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All spouses (Q73) : Spouses reported the following as a very serious/serious problem:

All spouses (Q72) : 67.6% of spouses would be very satisfied/satisfied if their Soldier spouse were to make or has made the Army a career; 9.2% would be dissatisfied/very dissatisfied.

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All spouses (Q73) : Spouses reported the following as a very serious/serious problem:

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  1. All spouses (Q72): 67.6% of spouses would be very satisfied/satisfied if their Soldier spouse were to make or has made the Army a career; 9.2% would be dissatisfied/very dissatisfied. • All spouses (Q72): 59.5% are very satisfied/satisfied with the kind of life they can have in the Army; 10.9% are dissatisfied/very dissatisfied. • All spouses (Q72): 45.5% are very satisfied/satisfied with the respect the Army shows Soldiers; 21.7% are dissatisfied/very dissatisfied. • All spouses (Q72): 40.0% are very satisfied/satisfied with the respect the Army shows spouses; 26.5% are dissatisfied/very dissatisfied. • All spouses (Q72): 36.4% are very satisfied/satisfied with the concern the Soldier’s unit has for Families; 31.9% are dissatisfied/very dissatisfied.

  2. All spouses (Q72): Since 2004/5, there has been an increase in the percentage of those who would be or are very satisfied/satisfied: • If the Soldier were to make or has made the Army a career (62.8% in 2004/5, 67.6% in 2010) • With the kind of life they can have in the Army (54.2% in 2004/5, 59.5% in 2010) • With the respect the Army shows Soldiers (43.4% in 2004/5, 45.5% in 2010) • With the respect the Army shows spouses (37.0% in 2004/5, 40.0% in 2010)

  3. All spouses (Q73): Spouses reported the following as a very serious/serious problem: • Opportunities for me to achieve my personal goals (20.2%) • Demands the Army makes of Family members (13.6%) • “Getting along” when my spouse is away because of training, field duty, PCS, TDY, deployments, etc. (12.3%) • Coping with day-to-day stresses and problems (5.8%) • Spouses of Not Deployed Soldiers (Q73): Spouses reported the following as a very serious/serious problem: • Possibility the Soldier may re-deploy after returning from a deployment (45.3%) • Possibility the Soldier may be involved in combat (34.2%) • Separations from my own Family (17.9%) • Possibility the Soldier may be deployed on/to a peacekeeping/(non-combat) mission (16.8%)

  4. Spouses of Not Deployed Soldiers (Q73): Since 2004/5, lower percentages of spouses rated as a very serious/serious problem the possibility that the Soldier spouse may: • Redeploy after returning from a deployment (51.6% in 2004/5, 45.3% in 2010) • Be involved in combat (40.6% in 2004/5, 34.2% in 2010) • Be deployed on/to a peacekeeping (non-combat) mission (23.6% in 2004/5, 16.8% in 2010) • All spouses (Q74): Spouses reported that during the last 6 months they or their families have experienced the following problems to a very great/great extent: • Emotional/nervous problem (19.2%) - Caring for elders (4.6%) • Marital problem (13.8%) - Drug/alcohol-related problem (3.5%) • Financial difficulty (9.7%) - Family violence (1.2%) • Parenting difficulty (4.9%) - Gambling-related problem (0.6%)

  5. All spouses (Q74): Since 2004/5, there has been an increase in the percentage of spouses reporting they have experienced an emotional or nervous problem (15.3% in 2004/5, 19.2% in 2010) and a marital problem (10.7% in 2004/5, 13.8% in 2010) to a very great/great extent. • All spouses (Q75): Since 2004/5, there have been no significant changes in spouses’ satisfaction with the support and concern that NCOs and Officers in the Soldier’s unit and post/installation leaders show Families.

