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Global Warming Has No Remorse

Global Warming Has No Remorse.

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Global Warming Has No Remorse

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  1. Global Warming Has No Remorse

  2. In 2003 more than 10,000 people in France died of unprecedented heat waves likely caused by global warming, according to numerous sources. This problem of global warming is not a new one to humans but it is one that is growing increasingly over the years. Also it is a problem that has to be dealt with promptly. It is caused by humans directly or indirectly, mainly by our carbon-dioxide emissions. This causes the destruction of our ozone layer and the trapping of greenhouse gasses, thus creating a gradual warming of the earth. Global warming is one of the most crucial crises in the twenty first century and our own government as well as big oil companies are in denial or apathy towards our growing problem. These forces refuse to deal with the growing evidence towards global warming by Covering up and discrediting respected scientists work, using propaganda to make people believe it is not a major issue, and saying that environmentally friendly changes would throw our country into further dept.

  3. Throughout the years it has grown apparent that our government itself has covered up the work of respected scientists to deny the growing problem of global warming. According to ABC News, “[Government] officials ‘tried to suppress [NOAA scientist Thomas Knutson] from discussing the link between global warming and hurricanes,’ according to a letter sent Tuesday from Rep. Henry Waxman to Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez” (Sandell). This statement shows that those who will speak out against the issue are being suppressed by the highest levels in our country. Mr. Knutson is a scientist who is an expert in the field of global warming and his opinion should be well respected. Also the threat of hurricanes is a great problem in our country already. A possible link should be investigated to save lives from possible stronger hurricanes in the future. The New York Times also released an article about scientist censorship in the media. “[James E. Hansen,] the top climate scientist at NASA says the Bush administration has tried to stop him from speaking out since he gave a lecture last month calling for prompt reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases linked to global warming”(Revkin). For scientists who are this respected to be censored shows greatly that our government simply refuses to accept this growing amount of evidence towards global warming. If the top climate scientist at NASA calls for prompt reductions in greenhouse gases then his opinion should be listened to. He is an expert in this field and if we discard his opinion it could have dire consequences like irreversible damage to our earth.

  4. Lastly a leading scientist [James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies] says, the Bush administration has stopped censoring him, but continues to harass other environmental researchers for talking about global warming and the effects of it on the planet. (Good). If global warming has this drastic an effect on the earth that these scientists are risking their carriers to speak out should be shocking. We should be investigating their research more openly. This is also especially disappointing because our own scientists cannot even speak out in a country built on freedom of speech. The fact that they are being silenced for their work should testify as to how accurate their research is.

  5. Also companies like Exxon Mobile and other oil corporations have used propaganda to create skepticism across the country against the threat of global warming. The Union of Concerned Scientists recently released this statement about oil involvement in propaganda. “ExxonMobil has used the laudable goal of improving scientific understanding of global warming—under the guise of "sound science"—for the pernicious ends of delaying action to reduce heat-trapping emissions indefinitely” (Pierce). This clearly shows that Exxon wants to play no part in global warming except to create doubt among the people about its seriousness. If they are this serious about skewing facts about global warming then you could assume that they have something to be afraid of. If people stopped burning fossil fuels then Exxon would stand to lose a lot of money. This would be more than enough motive for their propaganda.

  6. Also the same website revealed this fact about big oil. The George C. Marshall Institute, which has received $630,000 from ExxonMobil, recently touted a book edited by Patrick Michaels, a long-time climate change contrarian who is affiliated with at least 11 organizations funded by ExxonMobil” (Pierce). This evidence proves that Exxon is willing to spend large amounts of money to pay off respected organizations to discredit global warming. If these organizations are funded by Exxon then their argument against global warming loses its credibility. This propaganda that they have created is only for profit and it is not based in science. Finally this statement was also released. ExxonMobil exerted unprecedented influence over U.S. policy on global warming, from successfully recommending the appointment of key personnel in the Bush administration to funding climate change deniers in Congress (Pierce). This statement shows that not only are our oil companies creating anti-global warming propaganda, but they also have influence over the government and its decisions. If this company can place their own people in key positions in congress, than the governments decisions for global warming are obviously being influenced. Anything this company says seems to be nothing more than a pure fabrication for the intent of creating more revenue in their pockets.

