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雙語詩 * 朗誦 * 繪畫 * 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures

THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR. 雙語詩 * 朗誦 * 繪畫 * 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures. 非馬 藝術世界. (2). 屋檐下的冰柱 你才不過 溫煦地微微一笑 凝凍了一整個冬天的相思淚 便開始融化 且簌簌地 掉 下 來 了. A MELTING ICICLE at the mere sight of your warm smile the frozen tears of the lovelorn winter begin to

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雙語詩 * 朗誦 * 繪畫 * 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures

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  1. THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR 雙語詩 * 朗誦 * 繪畫 * 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures 非馬 藝術世界 (2)

  2. 屋檐下的冰柱 你才不過 溫煦地微微一笑 凝凍了一整個冬天的相思淚 便開始融化 且簌簌地 掉 下 來 了 A MELTING ICICLE at the mere sight of your warm smile the frozen tears of the lovelorn winter begin to melt and d r i p

  3. 春雷 半夜裡把我叫醒 說 聽 我蠢蠢欲動的心 SPRING THUNDER Waking me up in the middle of the night just to tell me of his rumbling heart

  4. ENTERING VENICE ON A RAINY DAY as we stepped off the tour bus the passionate Venice greeted us with her embracing tender little arms but the ladies were well-prepared they took the umbrellas out of their bags and hooked their mates of twinkling eyes and gaping mouths pulling them back to their senses 雨天入水都 我們一走下遊覽車 嫵媚多情的威尼斯 便迎了過來 伸出無數溫柔的小手 要把我們攬進 她的懷裡 有備而來的女士們 這時候紛紛探手入行囊 掏出雨傘 把眼睛發亮嘴巴張得大大的老伴們 一個個 給勾了回去

  5. A PROMISING MORNING I don’t care what the weatherman says this is a promising morning here and there I see piercing birdcalls making slits long and short, wide and narrow on the black sky to let the light in 有希望的早晨 不管天氣預報員怎麼說 這是個有希望的早晨 我已經看到 此呼彼應的尖銳鳥鳴 在漆黑的天空上 劃出一道道 長長短短粗粗細細的弧線 透露天光

  6. MIRROR last night I accidentally broke your mirror now the pieces glitter joyfully in the morning light enticing me to capture from every angle your lovely posture stretching and yawning when you rise 鏡子 昨夜 我不小心 把你的鏡子摔成了片片 此刻它們在晨光下 閃閃爍爍 逗引我 從不同的角度 欣賞你早起時 伸懶腰打哈欠 各式各樣美妙的姿勢

  7. 今夜兇險的海面 今夜兇險的海面 必有破爛的難民船 鬼魂般出現 在欲睡未睡的 眼皮上顛簸 向越來越窄小的 人類良知的港口 向一盞接一盞 熄滅了燈火 的腦門 死命盪去 ON THE TREACHEROUS NIGHT SEA a broken refugee boat appears like a ghost on the tired sleepless eyelids jolting and rolling toward the ever-narrowing harbor of humanity toward the shore where the lights die out one after another

  8. SPRING If you wish to know the shortest distance between two trees on this bright, enchanting day any of the small, swift birds can tell you with their twitter It’s not a straight line 春 你若想知道 這明媚的日子裡 樹林與樹林間 最短的距離 任何有輕盈翅膀的小鳥 都會嘰嘰喳喳告訴你 不是直線

  9. STILL LIFE The Goddess of Mercy of white porcelain stands there and watches with a smile a dust mote falling in the bright morning light 靜物 白瓷觀音 微笑著 看一粒塵埃 在晨光裡 墮落

  10. 冬夜 用火鉗 輕輕 把 覆滿灰燼的 熱情 敲醒 暖暖的火舌 開始霹靋嘩啦 舔起 凝凍的黑暗 便有白霧 升自眼底 如春天陽光下 牛奶的 香味 WINTER NIGHT When he awakens the ash-covered passions with the blow of a pair of tongs flames lick noisily at the frozen darkness of the room and white fog rises before his eyes like the aroma of milk in the spring sun

  11. 只有從冰雪裡來的生命 才能這麼不存戒心 把最鮮艷最脆弱的花蕊 五彩繽紛地 向這世界開放 SPRING Only the survivors of the deep snow can open up without hesitation their most delicate and colorful inner selves to the world

  12. 中途噴泉盆地 ——黃石公園遊記之五 沒有襤褸小孩貪羨的眼光 擠進掛在他便便大腹上的鏡頭 只有妖顏怪色張得大大的岩嘴 嘶嘶噴射 直接來自地獄的毒霧 走在木板搭成的走道上 他迫切需要 一群兜售土產的小販 喧嚷著扯他的衣袖 提醒他 這是人間 而他只是 一個過境的觀光客 MIDWAY GEYSER BASIN -- Yellowstone National Park there are no envious children in rags looking into the lenses that hang on his big belly only the hissing mouths of ghastly colored rocks spew out poisonous mist from Hell walking on the wooden catwalk he desperately needs a mob of noisy peddlers pulling at his sleeves to remind him this is the world of mortals and he is a tourist

  13. 樹與夏陽 我笑千百種笑當晨風吹過 歡欣鼓舞不克自持 用不著回頭我便知道是你我愛 又一次把我生命的陰影投落地面 深情的眼光炙燙 我裸露的頸背 TREE AND THE SUMMER SUN I laugh a thousand laughs in the morning wind my whole body shakes and trembles with joy I know it’s you dear casting my shadow to the ground your gaze burns upon my nape

  14. YELLOW RIVER Dump into this old river the sufferings of one the sufferings of two the sufferings of hundreds the sufferings of millions Let it swell and flood over the vast country of the sleepless pillow and change its course a thousand times between midnight and dawn 黃河 把 一個苦難 兩個苦難 百十個苦難 億萬個苦難 一古腦兒傾入 這古老的河 讓它渾濁 讓它泛濫 讓它在午夜與黎明間 遼闊的枕面版圖上 改道又改道 改道又改道

  15. BLOOMING what a vast sky the inspired little flower joyfully stretches every petal to t h e f u l l e s t e x t e n t 花開 天空 竟是這般 遼闊 驚喜的小花們 爭著 把每一片花瓣 都伸展到 極 限

  16. 花落 沒有一次 我能平靜地 聽你數 忘我 毋忘我 忘我 毋忘我... 到最後一瓣 PETALS FALLING never can I listen calmly to you counting forget me forget me not forget me forget me not ... to the last petal

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