  6. All spouses (Q76): 39.3% believe that leaders of the Soldier’s unit know about Family programs and 35.2% believe that these leaders are concerned about the welfare of the Soldiers’ Families to a very great/great extent. • All spouses (Q76): 67.7% believe that leaders of the Soldier’s unit know about Family programs and 59.2% believe that these leaders are concerned about the welfare of Soldier’s Families to a very great/great/moderate extent. • All spouses (Q76): Since 2004/5, there has been a slight increase in the percentage of spouses who believe that leaders of the Soldier’s unit know about Family programs (65.6% in 2004/5, 67.7% in 2010) to a very great/great/moderate extent. • All spouses (Q77): 53.8% said that there is always a friend, neighbor or relative (besides their Soldier spouse) at their current location who will listen when they need to talk, 30.0% reported that sometimes there is someone (besides their Soldier spouse) at their current location who will listen when they need to talk, and 16.1% do not have someone at their current location who will listen when they need to talk.

  7. All spouses (Q78): Those who strongly agreed/agreed and disagreed/strongly disagreed with the following statements include:

  8. All spouses (Q78): Since 2004/5, a lower percentage of spouses who strongly agreed/agreed with the following statements: • Families assume responsibility for making this installation a better place to live and work (45.7% in 2004/5, 43.6% in 2010) • People can depend on each other in this installation community (43.3% in 2004/5, 41.3% in 2010) • Families find it easy to make connections with other Families at this installation (41.7% in 2004/5, 38.7% in 2010) • All spouses (Q78): Since 2004/5, there has been an increase in the percentage of spouses who disagreed/strongly disagreed with the following statements: • Families assume responsibility for making this installation a better place to live and work (16.6% in 2004/5, 18.7% in 2010) • Families find it easy to make connections with other Families at this installation (23.4% in 2004/5, 25.5% in 2010)

  9. All spouses (Q79): Those who have a personal or Family problem reported that they would be willing to turn to the following for help:

  10. All spouses (Q79): Since 2004/5, a higher percentage of spouses strongly agreed/agreed to being willing to turn to services OFF the installation for help with a personal or Family problem (30.6% in 2004/5, 36.5% in 2010). A lower percentage strongly agreed/agreed to being willing to turn to religious leaders (50.3% in 2004/5, 48.2% in 2010) or to a neighbor (36.6% in 2004/5, 34.0% in 2010). • All spouses (Q80): 70.6% of spouses reported that their family has adjusted extremely well/well (Range 1-4) to the demands of being an “Army family.” 6.5% reported their family has adjusted badly/extremely badly (Range 8-11). • All spouses (Q80): There is no significant difference in how well families have adjusted to the demands of being an “Army family” between 2004/5 and 2010. • All spouses (Q81): 37.1% of spouses are very satisfied/satisfied with the support and concern the Army has for their family. 24.4% are dissatisfied/very dissatisfied.

  11. All spouses (Q81): Since 2004/5, a lower percentage of spouses are dissatisfied/very dissatisfied with Army support and concern for their family (27.9% in 2004/5, 24.4% in 2010). • All spouses (Q82): Overall, 58.7% of spouses are very satisfied/satisfied with the Army as a way of life; 13.1% are dissatisfied/very dissatisfied. • All spouses (Q82): Since 2004/5, a higher percentage of spouses reported that, overall, they are very satisfied/satisfied with the Army as a way of life (56.6% in 2004/5, 58.7% in 2010) and a lower percentage are dissatisfied/ very dissatisfied (16.2% in 2004/5, 13.1% in 2010).

