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Jacksonville State In-Service Center July 2012

Jacksonville State In-Service Center July 2012. A Little Clarification about Common Core Acronyms . To be clear, they are pretty much one of the same. CC: Common Core CCSS: Common Core State Standards CCRS: College and Career Readiness Standards ALCOS: Alabama Course of Study

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Jacksonville State In-Service Center July 2012

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  1. Jacksonville State In-Service Center July 2012

  2. A Little Clarification about Common Core Acronyms To be clear, they are pretty much one of the same. • CC: Common Core • CCSS: Common Core State Standards • CCRS: College and Career Readiness Standards • ALCOS: Alabama Course of Study • The 2010 ALCOS standards equal the CCSS plus a few added standards.

  3. Common Core Interactive Quiz!Get out your cell phones!

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  10. A Few More… • The CCSS create a staircase of increasing text complexity, so that students are expected to both develop their skills and apply them to more complex text. • Full implementation of the ELA ALCOS begins in the 2013-14 school year. • Fiction and literature are still emphasized and include classic myths and stories from around the world, America’s founding documents, American lit., and Shakespeare. Additional selections are state and/or local decisions.

  11. Some Good News to Share… • Moving Up….Alabama is now 25th in education system. • Alabama ranks 4th in nation in improving graduate rate. • Alabama has highest recorded graduation rate ever. • Alabama is 1st in nation in gain in 4th reading 2003-2012  “Every child a graduate, every graduate prepared.” Dr. Bice / Vision 2010

  12. 2010 Alabama Course of Study:English Language Arts The ELA content standards are based on and include all standards in the 2010 CCSS as well as supplemental content designed to strengthen the standards for Alabama’s students. The goal of the 2010 ELA COS is for all students to achieve English language literacy in order to be college and career ready. The 2010 ELA Task Force included all Common Core State Standards and added content from the 2007 Alabama Course of Study: English Language Arts. Some standards from the CCSS were altered or moved from one grade to another in the senior high grades to align with the history being studied in Alabama social studies courses. ALSDE

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  14. Where We Want To Be Students who are college and career ready … • Demonstrate independence • Build strong content knowledge • Respond to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline • Comprehend as well as critique • Use technology and digital media strategically and capably • Understand other perspectives and cultures • Value Evidence ALSDE

  15. Timeline for Preparation for theELA Course of Study ALSDE

  16. Anchor Standards Were Developed For… • Reading • Writing • Speaking and Listening • Language

  17. Strand KINDERGARTEN Students will: Reading Standards for Literature Subcategory Content Standards Content Standard Identifiers ALSDE

  18. CCR Anchor Standards for Reading (page 9) There are 10 CCR Standards for Reading arranged into the following subcategories. • Key Ideas and Details • Craft and Structure • Integration of Knowledge and Ideas • Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity ALSDE

  19. CCR Anchor Standards for Writing (page 10) There are 10 CCR Standards for Writing arranged into the following subcategories. • Text Types and Purposes (modes of writing) • Production and Distribution of Writing (writing process) • Research to Build and Present Knowledge • Range of Writing ALSDE

  20. CCR Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening (page 11) There are 6 CCR Standards for Speaking and Listening arranged into the following Subcategories: • Comprehension and Collaboration • Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas We do not know exactly how they will be assessed. Certainly, most of them will have to be assessed at the local level since they do not lend themselves to state assessment. ALSDE

  21. CCR Anchor Standards for Language (page12) There are 6 CCR Standards for Language arranged into the following subcategories: • Conventions of Standard English • Knowledge of Language • Vocabulary Acquisition and Use ALSDE

  22. Strands

  23. Comparing Strands ALSDE

  24. Reading Literature Strand Reading Literature standards address a wide range of abilities across grades. • In the early grades, standards require retelling stories with key details and describing characters and settings. • In the senior high grades, standards require the ability to analyze the development of a theme over the course of a text. ALSDE

  25. Reading Informational Text Strand Reading Informational Text standards: • Are of equal importance to those in the Reading Literature strand. • Are essential to developing skills students use throughout their years in school and careers. • Are often identical to literature standards but must be applied to informational text. Many standards are identical to literature standards but must be applied to informational text in each grade. ALSDE

  26. Reading Foundations Strand Reading Foundations standards are included in Grades K-5 only. These standards: • Include the wide range of processes from early letter/sound recognition to the more complex knowledge of roots and affixes. • Include the use of context clues. • Include fluent reading with accuracy and expression. ALSDE

  27. Writing Strand Writing standards: • Are demanding even in the early grades. • Present clear and specific expectations for opinion pieces, informative or explanatory text, and narrative text. • Emphasize shared research projects and use of digital tools as important elements in this strand throughout the grades. ALSDE

  28. Language Strand Language standards: • Require early understanding and application of the conventions of Standard English. • Require knowledge of language and its conventions be applied to writing, speaking, reading, and listening. • Emphasize vocabulary development. ALSDE

  29. Speaking and Listening Strand Speaking and Listening standards: • Require students to collaborate for both comprehension and presentation. • Emphasize preparation for discussion. • Require students to adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks which they apply in all subject areas and life endeavors. ALSDE

  30. Content Standard Identifiers Content Standard Identifiers - indicate the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) strand, grade, and standard number Reading Standards for Literature ALSDE

  31. Content Standard Identifiers Abbreviations ALSDE

  32. Alignment Between 2007 COS Standards and the CCSS • A comparison of the 2007 Alabama COS standards and the CCS standards shows some movement of content from one grade level to another. ALSDE

  33. Movement to a Later Grade Moved from Grade 6 to Grade 9: • Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses. ALSDE

  34. Movement to an Earlier Grade Moved from Grade 6 to Grade 5: • Identifying figurative language • Using context clues Moved from Grade 6 to Grade 3: • Using transitional words/linking words ALSDE

  35. Vertical Alignment • Sometimes called a learning trajectory • Refers to how core knowledge and skills are developed over time through grade-level standards that are related but with gradually increasing complexity • Complexity of the performance task • Complexity of the text ALSDE

  36. Reading Standards for Informational Text ALSDE

  37. Reading Standards for Informational Text ALSDE

  38. Reading Standards for Informational Text ALSDE

  39. Reading Standards for Informational Text ALSDE

  40. Reading Standards for Informational Text ALSDE

  41. Tracing the Standards (K-5)

  42. Tracing the Standards (6-12)

  43. Reading Standards for Language ALSDE

  44. Reading Standards for Language ALSDE

  45. Reading Standards for Language ALSDE

  46. Appendix B www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_B.pdf

  47. Range of Text Types for 6-12 ALSDE

  48. Range of Text Types for 6-12 ALSDE

  49. Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects 6-12 ALSDE The literacy standards in the appendices of the 2010 ELA and Math courses of study (and that will be in the new science COS) are not just for ELA teachers. Nor are they just for math instruction. They are for social studies, science, math, and other technical teachers and students in courses such as those offered in career tech.

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