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Hp Max:

Hp Max:. Name:. Class:. Nationality:. Gender: Age:. Height: Weight:. Hair: Eyes:. Reputation:. Initiative DEX: + Misc =. Total Base Ability Bonus Magic Misc. STR INT DEX CON WIS CHA. AC Armour Shield Class Dex Misc.

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Hp Max:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hp Max: Name: Class: Nationality: Gender: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Reputation: Initiative DEX: + Misc = Total Base Ability Bonus Magic Misc STR INT DEX CONWIS CHA AC Armour Shield Class Dex Misc FOR REF WIL Flat footed Touch AC Miss Chance Max Dex + Armour Penalty CON DEX WIS Skill Tot Key + Ranks Misc Appraise: Balance: Bluff: Climb: Concentrate: Craft________ Decipher Script: Diplomacy: Disable Device: Disguise: Escape Artist: Forgery: Gather Info: Handle Animal: Heal: Hide: Innuendo: Intimidate: Jump: Knowledge Arcana: Eng/Arch: Geography: Age of Legends: Nature: Nobility: Blight: History: Local: Listen: Move Silently: Open Lock: Perform______: Pick Pocket: Prof_________: Ride: Search: Sense Motive: Spot: Swim: Tumble: Use Rope: Composure*: Weavesight†: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ INT DEX CHA STR CON INT INT CHA INT CHA DEX INT CHA CHA WIS DEX WIS CHA STR INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT WIS DEX DEX CHA DEX WIS DEX WIS WIS WIS STR DEX DEX WIS INT ___ ___ ___ ___

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