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Total Participation Techniques

Total Participation Techniques. By Persida Himmele and William Himmele. Characteristics of Successful and Unsuccessful Students Number 3 is the scribe. A: 90-100% B 80-90% C: 70-80% D: Below 70%. Chapter 1: DEFINITION OF TPT.

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Total Participation Techniques

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  1. Total Participation Techniques By PersidaHimmele and William Himmele

  2. Characteristics of Successful and Unsuccessful Students Number 3 is the scribe A: 90-100% B 80-90% C: 70-80% D: Below 70%

  3. Chapter 1: DEFINITION OF TPT • Total Participation Techniques are teaching techniques that allow for all students to demonstrate, at the same time, active participation and cognitive engagement in the topic being studied. (pg. 7)

  4. Chapter 1:The Purpose for using TPT • Beach Ball scenario • Bouncing around • Not all students are engaged • Not being “listening objects” • Lack of engagement leads to other problems • Low academics • Behavior issues • High dropout rates (which leads to crime) • boredom

  5. Chapter 1: Easy To Use • Same amount of planning time • Not dependent on experience • Becomes easier the more you use it • Start off intentionally • Becomes a habit • Follows the Common Core • Higher level thinking • “digging deeper” • Math Practice Standards

  6. Chapter 2: Higher Order Thinking Higher-Order Thinking 4 High Cognition/High Participation All students are participating in higher order thinking 3 High Cognition/Low Participation High order thinking for SOME High Participation Low Participation 1 Low Cognition/Low Participation Teaching is occurring, but learning is not 2 Low Cognition/High Participation Learning if forgotten because it is not linked to anything Lower-Order Thinking

  7. Chapter 3: Tools and Supplies Having supplies ready, makes the use of TPT’s easier to manage. See pages 28-29 for a complete list of suggestions. • Laminated paper for a quick whiteboard • Flannel square for eraser • Dry-erase pen • Appointment clock • Processing card Suggestions: • Make a supply box with tools • Scissors • Glue • Pencils ~supply box for the whole class • TPT folder having materials suggested • Multiple choice cards • Hundred charts • A-Z letter strip

  8. Chapter 4 • TPS- Quick easy way for all to share their thoughts and reasoning for an answer. video • Quick-Writes: usually a quick 3 minute reflection (students can use word banks) • Quick-Draws: Select a “big idea” and ask students to reflect by drawing • Chalkboard Splash: Where all students get to put their quick write or draw on the board at the same time. • Thumbs up/down-video • Processing Card: Paper folded in half- one side says “Ready to Share” the other side says “Still Thinking” • Similes: Needs to be modeled and scaffold a lot before implementing. Good to start with fill in the blank sentences in beginning. • Ranking: Having students rank events in order. Helps with synthesizing and analyzing. • Numbered Heads • Thumb Up/Down Voting

  9. Chapter 5: Hold-ups • Interaction based activities • Essential component is student interaction • Students reflect on prompt, hold up answer, reflect on learning • Uses questions without easy answers to get higher level thinking • Feels like a game • Improve participation • Improve on-task behavior • Teacher provides more feedback • Able to use wrong answers as teachable moments • Student come to their own conclusions by hearing opposing views and explaining their thinking.

  10. Chapter 5: Examples of Hold-ups Selected Response Fact / Opinion Yes/No Picture cards Choices are prepared before hand Example video

  11. Chapter 5: Examples of Hold-ups Whiteboard Hold-ups Students hold up white board for analysis by peers and teacher. Video example

  12. Chapter 5: Examples of Hold-ups Number card Hold-ups *Variety of ways to use in math *Decks of number cards are used to answer questions True/Not True Hold-ups *Makes kids think because very few things are black and white Multiple Choice Hold-ups *Great for impromptu selected response hold-ups *Could be done with clickers as well *Use A,B,C, D cards Hold-ups are only meaningful if the students interact, analyze, debate, and defend their choices.

  13. Chapter 6TPTs Involving Movement • “The mind can only absorb what the seat can endure.” –Bill Himmele’s (the author) father • There should be some form of movement in every lesson we teach. • The need for movement is even more important for boys than girls. • Line-ups; Inside Outside Circles • Three 3’s in a Row • Networking Sessions • Categorizing and Sorting • Appointment Agendas • Bounce Cards • Mouth it, Air-Write it, or Show me • Acting it Out, Roles Playing, and Concept Charades • Simulations • Cut and Pastes • TPTs During Read Alouds

  14. Line-Ups and Inside-Outside Circles • A Line-Up is a fun activity that allows students to move around the room sharing answers with different students. • Students stand in 2 parallel lines (or concentric circles) and face each other. Students respond to a prompt given by the teacher. Students talk over prompt and answer. • Ring bell and students will thank their partner and move to the next person. • Use questions and prompts that require discussion and connection-making.

  15. Three 3’s in a Row • This is an activity like Bingo; students answer questions in boxes, then ask their classmates for feedback. • It can be used as a quick assessment of what students have learned. • It leads to great conversations. • Make sure your questions ensure higher-order thinking. • 1. Prepare nine questions • 2. Students walk around asking peers to explain one answer • 3. Students summarize peers response in the box • 4. Students find another peer and repeat • 5. Go over as a class • Caution- Only the owner of the paper writes on the paper.