  7. Lastly the government seems to say that environmentally friendly changes would be too expensive and throw our country into further dept. Redgreenandblue.org states that republicans often make statements similar to this when discussing the issue of global warming. ‘What is happening with global warming is a natural process, not reversible and too expensive to even do anything about in the first place’ (Peterka). When we have people dying from hurricanes, drought and a dozen other effects of global warming then I believe we can afford to fix these problems. Besides to state that global warming is irreversible is also a pretty bold statement to make, and it shows how closed minded some people really are. If we do not stop this kind of thinking soon it may be too late. Another example of closed mindedness came during this fall’s election. The Huffington Post had this headline from McCain during the election this year. “Sen. John McCain blasted President Barack Obama's global-warming plan Tuesday, saying it would hurt an already battered economy by raising energy costs for consumers and costing U.S. companies billions”(Central). To say that helping the environment would hurt our economy cannot be well backed in evidence by Senator McCain. This seems to be nothing more than propaganda put out by the Republican Party as another way to fight Democrats as well as defend oil. Not to mention that our energy cost in America is already rising as it is. A global warming plan by Obama would cut energy cost because it peruses alternative energy sources.

  8. Finally ABC action news had this statement about people who were reluctant to do something about global warming. ‘More than half the people who do not wish to reduce their carbon footprint say it is because it is unnecessary, too expensive, too inconvenient, won't do any good, and that they just aren't interested’ (Langer). This shows that people are uninformed about global warming and that anti global warming propaganda is working for big oil and the government. A lot of people believe that it would really be too expensive to fix our growing problems. This shows that many people are reluctant because they do not know that the threat of global warming is real. If people were more informed then they might be more proactive.

  9. Since the dawn of the Industrial Age people have been polluting our environment, and after hundreds of years of this abuse we seem to be at the end of tolerance and the ability to deny the obvious. Unfortunately we seem to still live in a society where the government and companies like Exxon are covering up and discrediting respected scientists work, using propaganda to make people think it is not an important issue, and saying that environmental changes would be too costly for our economy to handle. This problem of global warming is one of the most important problems that we face today and to do nothing would be too destructive to even imagine. People are already dying and the longer we wait, the harsher the consequences will be for our planet.

  10. Sandell, Clayton. "Government Accused Of Censorship Over Global Warming."ABC News. 20 Sept. 2006. 21 May 2009 • <http://abcnews.go.com/US/Story?id=2467733&page=1>. • "Scientists' Report Documents Exxon Mobil’s Tobacco-Like Disinformation Campaign On Global Warming Science." Union Of Concered scientists. 3 Jan. 2007. 21 May 2009 <http://www.ucsusa.org/news/press_release/ExxonMobilGlobal Warming-tobacco.html>. • Good, Joshua B. "NASA Climatologist: Bush Censored Me, Targets Other Global Warming Scientists." Banned Magazine. 24 Jan. 2007. 22 May 2009 <http://www.bannedmagazine.com/JamesHansen.0001.htm>. • Peterka, Amanda. "Global Warming Is Natural…Yeah, Yeah, We’ve Heard It Before." Red Green And Blue.4 May 2009. 22 May 2009 <http://redgreenandblue.org/2009/05/04/global-warming-is-naturalyeah-yeah-weve-heard-it-before/>. • Kelly, Erin. "McCain Slams Obama Global Warming Plan." The Huffington Post. 22 Apr. 2009. 22 May 2009 <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/04/22/mccain-slams-obama-global_n_189938.html>. • Langer, Gary. "7 In 10 Try Reduce Carbon Footprint." ABC Action News.10 Aug. 2008. The Associated Press. 22 May 2009 <http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/technology&id=6317105>. • Dubois, Francis. "France: More Than 10,000 Dead In Record Heat Wave.“ World Socialist Web Site. 22 Aug. 2003. 22 May 2009 <http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/aug2003/heat-a22.shtml>. • Revkin, Andrew C. "Climate Expert Says NASA Tried To Silence Him." The New York Times. 29 Jan. 2006. 22 May 2009 <http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/29/science/earth/29climate.html? _r=1>.

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