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Adik na sila . Yung mga more than 7 hours, halos buong araw na nagtumblr , wala nang ibang ginawa. Konti pa lang yung mga nakikipag-eb , pero meron pa rin iba na talagang marami na nakita , dahil sa meetups.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Adiknasila. Yung mga more than 7 hours, halos buongarawnanagtumblr, walanangibangginawa.

  2. Konti pa langyungmganakikipag-eb, peromeron pa rinibanatalagangmaraminanakita, dahilsameetups.

  3. Pinakamaramiyung less than 50 langyung friends, so it’s possible nasa online silanaghahanap like satumblr.

  4. Outside tumblr to. So merongmgaadiknatalagang constant yung communication with tumblr friends, pero mostly naman less than 2 hours lang, so pwedenghinditalagasilanakikipagcommunicateat all pagsalabasngtumblrs.

  5. Kontilangyungbihirangmakipagusap. Mostly, masasabina more or less 1 hour a day. Pwedesabihinna in a week, halos 50% (yung 23+21) yung more than 1 hour per day makipagusap with friends

  6. Meron pa ring mgahindinakikipagusap, pero mostly, nagsshareng experiences about tumblr, taposyungibakasama din yung personal experience. Perokontingkontilangyungtalagang personal experience alone yungnapapagusapan

  7. 3*slash*5 yung addicted nasatumblr and hindikayaideleteyung account nila. Parangangmangyayari, pagdineletenilayung account nila, part ng life nilanawala din.

  8. Maramirami din yungmgataongnagffollowngmgadinamannilakilala, peronakikitanilasamga posts ngtaona may same interest silakayaniladinedecidenaifollowkahitdinilakilala.

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