  16. TPT’s during a Read-Aloud • Use movement to describe and understand new vocabulary in a read-aloud. • Students act out their prediction. • Students act out what happened in the story.

  17. Chapter 7: Note-Taking and Concept Analysis • Note-Taking = Effective • Students struggle (summarization skills/writing verbatim/too much/too little) • Non-stop stand and deliver = bad • We want to transition our students from “listening objects” to students that understand and analyze content

  18. Confer, Compare, and Clarify • Confer = 1 sentence summary (TPS) • Compare = Students read each other’s notes • Clarify = students record questions • Partners become groups • Continue un-clarified questions in a Chalkboard Splash or index cards for later • Address questions before moving on

  19. Graphic Organizers and Prepared Packets • In other words…Guided Notes • Unit Packets with premade organizers for specific tasks as well as blank organizers to be used willy-nilly • Good way to get everyone engaged very quickly • Road map for lessons/units

  20. Anticipatory Guides • In other words…Advanced Organizers • True/False statements • Pre-instruction set; students make predictions; based on prior knowledge • Pair-Share responses and rationales • Debrief with Thumb Up/Down Votes • Post-instruction set; students answer based on instruction • Compare to pre-instruction set and see if/how their knowledge changed

  21. Picture Notes

  22. Other Note-Taking Ideas • 3-Sentence Wrap-Up • Lecture T Chart • A-Z Sentence Summaries • Pause, Star, Rank (think and reflect on notes) • Key-Word Dance • Debate Team Carousel • Technology-Based TPTs • Blogging • Clickers

  23. Chapter 8 • TPTs make great formative assessments. • Formative assessments are informed judgments that teachers gather to help the student progress • affect learning because they help evaluate students’ knowledge then teachers adjust their teaching. • Formatives effect teaching, but they result in the formation of new learning. • Formatives cause new learning to take shape. • This types of assessment can have powerful positive results on student learning because teacher behavior becomes informed and instruction becomes targeted.

  24. More facts about Formatives • Engages students in taking ownership of their own learning • Teachers are essential because we decide what are the needs of the student • What does formatives have to do with TPTs? • TPTs can be formatives because they affect learning by giving teachers data.

  25. TPTs and Expectations • Change the way you teach and what you expect because you will know what your student are able to accomplish • Teachers can have higher academic expectations • Students will rise to the challenge

  26. Application of TPTs as Formatives • Chalkboard Splash: All students write their answers to a prompt then analyze similarities and differences of everyone’s responses • This technique can be a formative because the teacher can determine from each student’s response if the class can move on or they need more time with the concept • The teacher can also see any misunderstandings of the class any point in the lesson

  27. Application of TPTs as Formatives • Hold ups: Number card, True/False/Multiple Choice • We learned that hold-ups are only meaningful if the students interact, analyze, debate, and defend their choices • Unlike the Chalkboard Splash, the teacher can see which student did not understand the concept • We could get the same information from the independent practice. This is a way to get evaluative information through student participation

  28. Last Two TPTs and Formatives • Quick writes/Quick Draws lets the teacher know the level of each student (literal/concrete, inferential, abstract) • One Liner wall is a wall of one sentence each student has written. This is a good formative just like the quick write/quick draws because the level of each student is apparent in the one sentence. • Can guide students to more higher order thinking because the students are learning from peers who are at that level • A teacher can also show a student’s progression through the year through one liners.

  29. CHAPTER 9 BUILDING A TPT CONDUCIVE CLASSROOM • You have to plan TPT in your everyday lessons • Get comfortable with the idea that students will be taking over some over the communication (teachers talk less= students talking more • Build a classroom environment that establishes trust & acceptance • Honor student differences & promote peer acceptance • Best thing about TPT: no longer guessing game for who is learning; you observe growth as it is happening • Celebrate learning along side your students as it is happening

  30. Appreciating Student Differences * To get the very best from students they need to know they are free to think & try!!! * Using TPT we get to see the differences in our students • The quite ones • Great ideas/ deep thinkers Fostering Student Collaboration • GROUPS • Choose own group • Heterogeneous • Strategically Nothing is more valuable than students talking to each other!!! • Trust them to make their own groups; more willing to share & collaborate • Activity determines grouping

  31. Peer Rejection & Peer Acceptance • Students need to feel safe to participate & share • They all have unique talents • Using the ripple effect to build a safe environment RIPPLE EFFECT • Quick draw; Quick write; etc • First ripple: when you ask them to share with peer • Outer ripple: ask pairs to join; bounce ideas off each other • Shared & had success with peers they feel safe to share with whole class & teachers • Good for: Socially awkward group; Special Needs; ELL

  32. Building Confidence/ Building Trust * Teacher is Key • Use body language and words that show them you care • Trust is earned: Slow down and analyze what they need • Post these: • I trust You! • I trust that you want to learn • I trust that you have amazing things to share, and I’m going to shape opportunities so you can share them • I trust that you can learn from each other • I trust that our collective differences make us all a bit smarter • I trust that if you trust yourself, the best in you will come out

  33. Walking around & Follow through • TPT emphasizes that you get evidence of active participation • Walk around • Engage students • Respond to key words: content based conservations • Redirect off task students by asking on topic questions • Ask them to “Tell you more” • Explain themselves • Understand where went wrong • Follow reasoning • Scaffold backward: see error in thinking

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