware built • complete Digitizer+RCU chain works • first beam tests with full electronics chain successfull • preparing for final version Digitizer Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

  11. Integration test Installation of FMD3 and FMD2 together with ITS, etc. Beam pipe support Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

  12. Conclusions • FMD prototype modules show excellent signal to noise characteristics ( 60:1). • Hit sharing accounts for most of the particles seen between the MIP peak and the noise peak. • Production of inner sensors and hybrids started. • Final design of outer module, digitizer and mechanics progressing well. Børge Svane Nielsen, NBI

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