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Test-Beam Setup

Hybrids. FEC. CPU. T1. S-Link. 5. Max 12. OptoRX. To DOHM. Hybrids. 5. Transition Board. VME Crate. CCUM. DOHM. CCUM. GOH’s. GOH’s. Transition Board. To DOHM. T1. TTC. VFAT Emulator. VFAT Emulator. To TB. Test-Beam Setup. Test-Beam Boards – Status (1).

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Test-Beam Setup

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hybrids FEC CPU T1 S-Link 5 Max 12 OptoRX To DOHM Hybrids 5 Transition Board VME Crate CCUM DOHM CCUM GOH’s GOH’s Transition Board To DOHM T1 TTC VFAT Emulator VFAT Emulator To TB Test-Beam Setup

  2. Test-Beam Boards – Status (1) “Transitions Module”

  3. Test-Beam Boards – Status (2) “RP Hybrid”

  4. Test-Beam Boards – Status (3) “GEM Hybrid” - Production - 50 ordered; - 4 available now; - 20 more –1 week “Transitions Board” - Layout - done; - Production - pending – 1 week “RP Hybrid” - Layout - done; - Production - pending – 2 weeks “VFAT Emulator” - 3 boards available; - 1 full equipped with 12 GOH; - 2 empty

  5. MCLK Altera Cyclone EP1C4F400 QPLL PLL / Clock T1 to VFAT Hybrids GOH Control VFAT Commands ReSynch/CalPulse/LV1A Ext. Trigger Internal Trigger 16 VFAT Data Out Data OUTPUTS Data FIFO 16 X GOH0 16 CAV/DAV/Flags 8 RP Data Out 8 GOH1 16 Trigger OUTPUTS Pattern Generator CAV/DAV/Flags GOH2 16 64 8 x 8 VFAT Triggers Trigger FIFO X CAV/DAV/Flags GOH3 16 32 2 x 16 RP Triggers CAV/DAV/Flags VFAT I2C GOH4 16 VFAT Data Valid 16 Data Valid Synch. 16 CAV/DAV/Flags I2C Test-Beam VFAT Emulator FPGA (1) √ √ √ √ √ √ √

  6. Test-Beam VFAT Emulator FPGA (3) Firmware: - PLL and Clock Generation 40MHz; - T1 Commands; - Internal or External Trigger - DATA Input Buffer (FIFO); - Synch. With DATA Valid - TRIGGER Input Buffer (FIFO); - Use also for Trigger – CC logic - DATA and TRIGGER Output Buffers; - GOH Modules Control; - I2C interface Modes: - Internal Trigger/Commands and Pattern; - External T1 / Data from VFAT Hybrids

  7. 0….…………………………..…15 VFAT 0 . . . 192……………………………………………………………………………………………………...…..……………….………..0 176.………………….………..192 . . . . . . . . . 15..………….……..……………..…0 . . . 0….…………………………..…15 VFAT 15 last word first word One Packet 176.………………….………..192 Test-Beam VFAT Emulator FPGA (2) VFAT to GOH Data

  8. Hybrid Hybrid I2C 1,2 To DOHM VFAT VFAT LVDS to CMOS CCUM T1 fan-out CLOCK fan-out LVDS to CMOS Backup Slide (1) …….... Up to 16 Hybrids 8 with + 8 w/o Trigger bits Transition Board Trigger & DATA T1 CLOCK GOH GOH GOH GOH GOH To OptoRX 5 VFAT Emulator T1

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