  12. How satisfied are you with the following?All spouses Q72A1-5_111 SE +/- 1%

  13. How satisfied are you with the following?All spouses Q72A1-5_111 SE +/- 1%

  14. How satisfied are you with the following? All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q72A1-5_111) 1991/2 - 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%

  15. How much of a problem is each of the following to you?All spouses (A1-4); Spouses of Not Deployed Soldiers (A5-8) Q73A1-8_111 SE +/- 1%

  16. TREND DATA SAF VI 2010 How much of a problem is each of the following to you?All spouses (Q73A1, 3, 4_111) Spouses of Not Deployed Soldiers (Q73A5-8 _111) SE +/- 1% SEs: CD, DR, ND +/- 1%

  17. ALL SPOUSES: How much of a problem is each of the following to you? (continued) All spouses (A1-4); Spouses of Not Deployed Soldiers (A5-8) 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q73A1-3, 6_111) 1987 - 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%

  18. To what extent have you had/ experienced in your Family any of the following problems in the last 6 months?All spouses Q74A1-8_111 SE +/- 1%

  19. To what extent have you had/ experienced in your Family any of the following problems in the last 6 months?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q74A1-8_111) 1995 - 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%

  20. How satisfied are you with the support and concern the following Army leaders show for your Family?All spouses Q75A1-3_111 SE +/- 1%

  21. How satisfied are you with the support and concern the following Army leaders show for your Family?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q75A1-3_111) 1987 - 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%

  22. How satisfied are you with the support and concern the following Army leaders show for your Family?All spouses Q75A1-3_111 SE +/- 1%

  23. How satisfied are you with the support and concern the following Army leaders show for your Family?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q75A1-3_111) 1987 - 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%

  24. To what extent do the following apply to the leaders at your spouse’s place of duty?All spouses Q76A1-2_111 SE +/- 1%

  25. To what extent do the following apply to the leaders at your spouse’s place of duty?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q76A1-2_111) 1995 - 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%

  26. To what extent do the following apply to the leaders at your spouse’s place of duty?All spouses Q76A1-2_111 SE +/- 1%

  27. To what extent do the following apply to the leaders at your spouse’s place of duty?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q76A1-2_111) 1991/2 - 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%

  28. At your current location, is there a friend, neighbor, or relative (besides your Soldier spouse) outside your home who will listen to you when you need to talk?All spouses Q77_111 SE +/- 1%

  29. At your current location, is there a friend, neighbor, or relative (besides your Soldier spouse) outside your home who will listen to you when you need to talk?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q77_111) 1991/2 - 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%

  30. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?All spouses Q78A3-5, 9-11_111 SE +/- 1%

  31. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?(continued)All spouses Q78A1-2, 6-8, 12_111 SE +/- 1%

  32. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q78A1-5_111) 2004/5 SE +/- 1%

  33. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?All spouses Q78A3-6, 11-12_111 SE +/- 1%

  34. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?(continued)All spouses Q78A1-2, 7-10_111 SE +/- 1%

  35. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q78A1-5_111) 2004/5 SE +/- 1%

  36. If I had a personal or Family problem, I would be willing to turn to:All spouses Q79A1-6_111 SE +/- 1%

  37. If I had a personal or Family problem, I would be willing to turn to:All spouses 2004/5 Religious leaders (e.g. priest, minister, rabbi) or friends from church or synagogue 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q79A1-6_111) 2004/5 SE +/- 1%

  38. If I had a personal or family problem, I would be willing to turn to:All spouses Q79A1-6_111 SE +/- 1%

  39. If I had a personal or Family problem, I would be willing to turn to:All spouses 2004/5 Religious leaders (e.g. priest, minister, rabbi) or friends from church or synagogue 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q79A1-6_111) 2004/5 SE +/- 1%

  40. In general, how well has your Family adjusted to the demands of being an “Army Family”?All spouses Q80_111 SE +/- 1%

  41. In general, how well has your Family adjusted to the demands of being an “Army Family”?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q80_111) 1995 - 2004/5 SE +/- 1%

  42. How satisfied are you with the support and concern the Army has for your Family?All spouses Q81_111 SE +/- 1%

  43. How satisfied are you with the support and concern the Army has for your Family?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q81_111) 1987 - 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%

  44. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Army as a way of life?All spouses Q82_111 SE +/- 1%

  45. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Army as a way of life?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q82_111) 1987 - 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%

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