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Engineering Education and its impact on US Competitiveness   or A country without engineers

Engineering Education and its impact on US Competitiveness   or A country without engineers Geoffrey C. Orsak Dean of Engineering Southern Methodist University dean@engr.smu.edu. Engineering’s Economic Impact.

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Engineering Education and its impact on US Competitiveness   or A country without engineers

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  1. Engineering Education and its impact on US Competitiveness   or A country without engineers Geoffrey C. Orsak Dean of Engineering Southern Methodist University dean@engr.smu.edu

  2. Engineering’s Economic Impact Since the end of WWII, approximately 50% of US economic growth is due to technological innovation. Source: National Academy of Engineering

  3. America Competes Act “It is the unanimous view of our committee that America today faces a serious and intensifying challenge with regard to its future competitiveness and standard of living. Further, we appear to be on a losing path.”

  4. National Center on Education and the Economy “The core problem is that our education and training systems were built for another era… It is not possible to get where we have to go by patching that system. …We can get where we must go only by changing the system itself.”

  5. A blistering critique by Bill Gates …. “America’s high schools are obsolete and are ruining the lives of millions of Americans every year.” Bill Gates to the National Governors Association

  6. Sad Fact: US HS students test in the BOTTOM quartile on international math and science exams. Sad Fact: Less than 15% of US high school graduates have the background to major in engineering or science. Sad Fact: 37% decline in engineering interest by college bound high school seniors over last 12 years

  7. Squeezing out the love to innovate…

  8. Prosperity or Prison … • For every American that obtains an engineering degree, 3 are incarcerated. (Japan: for every 20 engr grads, 1 incarceration) • For every Hispanic, 11 are incarcerated. • For every African American, 27 are incarcerated.

  9. Going Backward? “The next generation may be the first in our country’s history to be worse off than its predecessor” National Academies Study, 2006

  10. Focus on Engineering Enrollments Percentage of US undergraduates taking engineering is the secondlowest of all developed countries. National Science Board: Science and Engineering Indicators 2002

  11. Skilled Energy Workers: An even rarer breed “Demographic Cliff” Half of the personnel in the US energy industry will be eligible for retirement within 10 years.

  12. Texas’ VERY Leaky Education Pipeline Out of every 100 9th graders in Texas • 62 graduate from High School in four years • 32 enter college • 19 are still in college during their 2nd year - 11 will graduate with an associate’s degree in three years or a bachelor’s degree in six years ONE WILL OBTAIN A TECHNICAL/ENGINEERING DEGREE ♂

  13. A Hard Reality Protectionist systems don’t lead to creative solutions. FACT: The US Education system is grounded in protectionist practices.

  14. There is NO Cavalry Coming Fact: YOU own this problem. Fact: YOU are more highly incentivized to fix this problem. Fact: YOU see solutions where others don’t We can do this together!

  15. Get the Fundamentals Right… Proposal 1: Bring market based reforms to the education system – remove protectionist policies Proposal 2: Take risk in order to deliver high returns Proposal 3: Compete to Win

  16. Solutions that Work • Start “Earliest” with teaching innovation and technical skills. • Basic Education in this country ends at the 16th grade. • More time means more learning.

  17. What have we done? Permanently Endowed The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education Created and Deployed Award Winning High School Engineering Curriculum – The Infinity Project Implemented plan to be the first University in the country to achieve gender parity

  18. What Can You Do? • Reinvest in the key technology of the future-PEOPLE • Exxon-Mobil has already stepped up with a minimum $125M investment • The scale of your re-investment strategy should be proportionate to the scale of the problem. • Act in your own self interest! NOW

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