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My life in the future


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My life in the future

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  1. My life in thefuture JEISSON ANDRES MARTINEZ GAMBOA

  2. I WILL • Thefollowingtextwill show yousomeaspects of my life in thefuture, basedonthethingscurrently i mostlike, theones i wouldliketo do or i think i would do someday, and finallythosethatdefinitely are not in my mind so far. I hope youenjoyreadingthem

  3. IN THE FUTURE I WILL…. • I willlearnto drive theflying car because i alreadyknowhowto drive a normal car. Also i willtravelabroad, the place wellactually i havenotdefineditbuttheycouldbe Monte Carlo, Paris, Beverly hills, New York, Melbourne and manymanyothers. I willgetmarriedbutonlywhen i feel i reallylovethatperson and that i can hold a family. Of coursethat i will try tobuild my ownhousewith

  4. My wife´seffort and mine. Anotherthing i havebeenthinkingaboutistotake a training forbeingpilot once i havefinishedstudyingtheengineer. I willrun my ownbusiness in ordertoputintopracticeall my knowledges. Thenextoneisone of thethings i wouldmostliketo do and itisplay a sport for my country. Also i wouldliketospeak a foreinglanguagefluentlylikefrench

  5. In thefuture i might … • Fall in love, i cannotsay i wouldnotlike, butitissomethingthatnotdepends of me onlythatiswhyitishere. I mighttravelaroundtheworld, and itwouldbebetterifitisalltheworld. I mightwin a lottery, becausesometimes i liketobuy Baloto, maybeonedayitmightbefor me. Also i mightbecome a millionaire, but i havetosay i thegoodway…

  6. Thatmeansworkingveryhard. I mightown a sports car maybetotake a tripwith a prettygirl in thebeachXD. Perhaps i mighthavetwoor more childrenwhen i getmarried, i gottasaythatsometimes i likethehousewithchildrenrunningaroundit. And thereis a posibbilty of going to live with a partner. About living abroad i think i might

  7. There are a lot of beatiful places to live out of Colombia. I mightwrite a bookaboutwhat? No idea yet, butitis a kind of hobbie. Perhapssomeday i mightbe in a movie a least as an extra oron TV, but once more no idea aboutdoingwhat

  8. IN THE FUTURE I WONT…. • Wellactually i wontgointopolitics, itdoesnotget my attention. I wonttomarrysomeone i knew at 15. itisbecause i look tomyself in thismoment and i do notsee at leastoneposibility, butweshouldnotforgetthosewisewordsthatsay “neversaynever”

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