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Kathryn Brow, Christine Darko, Luiza Korobkova, Anthony Tran

Kathryn Brow, Christine Darko, Luiza Korobkova, Anthony Tran. Infant Mortality : A health disparity between African Americans and the General Population in Massachusetts. UMass, Amherst Brandeis University UMass, Boston. Kathryn Brow, Christine Darko, Luiza Korobkova, Anthony Tran.

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Kathryn Brow, Christine Darko, Luiza Korobkova, Anthony Tran

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kathryn Brow, Christine Darko, Luiza Korobkova, Anthony Tran Infant Mortality:A health disparity between African Americans and the General Population in Massachusetts UMass, Amherst Brandeis University UMass, Boston

  2. Kathryn Brow, Christine Darko, Luiza Korobkova, Anthony Tran Infant Mortality:A health disparity between African Americans and the General Population in Massachusetts UMass, Amherst Brandeis University UMass, Boston

  3. INFANT MORTALITY 1 Definition: The death of an infant before his or her first birthday.

  4. Leading Causes of Infant Death 2 • Account for more than 46% of all infant deaths. 1.Low birth weight 2.Congenital malformations 3. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) 4. Maternal complications

  5. WHAT IS A HEALTH DISPARITY? 3 Health disparities refer to differences between groups of people, these differences can affect how frequently: • a disease affects a group • how many people get sick • how often the disease cause death

  6. Evidence of the Disparity 4 Infant Mortality Disparity between Blacks and the General Public in Massachusetts Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Birth Report 2010

  7. Infant Mortality Rates National vs. Massachusetts 5 National Vital Statistics Reports, 2008

  8. What causes this disparity? 6 • Socioeconomic status • Education • Health care access • Inadequacy of prenatal care • Lack of treatment for chronic diseases which can complicate pregnancies

  9. Low Birth Weight Rates Based on Race 7 Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Birth Report 2010

  10. Adequacy of Prenatal Care by Race, Education and Age 8 Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Birth Report 2010

  11. Highest Infant Mortality Rate Disparity is in Worcester 9 Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 2011 Perinatal Trends

  12. Ways to reduce risk of Infant Mortality 10 • Safe sleeping practices • Adequate prenatal care • Health campaigns • Social Marketing • Worcester Healthy Start Initiative • WIC

  13. 11 Mediums of Awareness Campaign 11 • Mediums to carry messages included: • bus ads • radio ads • church fans • posters and cards distributed in: • clinics • daycares • agency waiting rooms • community organizations

  14. Results(according to telephone surveys) 12 (Campaign 1)Awareness of IM disparities • 62% report some exposure (Campaign 2) Proper infant sleep position • 48.5% report some exposure (Campaign 3) Taking action to reduce disparities • 48.9% report some exposure

  15. Summary 13 • There is a prevalent infant mortality rate disparity between African Americans and the general population. • Though infant mortality rate in Blacks has decreased by half over the past 2 decades, the disparity persists. • Data from recent years have shown increases in infant mortality rates for Blacks, Asians and Hispanics. • There is an inverse correlation between prenatal care and infant mortality rates. • Evidence has shown that awareness campaigns can greatly reduce risk of infant mortality.

  16. Questions? 14

  17. Every child deserves a chance. 15 Since the beginning of this presentation more than36infants have died….

  18. Worcester Infant Mortality Rate by Race 16 Massachusetts Department of Public Health

  19. City Demographics 17 17 US Department of Commerce, US Census Bureau

  20. REFERENCES 18 Date, I. (n.d.). Bureau of Health Information, Statistics, Research, and Evaluation. Community List. Retrieved May 30, 2013, from http://archives.lib.state.ma.us/handle/2452/36959 Health Disparities: MedlinePlus. (n.d.). National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health. Retrieved June 6, 2013, from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/healthdisparities.html • MacDorman, M. F., Hoyert, D. L., & Mathews, T. (2013). Recent Declines in Infant Mortality in the United States, 2005–2011. National Vital Statistics Reports, 120, 6. Retrieved May 30, 2013, from http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db120.pdf • "Massachusetts QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau." State and County QuickFacts. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2013. <http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/25000.html>. MassCHIP. (n.d.). Mass.Gov. Retrieved May 30, 2013, from http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/researcher/community-health/masschip/ Mathews, T. J., & MacDorman, M. F. (2013). Infant Mortality Statistics From the 2008 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. National Vital Statistics Reports , 60(5), 1-27. Powers, D. A. (2013). Black&white differences in maternal age, maternal birth cohort, and period effects on infant mortality in the US (1983-2002). Elsevier, 42(1), 1033-1045. Rienks, J., & Oliva, G. (n.d.). Using Social Marketing to Increase Awareness of the African American Infant Mortality Disparity . Health Promotion Practice . Retrieved May 30, 2013, from http://hpp.sagepub.com/content/14/3/408

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