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Chapter 9

Chapter 9. Political Parties and politics. Political Parties. political party - people who share similar ideas about the government and work together to get party members elected to political offices How do you join a political party? simply declare yourself a member.

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Chapter 9

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  1. Chapter 9 Political Parties and politics

  2. Political Parties • political party - people who share similar ideas about the government and work together to get party members elected to political offices • How do you join a political party? • simply declare yourself a member

  3. History of Political Parties • not mentioned in the Constitution • Many of the founding fathers did not want political parties to exist in America • First parties started in country with a dispute between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton • Jefferson created the Democratic-Republicans who wanted less power for the national government and more for the states • Hamilton started the Federalistswho wanted a stronger national government

  4. History of Political Parties • By 1828 the Federalists had disappeared and the Democratic-Republicans split and became a new party called the Democrats headed by Andrew Jackson who was supported by small farmers and laborers • A new party replaced the Federalists called the Whigs who was supported large plantation owners and businessmen

  5. History of Political Parties • By 1854 the issue of slavery spilt the country • Anti-slavery Democrats and Whigs merged to form the Republican party • The Democrats and the Republicans have been the major parties ever since

  6. Two-Party System • The United States is said to have a two party system, as only 2 major parties have controlled the government • Those parties today are Democrats and Republicans • One party is always guaranteed on winning a majority • One disadvantage: minority viewpoints are often not heard

  7. Differences in the Major Parties Democrats: • Liberal • Blue-collar worker • Employee • Favor active government • Support welfare programs • Support affirmative action programs • Pro-choice • Minorities Republicans: • Conservative • White-collar worker • Employer • Favor less government • Against welfare programs • Against affirmative action programs • Pro-life • White protestants

  8. Third Parties • There are other parties besides the Democrats and the Republicans in the USA • All smaller parties are called Third Parties • Third parties very rarely ever win an election but can influence it in two ways: • bring attention to issues usually adopted by major parties • “spoiler” role

  9. Important 3rd Parties of the Past • Some third parties have had an impact in this country • Populists-popular in the 1890s, called for direct election of Senators and an 8 hour workday • Progressives-effected the 1912 presidential election by taking votes from the republicans and allowing Woodrow Wilson to win the election for the democrats

  10. Third Parties • Third Parties arise for 1 of 3 reasons: • Single–issue parties: try to get a single idea passed. Once they do, they fade away. EX: Prohibition Party • Ideological parties: focus on changing the country in some way. EX: Socialist Party wants government ownership of industry • Independent candidates: arise around a strong individual. EX: The Independent Party created for H. Ross Perot

  11. Multi-Party System • Most countries have a multi-party system • EX: Canada (3), Germany (5), Israel (20) • all viewpoints can be heard • If no party wins a majority, the party with a plurality (more than anyone else but less than half) must form a coalition (partnership) with another party to get a majority • Problem is these coalitions often breakdown leading to a call for new elections

  12. One-Party Systems • The party and the government are the same thing • Elections are held to pick who is the best to do the parties work, not on any ideas of that party • There is no opposition as it is illegal to work against the party • Not a democracy • EX: China or Iran

  13. National Party Organizations in the United States • Run by a chairperson who manages the office and directs the staff • Leads the fundraising effort for the party • Committees recruit candidates, teach campaign strategies, organize funds and create advertising • Organizes the parties national convention which is held every 4 years • Sets the parties platform-overall strategy and the parties planks-individual ideas in the party platform

  14. 50 State Organizations • Focus on electing party members to state offices such as governor, attorney general, and state legislators • Helps the national committee with their campaigns in that particular state

  15. Local County Organizations • Each state is divided into smaller sections called precincts • Each precinct is led by a precinct captain • They try to register as many people in the party as they can • Their job is to get to know the community and the issues that are important there • Most party work is done at this level

  16. Political Machines • Local parties that are very good at their jobs are called political machines • Guarantee votes and elections in their area • Became powerful at time when there were no government programs to help immigrants • Helped immigrants get jobs, apartments, and medical care in exchange for their vote • Became corrupt or unresponsive to the people • Most famous was Tammany Hall in New York City

  17. Nominating Candidates • Usually done through primary elections-elections in which people chose among several party members to run for the party in the general election • A closed primary-only declared party members can vote • In an open primary-anyone from either party can vote • Most states favor closed primaries so as to ensure only the best candidates are running • If no one wins a majority in a primary, the top two vote getters run against each other in a run-off election

  18. Campaigning • raise money for candidates • write speeches and design advertising campaigns • promote the candidate (hang signs or posters, give out flyers) • register people and get them to the polls on election day

  19. Informing Citizens • inform the public of key issues • Sets up websites, makes pamphlets, buys TV, radio, and newspaper ads

  20. Managing the Government • Work does not end after the election • Helps assign government jobs • Serves as a basis for future job openings

  21. Linking Levels of Governments MAYOR GOVERNOR PRESIDENT • Develops good relationships and working environments • Help each other solve problems

  22. Acting as a Watchdog • The Party that loses the election can watch the other party • This forces the party in control to make sure it is doing its job and following up on its campaign promises • Competition forces the parties to listen to us

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